Hey team,
The LinkedIn share button seems to be working inconsistently for me. On URLs I haven’t yet attempted to share, I get a message that says “Something went wrong; Refresh the page” with a “Try Again” button underneath. I’m wondering if there is a similar issue here to the Twitter one that was recently solved out.
]]>The share on twitter link isn’t working correctly. It goes to a page not found error message.
]]>Are there any plans to update the plugin to support the new X icon?
]]>Hi –
I am writing to let you know you have a bug in your code that has the effect of confusing Safari Mobile to the point that mobile navigation is completely broken. The bug disappears when your plugin is disabled so you are definitely the culprit.
The issue is that e.indexOf should instead be e.toString().indexOf in the following
S.fn.load = function(e, t, n) {
var r, i, o, a = this, s = e.indexOf(" ");
return -1 < s && (r = yt(e.slice(s)), e = e.slice(0, s)), m(t) ? (n = t, t = void 0) : t && "object" == typeof t && (i = "POST"), 0 < a.length && S.ajax({ url: e, type: i || "GET", dataType: "html", data: t }).done(function(e) { o = arguments, a.html(r ? S("
").append(S.parseHTML(e)).find(r) : e)
}).always(n && function(e, t) {
a.each(function() {
n.apply(this, o || [e.responseText, t, e])
Looks related to
Here is the stack trace:
query.min.js?ver=3.6.3:2 Uncaught TypeError: e.indexOf is not a function
at S.fn.load (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.3:2:85207)
at waypoints.js:515:15
at waypoints.js:20:14
at waypoints.js:14:3
at waypoints.js:520:4
If you’re not keeping it up-to-date.
Please remove.
Currently I see no over 1 year old issues were fixed.
Hello, thank you for the plugin. I am wondering if this plugin is no longer supported and has reached its end of life?
Kind regards.
I want to remove the button animation when loading.
The animation is hurting my speed as directed in Google Page Speed Insight.
Issue: Avoid non-composited animations 4 animated elements found.
Animations which are not composited can be janky and increase CLS.
Please help me to remove the animation from the share icon loading. Also, consider adding a remove option in the next update.
This is a kind request because we love Genesis’s simple share.
Hi Guy’s, I have a news page on genesis monochrome theme that I have added a grid block for my posts. In the back end it populates fine, but in the front end I see this code above every excerpt and don’t know how to get rid of it:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-27624’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘***/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-27624’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘***/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘***’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-27624’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘***/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); });
Will you be releasing a version that says it is compatible with WordPress 5.6?
Kind regards
]]>Hi… I switched to this plug-in because it’s simple and doesn’t track user activity. However, it conflicts with the Aggregate all linked JS-files option of Autoptimize. This is a good feature of A.O. because it provides a non-trival performance boost. Do you know of any work arounds?
Thanks. Joe
]]>I’m trying to add a heading that says “Please Share!” before the share buttons, how do I approach this?
]]>How to use it with wigetized Home Page?
]]>Hi, I love this plugin, but on Woocommerce single product pages, it outputs the icons multiple times on the page – e.g. before/after the product short description and the regular product description.
Until recently, I was able to control the output of the Simple Share icons using a shortcode I found on GitHub and Woocommerce Content Blocks, but that code doesn’t seem to be working anymore after recent updates.
Can you please add a shortcode option so that we can better limit and control where the icons go? Or maybe more options to limit where they show up in Woocommerce?
Thank you!
]]>How to translate the button texts, like “Share” in Genesis Simple Share plugin?
]]>I’m building out a page using Thrive Architect, and using a post list to feature posts from a specific category. When I do this, the link to read more is replaced by the Genesis Simple Share icons, as can be seen in the screenshot below:
My Simple Share setting are set to display after the content on posts, so this setting seems to be carrying through to a post list as well as the post itself.
I’ve been running a couple of tests, and can confirm that when I deactivate Genesis Simple Share the post list displays as it should. It seems like the plugin is:
– Removing the ahref for the “read more” link for each post in the list
– Placing the social icons in a “share-after” div
Example page here: https://confidence.coach/leadership-articles/ (password: excerpt)
I’ve tried removing the icons through CSS with the style below:
.tcb-post-list .share-after {
display: none;
This works, but as the plugin also removes the “read more” link it’s still not right. I’d love to be able to force GSS to *not* display on a post list, *not* on specific pages, or *only* on posts.
I’d love any input on fixing this one ??
The Social Share Icons are not showing in the dashboard as well as frontend. here is the screenshot. https://ibb.co/gy627j0
]]>I am moving off of facebook and on to MeWe. Would be great to have a share to MeWe button in this plugin.
]]>This is a test for a feed bot, feel free to ignore
is it possible to display the share buttons in a custom location with a shortcode or widget?
I’m using the following to output the Simple Share icons in a custom file:
if( function_exists( 'genesis_share_get_icon_output' ) ) {
global $Genesis_Simple_Share;
echo '<div class="share-icons">';
echo '<div class="share-icons__icon"></div>';
genesis_share_icon_output( 'icons__con', $Genesis_Simple_Share->icons );
echo '</div>';
It works fine locally (Local by Flywheel) but when I push to WPEngine I receive the following error.
: Trying to get property ‘icons’ of non-object (on the genesis_share_icon_output line).
When I do a var_dump of $Genesis_Simple_Share on WPE it returns NULL, but locally it returns the object.
Any ideas?
]]>Not sure what happened. My Facecbook share icon no longer has a number count. The first image you see at the link I included had a count of 23. The other posts had counts as well. Is there a way to solve this issue?
]]>Genesis Share codes are showing at the bottom of posts, right after share buttons. If I remove the Genesis Simple Share plugin the codes all disappear, how can I resolve this or is there an alternative plug that works the same. When I remove Genesis Share Plugin I don’t see comments left on my posts.
In the settings I’ve only enabled Simple Share for posts. My expectation was that the plugin would only load on single blog posts to show the share buttons.
While the share buttons do, in fact, only show up on single blog posts, your plugin CSS and JS files are loaded on every page except the front and posts page.
That can’t be right, can it?
Edit: Ok, I’ve found the is_archive() filter and it’s easy enough to return true if is_single() is false, but it still doesn’t make much sense to me..
I have a problem with the Simple Share Icons. I’ve activated these icons but they don’t appear in my posts. How could I fix it?
I have just installed the Genesis Simple Share plugin.
I would like to have it so that when someone clicks on the Pinterest share button, the plugin pulls the first image in the post (rather than the featured image) and uses the data-pin-description attribute (rather than the post title) to populate the Pinterest description field.
Is there some way I can do this? I’m comfortable editing the plugin’s files but I’m just not sure how to do this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
When I enable the Pinterest button I get a console error of “SyntaxError: ” string literal contains an unescaped line break” and all of the buttons do not appear until the Pinterest button is disabled.
Any ideas why that may be?
]]>Hi, is it possible to update this so that we can have an icon that links to sharing to the new stumbleupon, which is now called MIX ? Stumbleupon sharing no longer works since they merged with Mix. Greatly appreciated!
regarding to the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming May 2018, could you please advise if:
– Genesis Simple Share is setting cookies with personal information from visitors, like IP-address,…?
– Are they collecting, storing or sending personal information from visitors locally or externally?
]]>Hi, i click the option for hide the social share in a specific page where i have the buddypress members but i always see the share, how can i disable only in the buddypress page?
Thank you so much