For the foreseeable future, WP Engine teams cannot log in to
Where plugin updates are made available by WP Engine directly, plugins owned by WP Engine may be updated using guidance shared on their related web pages.
]]>I noticed the template loader needs updating. I didn’t work out why but i had to remove the filter add_filter( 'template_include', 'gencwooc_template_loader', 20 );
I was getting a blank page, with only a title. When I went to edit with Elementor, it gave me an unable to load the page error.
When I entered safe mode, it suggested disabling plugins. The first one I chose was genesis connect for WooCommerce, and the error disappeared.
Any thoughts? The only way to proceed for now is to keep this pugin disabled. magazine pro theme – genesis framework
Does this plugin offer an option to activate the Gutenburg Block Editor on the product page template? I’ve tried the suggested functions snippets and am certain its because of the Genesis Connect (which I am very happy with).
If not do you have any suggestions on how to update the Genesis Connect product template for this?
Thanks in advance. JS
]]>Can you guys please make this plugin compatible with WooCommerce feature ‘High-Performance order storage (COT) It is not compatible.
]]>I wondered why the featured image was not displaying in the shop page, blamed it on woocommerce then checked by deactivating Genesis Connect for WooCommerce, lo and behold, the featured image now displays though it fubars the category archive pages in many ways.
Why? What purpose is served by disabling the featured image for the main store page?
]]>Due to comments like
* This template displays the archive for Products.
* @package Genesis_Connect_WooCommerce
* @version 0.9.8
* @since 0.9.0
* Note for customisers/users: Do not edit this file!
* ==================================================
* If you want to customise this template, copy this file (keep same name) and place the
* copy in the child theme's woocommerce folder, ie themes/my-child-theme/woocommerce
* (Your theme may not have a 'woocommerce' folder, in which case create one.)
* The version in the child theme's woocommerce folder will override this template, and
* any future updates to this plugin won't wipe out your customisations.
We are seeing this under WooCommerce status
site/woocommerce/archive-product.php version 0.9.8 is out of date. The core version is 3.4.0,
site/woocommerce/single-product.php version 0.9.8 is out of date. The core version is 1.6.4
This seems to not be related to WooCommerce version used but comment setup in files. And when you copy them over to your theme you get these warnings. Perhaps there is a solution for this so users do not need to get confused?
]]>Clover Payment Gateway for WooCommerce recently updated and provides for inline credit card forms that are on the checkout page, instead of another page. After much testing, we have confirmed that the issue seems to stem from the current Genesis theme. Using any inline gateway (we also used the Stripe gateway for testing), causes the loading hourglass/page refresh loop that was experienced. Meanwhile, the ‘Byvex WooCommerce Starter’ theme causes no issues with either payment gateway, both gateways have successful payments. You can see the loop from the front end of this site, if you add a class enrollment to the cart and get to the checkout page. Each time you hit refresh you see the loading hourglass starting again.
]]>make my featured image blank,
but anyother function still working
Is StudioPress abandoning this plugin? Eleven months without an update….
]]>This plugin has been broken for close to a year, @corinneolson.
When activated in three sites, the product page no longer shows the first thumbnail, a different thumbnail in the larger image spot, zoom on hover, or the magnifying lens to open the lightbox slideshow.
Two other posts reference this same issue: and
I have the plugin enabled on the above referenced site I have had to disable the plugin on this site using a modified Modern Portfolio child theme, and on this site using a modified Hello Pro theme because the same thing happened on them.
If no-one is able to update the plugin, can you tell me how to modify it to NOT use GCW single-product.php? There are too many WooCommerce files related to single product to know which to put in a custom theme folder. I tried commenting out lines 62-64 of template loader so as not to load the single-product.php file, but this caused a white screen.
Please help us get back the thumbnail functionality.
]]>I am using the genesis theme Jessica by 9seeds and the genesis/woocommerce connector. However I am finding that woocommerce is preventing the blog sidebar on my blog page from showing. If I disable woocommerce the sidebar shows.
Thanks for any help here
]]>Hi there! This plugin is creating memory spikes making it impossible for us to use the shop page. When I disable the plugin, the problem is fixed. Here were some of the error logs:
When we activate your plugin, the “Barn2 Wholesale Pro” plugin product table is displayed twice. The developers tell us that your plugin adds the [product_table] shortcode twice.
So WooCommerce 5.0.0 is flagging a couple of the Genesis Connect for WooCommerce templates:
archive-product.php version 0.9.8 is out of date. The core version is 3.4.0,
single-product.php version 0.9.8 is out of date. The core version is 1.6.4
Archive-product.php itself needs a little cleanup (if you’re currently running Woo 1.6.0, U have a real problem). The file just calls genesiswooc_content_product() in \lib\template-loader.php which upon inspection looks OK. So you just need to update the supported version ( @version 5.0.0) in archive-product.php to clear the error.
Same is true for single-product.php
It would be nice if the author would go through the plugin and do a full compatibility check.
]]>I just want to know about the compatibility of this plugin.
Since there are number of developers that provide Genesis Framework child themes, I just wanted to make sure before going out and buying one.
