Regarding the “Points Award” Option problem.
I have already created some achievements,
In “Points Award–Add New Points Award–Trigger Type–Unlock a specific achievement”
, But there are no specific achievements to choose from here. (please check screenshot)
In the same way, there is no specific option to choose in the “Trigger Type” field, even though I have already created multiple POSTs.
What’s going on? Thank you.
]]>I want to create a separate “feed of logs” for each kind of student using my website. Adults and kids should be in different groups. I tried to single out the student’s “user_id” as shown below, but at the shortcode is written the result is not intended: just the first user shows in the feed.
[gamipress_logs type=”quarks” current_user=”” user_id=”101, 112, 115, 123, 139, 148″ access=”any” limit=”20″ pagination=”yes” orderby=”date” order=”DESC” include=”” exclude=””]
Question 1) How can edit my shortcode so it will show these 6 students instead of just the first one?
Question 2) The point type I should use for this objective shoule the Singular Name, Plural Name or Slug of the point type?
]]>GamiPress has stopped logging progress towards achievements triggered by Learn Dash quiz and lesson completion. The activities are completed in LearnDash but the achievements do not show up on the achievements page or on the progress page: https://www.spanishconsalsa.com/fluency-levels/level-1-conversation-starter/
Putting the labels in my first language is not enough. I also need to translate the whole Gamipress system (words and phrases wording) in order for my users, who are not fluent in English, to understand how they are earn and losing points. How could you help me?
]]>I am using the shortcode “GAMIPRESS_LOGS” to showcase to my users what they have achieved in terms of points, however showing the admin users logs is not only irrelevant but also distracting. I have alredy tried to inser the code ‘exclude=”admin”‘ but it is still showing my logs.
I want it to show only some users logs but when I try to add the relevant users within the tag ‘user_id’ it just shows the first of the list and not more than one.
I am trying to do one of two things: (a) all users excluding admins; or (b) just selected users.
Every modification of the code below was not enough to achieve that. Could you help me?
[gamipress_logs type=”all” current_user=”” user_id=”” access=”any” limit=”202″ pagination=”no” orderby=”date” order=”DESC” include=”” exclude=”testuser”]
]]>I’ve been using the gamipress buttons for a while now, and I don’t know if it was because I changed servers or what, but I just noticed that every time a user clicks a gamipress button to manually collect points for an action, the entire page reloads and that makes it appear at the top of the page.
In my memory I had that this didn’t happen (I’m probably wrong)
And if so, is there a way for the user to press the button and collect the points, so that the entire page doesn’t restart?
2- If I have a problem, what could it be?
More than anything, the fact that the page restarts while collecting points affects the fluidity of the user experience
Thanks for the help ??
]]>I have a quiz maker plugin a game press plugin and also a quiz maker addon game press. I made a quiz with the Quiz Maker plugin and am using the GamiPress plugin to award points to users according to their quiz progress. now, let’s suppose there are 10 questions, if the user gives 5 correct answers, they will be rewarded 5 points. means 1 point for one correct answer. means I want to reward the user 1 point for 1 correct answer now tell me how to make this functionality. I have used many hooks provided by chat GPT but it didn’t work.
]]>Hello Guys, I want to ask
I am using GamiPress for points on my website, and I have a registration form using Zoho Form, but I downloaded the Zoho Form as plain HTML and placed it in the ACF Code Editor.
How can I ensure that when users submit the form I created with the code editor, they will receive points from GamiPress?
Thanks before
Hi, I just installer the GamiPress plugin and a couple of hours later I get all these vulnerabilities warning from Sucuri :
vulnerable WP Fluent Forms plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/fluentform/fluentform.php – Version: 1.0.1 Please update this plugin immediately: https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/16070387-e2b2-4b97-8cd8-cc2db80a3995
vulnerable LearnPress plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/learnpress/learnpress.php – Version: 1.1.1 Please update this plugin immediately: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/75k-wordpress-sites-impacted-by-critical-online-course-plugin-flaws/
vulnerable Download Manager plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/download-manager/download-manager.php – Version: 1.0.0 Please update this plugin immediately: https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/394007c5-7923-46fe-bb4c-2377d66ff900
vulnerable Forminator – Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/forminator/forminator.php – Version: 1.0.9 Please update this plugin immediately: https://www.wordfence.com/threat-intel/vulnerabilities/wordpress-plugins/forminator/forminator-1290-unauthenticated-stored-cross-site-scripting-via-file-upload
vulnerable Ninja Forms plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/ninja-forms/ninja-forms.php – Version: 1.1.1 Please update this plugin immediately: https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/8843d66b-e895-4336-afda-00b99442cdc1
vulnerable Easy Digital Downloads plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/easy-digital-downloads/easy-digital-downloads.php – Version: 1.2.9 Please update this plugin immediately: https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/1fa35321-fc1f-4770-b03c-06ad871dd18f
