No add item possibility shown to the user when he is connected
when placing the code page gives you only: image, title, author, price
Where is the rest? Where is the option to add item or add my item?
Doesn’t work on multisite. Below is what I get on the page.
Garage Sale
2 Elements ??1??
Picture Title Author Price
2 Elements ??1??
The numeral 1 when clicked displays “there are no posts to display”.
Tried uploading two items with pictures, and I think is why I see “2 Elements”.
There are no pictures in the /upload folder.
Is there a way to make this work on a multisite?
]]>Hello Leo,
Trying to add an item to a newly install GarageSale Plugin but I am running into a resizing error.
Fatal error: GARAGESALE ERROR: resized file cannot be found at ‘/home/content/p/e/n/penfield/html/wp-content/uploads/garagesale/3_1_cell 12-18-13 001.JPG’ in /home/content/p/e/n/penfield/html/wp-content/plugins/garagesale/garagesale.php on line 339
When I look in the uploads/garagesale directory I am seeing the file 3_1_cell 12-18-13 001.JPG
The ABS PATH is correct:/home/content/p/e/n/penfield/html
]]>When I add an item to the GarageSale plug in the text is pushed up to close to the photo and the Price displays in a White text against a white background. I would also like to, if possible, remove the author as I will be uploading all items and the need for the Author is not necessary. It also shows in White text on a white background. Please advise on how I can change these items to make this great plug in functional on my site.
Thank you
i’m trying to use the gargae sale plugin but when activating it the dashboard that I see in the explanation doesn,t come out, so i can not use it, and i love it.
kind regards