can i use in this plugin for upload images from client side (by url, without login to admin)?
thanks a lot for your plugin, while editing an already created category and particularly the yoast seo area after validation i get this error
Notice: Undefined variable: <strong>term</strong> in wp-content/plugins/gecka-terms-thumbnails/gecka-terms-thumbnails.php on line 720
it has somthing to do with => A non-empty file will pass this test in your code, but i already have an image defined on this category.
Any luck ?
]]>How do I list the images for a custom tax (that was enabled in the function.php)?
Real world examples would be best, if possible.
I can’t find any documentation on how to implement this.
Please share exactly how to use this with a few examples on how to list categories on a page with their icons, such thst both the images and text, in the listing, click through to the category archive page, and how to display the image in the headline of the category archive page.
Please share the image size restrictions, as well as ways to disregard the image size restrictions.
I’m in the latest version of WordPress and cannot get a function to work. Please point me to a place where the plugin is supported. I went to the site for the plugin and found no documentation or support. I sent an email and did not receive a reply.
I’ve moved my database from one domain to another and my taxonomies lost thumbnails attached to them. Is there any workaround for this?
]]>When I use get_the_term_thumbnail it outputs a width and height in the HTML. How can I get it to leave it out?
echo get_the_term_thumbnail($category->cat_ID, 'category', $size = 'medium', $attr = '');
<img width=”300″ height=”262″ src=”https://kennethyang.com/wp-content/uploads/terms-images/category/finishcube-medium.jpg” class=”attachment-medium category-thumbnail” alt=”Test Finish” title=”Test Finish” />
]]>When I change thumbnail size to anything else than default, plugin does not generate that thumbnail. For example: if I set medium thumbnail size to 180×60 instead of 150×150, plugin won’t generate *-medium.jpg.
]]>I have used the functions “get_the_term_thumbnail” and “the_term_thumbnail” in a project from a few months ago with great success. Now on a new project the commands don’t seem to be doing anything, and my uploaded thumbnails are not displaying properly on the admin side.
Is there a problem with the plugin as of WP 3.3? I can’t think of another reason things wouldn’t be working. I’m using the same code that I have used successfully in the past.
This plugin seemed like the only one that would work well for taxonomy images and I’d love to be able to use it still.
I installed this plugin – and the option to add an image now only shows for categories. On any other taxonomy – the post tags or custom taxonomy – the option to add an image to a term does not exist.
Is this plugin not aimed at all taxonomy types? Is it only working for categories?
]]>Hi everyone.
I was trying to use the ‘has_term_thumbnail’ function unsuccessfully until I change the code at line 763 in the file ‘gecka-terms-thumbnails.php’
I replace this :
if( ! function_exists('has_term_thumbnail') ) {
function has_term_thumbnail ( $term_id, $size=null ) {
return Gecka_Terms_Thumbnails::has_term_thumbnail( $term_id, $size=null );
by this :
if( ! function_exists('has_term_thumbnail') ) {
function has_term_thumbnail ( $term_id, $size=null ) {
return Gecka_Terms_Thumbnails::has_term_thumbnail( $term_id, $size );
Just getting rid of ‘=null’ in the class’ call and it works !
Don’t know if it’s a typing error in the original code or not.
Anyway, I hope this will help some of you guys
Thanks for all great knowledge you already shared
]]>Hi all –
This is a fantastic slice of code, that operates perfectly on the admin end. Unfortunately there is little information on how to add thumbnails to a template.
I’m attempting to add a list of categories with their respective thumbnails, to my homepage template. Any idea how to call for the category thumbs?
My current code is as follows:
<?php $categories=get_categories('hide_empty=0&orderby=id&child_of=62');
foreach($categories as $category) {
echo '<p>term_id ) . '" title="' . sprintf( __( "View all posts in %s" ), $category->name ) . '" ' . '>' . $category->name.' </p> ';
echo '<p>'. $category->description . '</p>'; }
Thanks for any help you can provide!
– Reed
]]>Plugin not resize images, there are only oryginal images in folder.
In admin I can’t see images.