There is no compatible area in customizer to put the Genesis Simple Edits info in.
I’m using the Essence Pro theme- I use this plugin because I don’t see anywhere in the theme to edit the metadata under each post (author etc.) Is there a workaround for this in Essence Pro? I hide the author info and categories and only show date published under each post title. I’m happy to stop using the plug-in if I can do this another way, but I don’t see the functionality for it!
Thank you for this great plugin. Will you be releasing a version that says it is compatible with WordPress 5.6?
Kind regards
Thank you for this great plugin. Will you be releasing a version that says it is compatible with WordPress 5.5.1?
Kind regards
]]>Hi, how can I do add the post date above the post and add the post category below the title post?
I’m done with inserting the post category below the title but the problem I can add the post date above the title
hope you can help me?
Link of I want to achieve
Links of current development:
I am using the genesis featured posts plugin in my home page to display recent posts. The plugin is configured to display lists sorted by published date, but I always random posts appear on top. Is this a bug, can someone help?
]]>I am trying to use the simple edits plug in to edit the copyright footer text. No matter what I put in the Footer Output it does not change the footer at all- it just keeps the theme information.
I’m not sure if I’m not using correct code or if it just is not working.
Any suggestions?
When I updated this plugin to version 2.3.0 the content on the home page changed. See and compare to On the https site, there is some central content which disappeared! I’ve replicated this by recreating the dev site and updating to the latest version of Genesis. All was fine until I then went and updated this plugin.
Any ideas why this might happen?
]]>The “Footer Credits Text” field disappears after running the newest update. Furthermore, if there was custom footer code in that field at the time of running the update there’s no way to edit or remove it after the update.
Had to roll back to an older version of the plugin.
Any idea on when this will be fixed?
]]>I noticed that this plugin now only works with Genesis 3.X. What I didn’t realize until recently is that XHTML sites are not compatible with Genesis 3. Thus, this plugin just stopped working on a lot of our older Genesis sites.
It’s gonna take some time to update the CSS on the old sites. Would be great to have a fall back here!
I am using your plugin with this:
di [post_author] | Esperto Cessione del Quinto <i class=”fa fa-clock-o” aria-hidden=”true”></i> Aggiornato il [post_modified_date]
To edit the entrymeta.
Is there anyway that i can make the text “Esperto Cessione del Quinto” to change based on the category that the post is in?
For example I have 3 categorie:
Category A
Category B
Category C
Right now I have the same text in every category, what i would like is that the entry meta changes:
If i go into a category A post it would say Category A expert, if I go into a category B post it would show Category B expert, etc.
]]>Hi Guys,
I recently updated a development site to WordPress 5.2.2, Genesis Framework 3.0.1 and Genesis Sample 3.0.1. After updating, I noticed that the inline SVG (a pumpkin) in the footer no longer displays.
The code (see below) is intact and unchanged in the Genesis Simple Edits Footer Output box, but everything between (and including) the SVG tags is being removed from the final rendered HTML. I’ve tried deleting the code, re-adding and saving again, without success.
* The staging version of the same site has NOT been updated, and the inline SVG displays as expected.
Any ideas on what might be causing this?
I can share links, but would prefer to do so privately.
Many thanks.
WP Engine
PHP 7.3
WordPress 5.2.2
Genesis Framework 3.0.1
Genesis Sample theme 3.0.1
Genesis Simple Edits 2.2.1
Genesis Simple Edits Footer Output:
<p>[footer_copyright first="1996" before="Copyright "] · Bay Area Glass Institute · Sharing the poetry of glass · San Jose, California · Built by Ern Berck Digital</p>
<div class="plp-svg-device"><svg aria-hidden="true" data-prefix="fal" data-icon="pumpkin" class="svg-inline--fa fa-pumpkin fa-w-18 plp-svg-color" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M494.75 110.52C460.24 77.96 409.33 71.33 368 90.9V51.8c0-12.2-6.78-23.17-17.69-28.62L310.69 3.36c-7.97-3.97-17.38-4.45-25.66-1.27-8.31 3.16-15 9.72-18.34 18.03l-28.7 71.75c-4.78 2.44-9.4 5.19-13.74 8.38-43.41-30.29-103.78-26.76-143 10.26C28.84 159.92 0 225.78 0 295.95c0 70.16 28.84 136 81.25 185.4 39.19 36.98 99.53 40.6 143 10.28C252.04 512.08 286.62 512 288 512c6.57 0 37.2-.83 63.75-20.37 19.5 13.59 42.38 20.36 65.22 20.36 28.12 0 56.16-10.23 77.78-30.63C547.16 431.96 576 366.11 576 295.94s-28.84-136.02-81.25-185.42zM288 479.9c-121.09 0-124.26-367.9 0-367.9 121.22 0 124.21 367.9 0 367.9zm8.41-447.91L336 51.8v39.11c-18.21-8.78-38.95-11.99-59.17-10.01l19.58-48.91zM103.19 458.08C57.28 414.79 32 357.21 32 295.94s25.28-118.85 71.19-162.15c27.8-26.21 72.02-28.34 102.97-6.68-28.62 41.25-42.21 104.24-42.21 167.23 0 52.79 9.19 102.67 25.88 140.47 5.17 11.71 10.89 21.14 16.78 29.63-30.94 21.97-75.46 19.99-103.42-6.36zm369.62 0c-27.75 26.15-71.82 28.31-102.74 6.86 28.51-41.31 41.97-104.37 41.97-167.27 0-64.23-13.7-128.43-42.56-170.31 30.92-21.91 75.37-19.93 103.33 6.44C518.72 177.09 544 234.67 544 295.94s-25.28 118.85-71.19 162.14z"></path></svg></div>
I’m aware that it is possible and quite easy do change the entry meta to show “post modified date” instead of “post date”.