vulnerable Events Made Easy plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/events-manager/events-manager.php – Version: 1.0.3 Please update this plugin immediately: https://blog.sucuri.net/2022/06/vulnerability-patch-roundup-june-2022.html
vulnerable Jetpack plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/jetpack/jetpack.php – Version: 1.0.0 Please update this plugin immediately: https://jetpack.com/blog/jetpack-12-1-1-critical-security-update/
vulnerable GiveWP plugin found at ./wp-content/plugins/gamipress/integrations/give/give.php – Version: 1.0.0 Please update this plugin immediately: https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/fdf7a98b-8205-4a29-b830-c36e1e46d990/
]]>Previously, this code worked fine on our site to display a progress dial in our header for logged in users:
[um_loggedin show_lock="no"]
<div class="gamipress-header-progress">
[gamipress_progress from="current_rank" rank_type="level"]
[gamipress_user_points label="yes" type="wip" inline="yes"]
This the blue progress dial around the percentage text (e.g. 90%) would show as displayed in the below image and code:
<div class="gamipress-progress-radial-bar" style="background-image: linear-gradient(10.8deg, #0098d7 50%, transparent 50%, transparent), linear-gradient(270deg, #0098d7 50%, #eeeeee 50%, #eeeeee); width: 100px; height: 100px;">
<div class="gamipress-progress-radial-bar-overlay" style="background-color: #fff;">
<div style="display: inline; color: #000;">78%</div>
We aren’t sure if it was an Ultimate Member update, a Gamipress update, or both, but this same code no longer displays the progress dial, and we aren’t sure when it broke. The exact same code with all plugins updated currently displays the percentage text, but now there is no blue progress dial around the text. The HTML element is now this:
<div class="gamipress-progress-radial-bar" style="width: 100px;height: 100px">
<div class="gamipress-progress-radial-bar-overlay" style="background-color: #fff">
<div style="color: #000">78%</div>
However, removing the outer wrapper of UM shortcode – e.g. if we delete the [um_loggedin show_lock=”no”] – then displays the progress dial again. So this code displays the dial fine – and it seems to be the outer UM shortcode that causes the progress dial to not display:
<div class="gamipress-header-progress">
[gamipress_progress from="current_rank" rank_type="level"]
[gamipress_user_points label="yes" type="wip" inline="yes"]
So it seems that the Gamipress progress isn’t working when rendered within an Ultimate Member shortcode like the one above.
So I have been toying around with the plugin. I like it a lot. One suggestion: emails should be off by default. I didn’t realize I was sending emails when testing things out like different ranks and achievements when first setting things up.
I would also have someone go over your documentation as the grammar isn’t correct. Sounds like you guys are foreign. You could have ChatGPT go over it.
I’m also curious how the GamiPress tables are updated (what api? cron?).
So for example I am creating ranks by number of comments. I notice if I change the required number of comments required, nothing changes on the user end.
For example, if I have a rank that requires 5 comments on a post, then change that to 10, the users with five comments still remain in that rank. They should be automatically demoted.
Likewise, if the post-type page is deleted (Rank – levels) the users still retains that rank, even though it doesn’t exist.
Also, if I revoke a user from a higher rank, they now have no rank. They should go back to the previous rank.
That tells me the database isn’t being updated. Not sure if it’s on my end.
]]>So instead of comments, I store the comment data in a custom table and fields. For example, in the custom_comment table, whevenever a user comments it gets stored in the field user_id (so user 78 makes three comments, then three ’78’ appear in user_id). Is there any way to get this plugin to work so that instead of counting the ‘comments’ it would be able to count the ‘custom comments’? Basically, I am trying to set up ranks where users achieve certain ranks by the number of custom_comments. Need to hook into that somehow. Any ideas? Thanks.
Edit: Nevermind, the comments are also in the wp_comments table.
Edit #2: Can’t get the ‘comment on a post’ function to work.
Edit #3: Figured it out. Had to import the comments via Tool –> Recount Activity as wasn’t imported on install.
Achievements menu with the Badges sub menu does not appear once I created my first achievement type.
Thanks for your help,
]]>I’m working on a system to trigger GamiPress rewards for users when anyone scans their unique QR code. Each user has their own unique QR code that encodes a specific URL. The goal is to assign rewards through GamiPress when the QR code is scanned and the associated URL is visited.
I have added the “User Points” widget to my site, which displays the total points earned for activity posts for that user when viewing their profile. The actual points earned (currently) are 40, which is correctly shown in the “User Earnings” and on the user’s profile under the profile photo. However on the widget it’s 30, even after a page refresh, clearing of the GamiPress cache and update to the latest GamiPress version. If a new activity post is made, the points increase on the profile page under the photo, in the user earnings and on the widget all increase by 10, but there is still a 10 points difference. Anyone else come across this issue?
]]>Hay alguna posibilidad a través de código para que luego de que un usuario pinche el botón de desbloquear un logro usando puntos y lo desbloquee , se le redirija a la página del logro?
?como lo podria hacer?
I am trying to understand test emails sent for badges (achievements) earned.
