Hi, I’m getting follow error when I want to see my spreadsheet.
ERROR: Authentication with Google failed. Reason: BadAuthentication
Any advice?
]]>I have tried putting the following into a page and a post and I cannot get either to work. An error is displayed saying, “ERROR: SET ALL ATTRIBUTES i.e sheet, worksheet, user and pass.”
The shortcode reads as follows:
[gdata_import sheet=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqYxEthPndJ8dDUzXzhzblZfY29GVTJGN216YTNvZUE#gid=0″ worksheet=”PrayerSchedule” user=”learningazigo” password=”thisisnottherealpass”]
]]>Great plugin;
I have some questions;
1.- The user name and password; are the one on gmail? like gmail account and gmail password?
will this work?