I would like to know the following regarding this plugin:
1. Does it work with third-party themes? How about the one’s from outside of StudioPress? (i.e.,
2. Can you use WooCommerce in Genesis Framework without this plugin? Is there going to be a problem?
3. If I use this plugin, does the theme that doesn’t have “eCommerce (WooCommerce) compatibility” work?
]]>I added a comment to this post:, but no-one has responded. I have the same issue with two Genesis sites. Broken on products of this site, example: (modified child theme Gallery Pro). Not only does it not show the lightbox, it misses displaying the first image in the thumbnails. This happened a half year ago at least. I saw the same problem in a second site and realized it was due to Genesis Connect for Woo. It breaks the thumbnail hover and lightbox in this site, too, but I couldn’t live with that so I deactivated it: (modified child theme Hello Pro).
]]>We have the following message in our Installed plugin list,
Heads up! The versions of the following plugins you’re running haven’t been tested with the latest version of WooCommerce (4.8).
Plugin: Genesis Connect for WooCommerce
Tested up to WooCommerce version 4.4.0
Are you able to advise us if Genesis Connect for WooCommerce will work OK with the latest version of WooCommerce (4.8) or how best to manage the situation please?
]]>Hi there,
I’m having a problem applying the password protection to the products.
It’s complicating with Genesis Connect for WooCommerce plugin.
But it works fine íf I deactivate the plugin.
Please help me solve this issue.
]]>A form should load after selecting add to cart but nothing happens. The developer with Gravity Forms Add-on says the issue is with my theme. Sent me an error message:
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: div[class^=”front-page-“] a[href*=#] :not([href=#])
at Function.ea.errror (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at ea.tokenize (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at Function.ea [as find] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at n.fn.init.find (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at new n.fn.init (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (global.js?ver=1.0.0:18)
at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
This issue started after updating wordpress and woocommerce along with others.
Also under Woocommerce Status is shows: Genesis Connect for WooCommerce by StudioPress – 1.1.1 – Installed version not tested with active version of WooCommerce 4.5.2
Any help would be great.
]]>Hi Everyone. I hope you can help us??!
Our developer has identified an issue with the plugin where it is breaking the wordpress jquery, resulting in an error that prevents our product’s description, imagery and review tabs being shown.
He’s also said Genesis is definitely not compatible with woocommerce (they are using a plugin as a workaround).
Please can someone help us resolve this as we’ve just won a top award for our products and are seeing increased traffic so are desperate to fix it.
thanks so much in advance
Hello, using the latest versions of WP (5.5.1) and Genesis (3.3.3) and Showcase Pro (2.0.2) with WooCommerce (4.5.2). Also latest version of this plugin 1.1.1
With all other plugins switched off except woocommerce and this plugin, lightbox stops working and instead of popping up in overlay, it takes you directly to the image. Only issue with genesis themes.
If I change the ‘Product Category Base’ (set at ‘product_category’), the ‘Product Tag Base’ (set at ‘product_tag’ or the Custom Base (set at ‘/product/’) to any other word, I get a 404 page.
I’m trying to change my Custom Base to any other word replacing ‘/product/’, but I just can’t.
I’ve found a few solutions, but they seem to stop working with the current versions of Genesis/WooComerce.
Can somebody give a currently working example to do this?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Using following code to add line break in titles.
add_filter( 'the_title', 'custom_the_title', 10, 2 );
function custom_the_title( $title, $post_id ) {
$post_type = get_post_field( 'post_type', $post_id, true );
//if( $post_type == 'product' || $post_type == 'product_variation' )
$title = str_replace( '|', '<br/>', $title );
return $title;
Title could be like “Row 1 | Row 2” and | (pipe) will be replaced by <br/>
and result in browser will be:
Row 1
Row 2
This works great for all pages/products but a couple of weeks ago <br/>
will not be transformed.
It will now be: Row 1 <br/> Row 2
When Genesis Connect for WooCommerce plugin is deactivated everything works.
We use a Genesis based theme with Genesis Connect. However, when we try to add an elementor template as the shop page, Genesis Connect seems to break it and it does not show the template.
Hi, When I activate the plugin, the product image losses the ability to zoom.
Latest vesions of Woo, Genesis and Altitude Pro child theme..
Any thoughts?
Site is
Plugin not active currently on the site
]]>The Genesis WooCommerce Connect plugin is causing the columns to be removed on the store page. All the other pages are okay. I saw someone had a similar problem, but their solution wasn’t relevant. I did however also go through all my plugins to see if there was a conflict, but didn’t find one. Any thoughts what the problem might be?
]]>In order to display the Breadcrumbs on WooCommerce, I need to enable the Breadcrumbs on Archives in the Genesis Settings. This is also forcing the display of the breadcrumbs on my blog post archives which I do not want. If I uncheck the box, all breadcrumbs go away including the shop. Is there a way to display the breadcrumbs only on WooCommerce product pages?
]]>If have added the custom code in my child theme.
now i want to apply condition
if (!empty(data.variation.note_field){echo "text exists"}else{do_something....}
<table class="my_account_orders product_spec_tbl">
What is the status of this plugin?
I’m getting these error/advisory messages in wp-admin:
1. Please install and activate Genesis Connect for WooCommerce to enable WooCommerce support for Magazine Pro.
2. Genesis Connect for WooCommerce is untested with your version of WordPress
3. When it is installed (but inactive) there is a message saying it’s incompatible with WooCommerce.