Hi there,
Thanks for creating this add-on, very useful for Learndash users ??
Before I start detailing the issues I’m experiencing, I should say that I have no problems using standard leaderboards (not limited to users of a certain Learndash group). These leaderboards work fine, as intended, and can display hundreds of users in one or more pages without any performance issue.
This add-on does create a leaderboard for each group, and it does select only users of that group to be displayed in the leaderboards it creates, but it doesn’t work properly when you display one of the created leaderboads:
1) I have 40 users in the group I’m working with currently, and irrespective of the options selected, the leaderboard for that group won’t show more than 9 users. If I set the max number of users to anything higher than 9, it shows only nine users (when it should show up to 40 in that group). They are users from the correct group, but I just can’t display more than 9. If I select a number lower than 9 (for example 3 or 5), the number displayed is correctly adjusted, so this shows that the option works partially and that I’m changing the settings on the correct leaderboard. The other problems listed below still apply irrespective of the number of users shown.
2) The number of users displayed in a Learndash Group Leaderboard are the only users taken into account (so max. 9). For example, if I enable the search feature for that leaderboard, it will only find users in the 9 users subgroup. It won’t find a user from the whole Learndash group if it’s not one of the up to 9 displayed. When using a leaderboard created by the main add-on (so users are not filtered by group), the search function works for all the users, and it will find a user even if it’s not displayed initially in the leaderboard, as it should.
3) The Learndash Group Leaderboard only shows up to 9 random (or first) users, NOT those with the highest score/points/whatever. It doesn’t matter how many criteria you select or show, none of the criteria are taken into account to decide which of these up to nine users are shown, so if a user has more points than any of those randomly selected already displayed, it won’t appear in the group leaderboard. If I only use a single criteria, it still doesn’t work. The same user appears in a “standard” leaderboard fine, so it’s again only a problem with the Learndash Group Leaderboards.
Currently, I have only users from one group acumulating points. If I use a standard leaderbords, the users show up in the leaderboard as they start to get points. If I use the Learndash group leaderboard, these same users that show up at the top of the unfiltered leaderboard will not show in the learndash group leaderboard for that group if they are not part of the random/first 9 users.
Please let me know if you need anything else to reproduce / fix, and thanks again for making this feature available to Learndash users.
EDIT: one more question, it doesn’t seem to be possible to simply create a Leaderboard and assign a specific group in the settings. Could you enable this, so that we can manually create a Learndash Group Leaderboard for a specific group when neeeded? I have more than 20 groups but only need a Leaderboard for a few of them, so it’s annoying to have to create all the leaderboards then delete most of them everytime you want to add one.