День добрый!как сформировать sublID и что вписать в форму на сайте для выгрузки
где скачать можно Плагин GdeSlon Affiliate Shop
]]>Please, use https://github.com/GdeSlon/wp-affiliate-shop/issues support forum for any issues and bugs
I am using https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/gdeslon-affiliate-shop/
plugin with its theme https://plugins.svn.www.ads-software.com/gdeslon-affiliate-shop/trunk/themes/GdeSlon-affiliate-shop-theme-begi.zip
The theme uses customized posts (product posts that downloaded via XML).
I want to include standard posts in front page of the theme, but after i insert the loop it reads that “There are no posts matching your criteria”. However, I have posts https://www.techno-trone.ru/?p=14
Please help me resolve the issues
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