Hello. The plugin wasn’t working in 4+ versions. So, I got the code and fixed it :). I also added friendly map names for Battlefield 4. Feel free to create a fork and add map names for another games ??
]]>Is there a way to integrate it without using the widget since my blog like many don’t use side bars where widgets would go, I use page builder so it would be nice to be able to just add it anywhere in the site preferably via a short code. is there any way of doing that?
]]>Hi there I patched in some caching function… it somehow needs to have some configuration page though… I assume that there is a memcache deamon installed on the local machine if there is the memcached php lib installed… could be better solved but for me it works… maybe it could be made optional via checkbox or so, also somehow configurable cachin times etc.
It is now also compatible to servers/games where never any bots will be like minecraft or bf3 as it just hides this information if it is not set or 0
Also patched the javascript injection, it now will just be once inside the header and not before every widget redefined….
The $dataMapping was done for caching purposes, it also makes the code less instrusive if there is any change to the data source as we would only need to redefine the vars inside the array and would not need to touch the whole script.
Hope you like this patch and maybe integrate it.
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