Is there a way to make multiple carousel?
I would like to display carousels in category page template pulling post by category.
I’ve noticed that there is a lack of basic functionality of carousel indicators. And by indicators I mean little radio buttons, or circles or boxes that will show user how many slides there are in this Carousel and which slide is being displayed right now.
Do you plan to add such functionality? Or maybe it is already there in the code and I missed it? ??
Best regards,
]]>I love the bootstrap for genesis slider plugin you have created but I am having a small problem which does not seem to have an obvious solution.
Once installed on this dev site ‘’ the slider works perfectly on desktop browsers but starts to drop slides when viewed on tablet (ipad, android) and mobile devices (iphone, android).
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Keep up the great work.
]]>I have installed the carousel and it seems to work OK.
I would like to HIDE the carousel completely on narrow screens. How do I do this?
I have already selected the option to hide caption on small screens, but that leaves photos that don’t make sense.
Genesis Bootstrap Carousel: 0.1.2
Theme: Curb Appeal over Genesis 2.0.1
Mobile: Android 4.3
]]>Hi Justin,
I have a site with two Custom Post Types.
I would like to be able to show the most recent posts from both of them in one slider, but I’ve been unable to find a way of doing so.
Any help much appreciated
]]>I am using the Focus theme on Genesis 1.9.2. The Carousel is showing my 2 test images in a column with the left right scroll at the bottom. I know I submitted a prior help request awhile back and didn’t get a resolution. Want to try again with Carousel on a new site. Any ideas? Here is the link to the home page where it’s showing the 2 images.
I’m using the plugin and it’s pulling the content from the page. But not of the formatting is being applied. HTML Tags also don’t seem to work. One of the slides I want to make has bullet points. Is there a way to set it so that I can apply formatting?
]]>The slider created by this plugin has the habit of disappearing – this seems to happen every time I activate/deactivate another plugin.
So, all of sudden, my homepage no longer shows the slider. I then have to go pick up the widget again and place it again on the sidebar.
Should I just live with this, replace this with another plugin that does not misbehave in the way that this one does or maybe there is a fix for this?
]]>Hi, I am using Genesis and the Modern Portfolio Child Theme from StudioPress.
Installed and set the settings:
Listed 6 Post IDs to include.
Number of Slides to Show: 1
Number of Posts to Offset: 0
Only to show on PageID 5 (which is set as the home page).
Checked the box for Use html5 doctype? (I also tried it w/o checking the box (no change)
I only want one image to show at a time and I have a total of 6 images. The Posts each have their own featured image.
All other items are set to their defaults
website link
Can you tell me what I am missing to make the carousel slide?
]]>I am trying to add posts to the carousel from multiple post types and have tried adding:
‘post_type’ => ‘post-type1′,’post-type2’,
to your suggested filter added to my theme functions file but find that anything added to that filter has no effect.
Do you have any suggestions what to try next?
Thanks for your help
Is there any way to disable the autoslide?
]]>Is there a shortcode or php so i can use this in a theme template file or content area rather than widget area?
Thanks for your plugin. It is a great addition to the Genesis Framework. Quick question…is there an easy way to add tags? I’d like to display the tags somewhere within the widget, but do not want to tear apart your plugin if you have an easy way.
Thanks again,
]]>This is a great plugin, thank you for creating it!
My only issue is that the post title looks like it is appearing behind the transparent black bar on most of my “slides.” If it’s not actually behind the bar, it’s a faded dark gray that is barely legible against the black bar. I have the options set to display only the title, and not the content. The hover state of the text is working. I am using the genesis child theme “news.”
Also, I’m not proficient at tinkering with code or css, but I will try if that’s where the solution lies. Here’s my page:
Thanks for your help!
]]>There was a bit of nomenclature confusion in my mind regarding this plugin. I blame Boostrap, simply because you were only following their convention… What I came looking for was a carousel and what I got was a slider.
This is a bit pedantic, but a carousel typically refers to the rotation of multiple objects (in this case, I wanted to show an array of featured images with captions) that get cycled through, a few at a time. A slider, on the other hand, usually refers to the replacement of a single image/post by another.
Regardless, your plugin works quite nicely and I think I do like it better than the Genesis Responsive Slider.
You wouldn’t happen to have any inclination toward creating a Genesis featured image carousel that shows multiple featured posts/images from posts and/or pages, would you?
]]>The settings section does not show up for me, using a default installation of wordpress 3.4.2 with no other plugins or themes.
I’m pretty new at this so this question might sound stupid to you. But I’ve heard that there are no such tings as stupid questions… ??
When installing the Carousel plugin i follow you to step 3.
Where do I find the Genesis > Carousel Settings ` menu?
What do you mean by “Configure the carousel” and how do you do it?
Take Care
== Installation ==
1. Upload the entire genesis-bootstrap-carousel
folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
1. DO NOT change the name of the genesis-bootstrap-carousel
1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
1. Navigate to the Genesis > Carousel Settings
1. Configure the carousel
1. In the “Widgets” screen, drag the “Genesis Bootstrap Carousel” widget to the widget area of your choice