What I wanted to know: is there any way that I could change this to a per post basis? Because sometimes all I do is update a few links and don’t want to display the date the post was modified, only when I actually make significant changes to the content.
If not through the Simple Edits plugin, maybe at the post edit page?
Thank you!
]]>I use Metro Pro theme. In Simple Edits Settings, in “Entry Meta (below content)”, when I place this code:
[post_categories sep=”, ” before=”Category: “] [post_tags sep=”, ” before=”Tag: “]
…the result is that in each Single posst I get Category and Tag names under my post. Category name and Tag name are shown each on a separate row, though.
How to place Category Name and Tag name on one row?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. In earlier vesrions of Metro Pro like 2.0.1 theme both Category and Tag names were on one row. In Metro Pro 2.2.2 this is not the case. Could it be a theme issue?
]]>Post dates display on but not on the individual post. I may be missing something really simple but how do I achieve this? Thanks in advance
]]>I would like the first two or so faqs to be open on a page. Is there a way to do this?
– Mira
]]>Dear Support,
I am currently auditing my site and checking 3rd party compliance to the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect in May 2018.
Since I am using your plugin, I have a couple of questions regarding this topic:
– Is Genesis Simple Edits setting cookies with personal information from visitors (like IP-address)?
– Is Genesis Simple Edits collecting, storing and/or sending personal information from visitors (IP-address, etc.) locally and/or externally?
In case that you are storing/sending and/or processing visitors’ information:
– Are the IP addresses only stored anonymously, i.e. without the last octet?
– What are you doing with the stored information?
– Do you share the data with 3rd parties? If yes, have you concluded appropriate contracts with the subcontractors that commit the subcontractors equally to data protection?
– When will the user data stored by you (in particular cookies) be deleted?
– Do you offer opt-out options for users (if yes, how are they implemented)?
– Can you provide us with a Data Processing Agreement including technical and organisational protection measures as well as an overview of the subcontractual relationships for signature?
In case you operate in the US and you are storing/sending and/or processing visitors’ information:
– Do you offer legally recognised guarantees for the level of data protection (e.g., EU Standard Contractual Clauses or Privacy Shield)?
Thanks in advance for your replay!
Best regards
Any way to have it appear like ? Copyright 1998 – 2018 Your Company Name
I’ve looked to find a shortcode for biz started date to current and haven’t found anything anywhere.
]]>Is it normal behaviour that when I install the plugin the footer isn’t visible until I save settings?
]]>Really would like to remove the theme I purchased back links to their website and company name from the footer of my site. I have used simple edits genesis plugin and deleted all coding but nothing is removing the footer. Pretty clueless when it comes to PHP please help ??
Thank you in advance !
]]>I have Simple Edits installed on a Genesis with Twenty Seven Pro. Comments are enabled for the site. The plugin is working fine for all edits, however, the comment shortcode is not working.
I am trying to use it both in the entry meta above and below but nothing is displayed in either place.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
]]>When I add [post_comments] it will show the number of comments and this is a link to the comments, but when I close a post for further comments it doesn’t show anything. Can it be shown if a post has comments but has been closed for further comments?
]]>Hi, I have “By [post_author_posts_link] [post_comments]” designated for the “above content” for my blog post page. This works fine. I designated ” [post_categories] [post_tags]” for the “below content”, but nothing comes up. What do I do?
i have installed imagely ansel theme which used several front page widgets and a huge footer.
my footer now just reduces to my name and i have removed all widgets on home pages except titles
so i’d like to have my home page just the slideshow without footer (so without vertical scroll bar like :
remove footer from all pages too
i can install genesys simple edits but what must i do then ?
best regards
What is the code to get the phone number to show up in the footer in Genesis Simple Edits??
Tried – +1 (555) 555-5555
Then – (555)555-5555
There is a space between the two rows of info like it’s there but there’s nothing there. Nothing to click on. Nothing . . .
]]>I’d like to display gravatar next to author’s name in entry meta above posts.
I’m using your plugin for customization entry metas.
But it seems there is no shortcode for displaying author’s gravatar.
Here’s an article showing what I’d like to achieve.
I followed this tutorial, but from some reason, I didn’t get to manage the gravatar to show.
Maybe there’s a conflict when using Genesis Simple Edits plugin.
I’ll appreciate any help.
]]>Genesis Simple Edits are not working anymore for the latest version of WordPress. please update your plugin.
I’m honestly not sure if these are plugins or default features, but I cannot find a way to hide the “RELATED POSTS” without the thumbnails (below) and the small social icons at the bottom.
For the related posts: The “related posts” above (with the thumbnails) is through JetPack. Otherwise I have no related post plugin and can’t find anywhere in the setting, appearances, or editor to edit the RELATED POSTS below it.
For the icons: I’ve deleted all social icon plugins I had and unchecked the “share” button in the post editor. They’re still there.
I’m using Genesis 2.5.0 with Babette child theme.
Thank you for any help you can provide!
When I activate this plugin, the child theme and widget edits to the author/date/comment lines are ignored. As soon as I deactivate this plugin, the site returns to the theme defaults.
]]>Hello, I need help..I would like to temporarily remove this plugin. Unfortunately I tried to change it but with bad results. Now you can not see my site, the following statement appears:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘class’ (T_CLASS), expecting ‘,’ or ‘)’ in /home/tamarabe/public_html/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-edits/includes/class-genesis-simple-edits-admin.php on line 63
How can I do?
Thank you