I have some defaults set up in the plugin settings, but I customize the text of the email for the specific badge in the individual badge settings.
But when I try to send a test email, what I get is a placeholder image, “You unlocked the Sample Achievement Type Sample Achievement by completing the following steps:” and some placeholder steps, not what I entered.
The subject is also “Cheryl, you unlocked the Sample Achievement Type Sample Achievement”
How can I get my custom email for the badge to work? And to send the correct test email?
On the email options block where it says things like “Gamification,” and “Receive emails related to points balance movements,” etc, is there anywhere you can edit those phrases? They do not seem to be editable in the block itself and I cannot seem to find any settings to change phrases in the Gamipress plugin. Is there an addon for this, or do I have to use a translation plugin?
]]>I want my users awarded points for clicks on links in the urls they share and would want to know if the [gamipress_referrals_count type="visits"]
will work for this.
Additionally, I want my users awarded points for completing quizzes and surveys and would like to know if Submissions add-on can work for this
I am using the gamipress plugin. Before the users were getting the gamipress points on completing the quiz of learndash. But suddenly it stops working.
Could you please help me to figure out this?
Mi pagina principal de puntos se queda pegada y hace que se cierre la pesta?a cada ves que la edito.
Funcionaba bien hasta ahora, estaba pensando que quisas se jodio por la cantidad de ganancias de puntos que puse.
Hay alguna forma de editar los puntos a traves de ftp o algo apra que me permita editarla?
ya que es la que lleva todo el sistema de puntos de la pagina pero no puedo entrar por wordpress.
como podria solucionar esto?
Tengo un problema con la distribución de puntos, tengo integrado gamipress con tutor lms, donde a los usuarios ganan insignias por aprobar exámenes, las insignias se dividen por categorías al igual que los cursos, el inconveniente que tengo es que al ganar la insignia debería dar una cantidad X de puntos dependiendo de la categoría, si da las insignias, pero los puntos ganados por esa insignia no los da, probé sacando los puntos desde la insignia y asignándolos directamente desde los puntos.(ganar puntos por ganar X insignia), pero tampoco se dispara, la insignia si se da pero los puntos no, pero al otorgarlos manualmente funciona todo a la perfección.
]]>On my website the admi adds the points to each user from the backend (see link). How could this be done from the frontend? Any plugin? Thanks
]]>Hello everyone. I would like to ask a question…
We have an NGO here and I would like to use Gamipress, but I don’t know how I could do it. We have some students here with us and I intend to create a competition, where each student would score points when logging into one of our portals. The problem is that I would like to use a percentage, totaling 100% if the entire class logged in. If half of the class logged in, only 50% would be scored. The idea is for each student to represent a percentage according to the number of students in the class. My goal is to divide the class into three and for everyone to contribute their percentage to total 100% in their class.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible? And how could it be done? I thank you in advance.
]]>This message show Wordfence after scan
Can you refresh the Plugin date that this message no longer appears and we don’t have to put it in the ignore list?
Today, after the plugin update, the woocommerce-paypal-payments plugin generates this error code
and I deactivated the plugin to temporarily solve the problem:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Blocks\wc_terms_and_conditions_page_id() in /home/pratooki/amicodelverde.it/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/modules/ppcp-blocks/extensions.php:47 Stack trace: #0 /home/pratooki/amicodelverde.it/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/CompositeCachingServiceProvider.php(132): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Blocks\BlocksModule->WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Blocks\{closure}(Object(WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\DelegatingContainer), Array) #1 /home/pratooki/amicodelverde.it/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/CompositeCachingServiceProvider.php(131): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\CompositeCachingServiceProvider->WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\{closure}(Object(WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\DelegatingContainer), Array) #2 /home/pratooki/amicodelverde.it/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal- in?/home/pratooki/amicodelverde.it/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/modules/ppcp-blocks/extensions.php?on line?47
I would like to add a point to a user (post author) if someone visits his post.
Is this possible?
Thank you
]]>I’m running a gamified membership with buddyboss and gamipress.
I was studying the skool platform and its point system.
1-Is there a way to give points for likes on buddyboss?
2- Is there a way to make certain learndash courses unlock when reaching a certain level?
Thanks, as always
]]>I don’t think I explained myself well with the previous post, this is the situation I wanted to achieve:
Scenario: I have a gamified buddyboss platform complete with gamipress.
Game mechanics: users earn experience points for each action they take in the forums and groups (10xp for each action)
Every so often (every 3 or 5 posts) they earn coins.
So….., there is no way to:
1- make it so that instead of actions always giving 10xp, they have a variable reward within a range?
2- make the number of actions to reward with coins variable?
3-make the number of coins variable?
I am open to looking for alternative programming ways or solutions to achieve this.
thank you
Im tryng to insert the psychology of variable rewards in my page, its a form of create or program some variable rewards of points or badges , to make more random? or to make upscaling with the level of the user?
i think this its a crucial gamemechanic for 2024 habit forming design