I’m opening this thread for anyone else who is troubleshooting their WordPress site when trying to switch from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.0 or 8.2, and their site becomes unresponsive.
I have had this plugin up on one of our Genesis sites, not realising that it has been closed in 2020 and its last tested WordPress version was 5.3.15.
Which doesn’t make it surprising that it’s not actually compatible with PHP 8.0. After a long haul of turning all our plugins off and on again one by one and monitoring effects, it seems that under PHP 8.0 the plugin throws the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: version_compare(): Argument #3 ($operator) must be a valid comparison operator in [site]\wp-content\plugins\genesis-translations\genesis-translations.php:96 Stack trace:
#0 [site]\wp-content\plugins\genesis-translations\genesis-translations.php(96): version_compare(‘3.4.0’, ‘1.9.1’, ‘=<‘)
#1 [site]\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(310): thememix_genesis_translation_init(”)
#2 [site]\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
#3 [site]\wp-includes\plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#4 [site]\wp-content\themes\genesis\lib\init.php(462): do_action(‘genesis_init’)
#5 [site]\wp-content\themes\Hello Sassafras\functions.php(11): require_once(‘…’)
#6 [site]\wp-settings.php(600): include(‘…’)
#7 [site]\wp-config.php(103): require_once(‘…’)
#8 [site]\wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘…’)
#9 [site]\wp-admin\admin.php(34): require_once(‘…’)
#10 [site]\wp-admin\plugins.php(10): require_once(‘…’)
#11 {main} thrown in
[site]\wp-content\plugins\genesis-translations\genesis-translations.php on line 96
Hope this helps others down the line who are troubleshooting a PHP upgrade.
The issue it happened only in mobile version, in the Header Menu. If you click to any of the Titles of the Menu, the Submenu appear and disapear again. So you have to click twice to be able to see the Submenú. I’ve desactivated all the Plugins and the problem persist. I have Genesis Framework in the last update and WordPress too and I’m not sure when exactly appear this issue.
Thanks people
After last update (so in version 3.2.2) Polish language doesn’t work. It’s not only my case – friend of mine also uses this plugin and lost translations.
As a workaround I copied files related to Polish translations manualy from the staging environment (from plugins/genesis-translations/translations), where the plugin was still in a previous version.
I want to inform you that the translation “Riguardo a [Author Name]” is not a clean way to title the Autohor Bio in the Authority Pro theme. It is a too literary translation from English.
Use “Chi è” or “Informazioni su” or “Info su”.
In italian language, we use “riguardo” (about) when we introduce a topic or an argument, but we don’use it to introduce people as an author.
Please change the file:
#: lib/structure/post.php:601 lib/structure/post.php:629
msgid “About”
msgstr “Riguardo a”
Please change the file:
#: lib/structure/post.php:601 lib/structure/post.php:629
msgid “About”
msgstr “Chi è”
I tried to fix it in my cpanel but I couldn’t do it, can you help me to find the path to edit? Thank you.
I am getting this error by your plugin:
Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in
/home/xxxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/genesis/config/customizer-theme-settings.php on line 299
Theme: Authority Pro
Language: it_IT
Your Plugin Version: 2.10.0 (latest version)
How can I solve it?
Thank you.
I’m getting two errors:
1. Genesis theme settings page – below the Header Scripts text field
Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in /home/[edited]/public_html/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/views/meta-boxes/genesis-theme-settings-scripts.php on line 25
2. Genesis theme preview
Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in /home/[edited]/public_html/wp-content/themes/genesis/config/customizer-theme-settings.php on line 319
Hi I have a problem with the italian translation for 404 error page.
All WP and plugins are updated to the latest version.
I use magazine pro theme, and I have not hard-coded anything in the functions page.
I get this message on the 404 page: “The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it by using the search form below.” instead of the italian translation.
There is the correct translation in
2129 #: translate.php:10
2130: msgid “The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site’s homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it with the information below.”
2131 msgstr “La pagina che stai cercando non esiste più. Forse puoi tornare indietro alla homepage e vedere se è possibile trovare quello che stai cercando. In alternativa, puoi provare a trovarlo con le informazioni qui di seguito.”
but I can’t find in frontend 404 error page.
All other translations work fine.
Thanks for your help.
I wonder if this can be handled more elegantly, but the text for the “<more>” isn’t translated.
I ended up changing it in wp-content/themes/beautiful-pro/functions.php
function beautiful_read_more() {
return ‘‘ . __( ‘Continue Reading’, ‘beautiful’ ) . ‘‘;
Can this be done through an update to the PO / MO files instead?
]]>I got this error message in many of my site if using the translation plugin in Hungaran. Could you please tell how can I fix it?
Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /home/startst4/public_html/a.domain-name.hu/wp-content/themes/genesis/config/customizer-theme-settings.php on line 317
King regards,
Tamas Verdes
Are you going to update translate.studiopress.com for the new version?
I want to translate my WordPress blog into Spanish.
I understand that after installing the Genesis Translations plug in I will then need a tool for managing the content (I am looking at WPML).
Will I need to hire a developer to undertake this project successfully? Or can everything be managed via the WordPress interface with no coding knowledge required?
I just found out that in the slug of this site and some others, all with Genesis Translations for Dutch language, items in the slug are not translated. The second page of blog, is referred to as “page”. How can I translate that to Dutch and shouldn’t that be covered by Genesis Translations, pagination?
]]>Dear Support,
I am currently auditing my site and checking 3rd party compliance to the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect in May 2018.
Since I am using your plugin, I have a couple of questions regarding this topic:
– Is Genesis Translations setting cookies with personal information from visitors (like IP-address)?
– Is Genesis Translations collecting, storing and/or sending personal information from visitors (IP-address, etc.) locally and/or externally?
In case that you are storing/sending and/or processing visitors’ information:
– Are the IP addresses only stored anonymously, i.e. without the last octet?
– What are you doing with the stored information?
– Do you share the data with 3rd parties? If yes, have you concluded appropriate contracts with the subcontractors that commit the subcontractors equally to data protection?
– When will the user data stored by you (in particular cookies) be deleted?
– Do you offer opt-out options for users (if yes, how are they implemented)?
– Can you provide us with a Data Processing Agreement including technical and organisational protection measures as well as an overview of the subcontractual relationships for signature?
In case you operate in the US and you are storing/sending and/or processing visitors’ information:
– Do you offer legally recognised guarantees for the level of data protection (e.g., EU Standard Contractual Clauses or Privacy Shield)?
Thanks in advance for your replay!
Best regards
I am getting this error, and Studiopress says it was generated by your plugin:
Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /home/new24551/public_html/vivereintenzionalmente/wp-content/themes/genesis/config/customizer-theme-settings.php on line 317
Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /home/new24551/public_html/vivereintenzionalmente/wp-content/themes/genesis/config/customizer-theme-settings.php on line 327
]]>According to this topic (read more not translatet (german)) German once worked, but it seems it is no longer.
German is at 99%, if you need help with the last 1% I can help… but since then I will gladly take the 99%.
I was checking the translation project and I am contributing to the Italian translation of the 2.5 Genesis Framework.
I am currently using the Simply Pro child theme, however it does not appear in the list of themes to translate.
Could you please add it so I can start translating it?
Before the comment box the plugin translate “Speak Your Mind” in “Parla alla tua Mente” in italian that make no sense and it is ridiculous. Use instead “Lascia un Commento” like most of theme does.
Please change the file:
and change the following lines:
#: translate.php:415
msgid “Speak Your Mind”
msgstr “Parla alla tua Mente”
#: translate.php:415
msgid “Speak Your Mind”
msgstr “Lascia un Commento”
Hello Remkus,
We are using Genesis Translations on a Dutch website.
I think that I’ve found a (small) possible improvement.
After enabling your plugin, our Home breadcrumb goes from this:
<a href="https://www.example.com/" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">Home</span></a>
To this:
<a href="https://www.example.com/" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">Home </span></a>
Notice the space after “Home “. This makes the link styling apply to the space as well, which often doesn’t look nice.
Thank you for considering to fix this.
Kind regards,
When I add and activate the plugin I get the following message:
“You’re using the Genesis Framework in a language we don’t support yet. We’d love for Genesis Translations to be translated in that language too, but unfortunately, it isn’t right now.
Visit Genesis Translations to help translate it, or if you need instructions, visit our tutorial here.”
I follow the tutorial which says that “once the plugin hits a minimum of 80% translated the translation files will actually get imported on your site.”
According to https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/genesis-translations Swedish is at 96% on the stable version. So why isn’t it working?
Best regards
]]>Error messages when installing the plugin. I get error messages in the Theme Setings tab
we are considering of using the “divine theme” from restored316 for our new website. We asked them the following questions and they forwarded us to you, in order to clear things out, since they’re using your plugin.
So, here’s the issue:
We have 2 languages, English and Greek. Can we have two different fonts as well? One for English (the one already on the theme, as we see it in the live demo) and a different one that would work with the Greek version (since most fonts don’t have a Greek versions as well)?
The answer from Lani (at restored316.com) was:
“I am not sure what the Genesis Translations plugin will allow. You can check on this in the plugin page itself and contact the developer of the plugin directly if need be: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/genesis-translations/”
Since we’re not that much tech savvy, can you please help us figure out if we can support the two languages using different fonts with your plugin?
In my IT (Italian) translation i have this error in header and footer (genesis dashboard):
Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in /web/htdocs/www.namesite.com/home/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/admin/theme-settings.php on line 1068
Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in /web/htdocs/www.nameseite.com/home/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/admin/theme-settings.php on line 1076
Thank you in advance,
Lorsque je consulte ma page de Genesis réglage du thème (2.3.1)
avec WP 4.5.3 j’ai les deux messages d’erreurs ci-dessous :
– Script pour l’en-tête et le pied de page
Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in C:\wamp\www\monsite-test\wp-content\themes\genesis\lib\admin\theme-settings.php on line 1068
– Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in C:\wamp\www\monsite-test\wp-content\themes\genesis\lib\admin\theme-settings.php on line 1076
Ces messages disparaissent lorsque je désactive le plugin de traduction.
Comment puis-je corriger cette erreur ? Comptez-vous corriger ce bug dans une prochaine lise à jour du plugin ?
Merci de nous en dire plus et pour votre plugin très utile.
Ps : Je précise que j’ai constaté ce bib dans la version locale qui me permet de tester les mise à jour avant de las faire en ligne
I’m using the last version of the plugin (2.2.0), spanish translation, and I see the same errors described in the following link on the Genesis Settings Panel (specifically in the header/footer script section).
The errors are:
Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in website-path\wp-content\themes\genesis\lib\admin\theme-settings.php on line 1068
Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in website-path\wp-content\themes\genesis\lib\admin\theme-settings.php on line 1076
Also, there is a way to actually get/download somewhere the .mo and .po files for manual edit? Didn’t see them on ThemePress translation project website. There are a lot of variations of the spanish language so it would be awesome to just edit those files without writing code/filters or generate a .pot file for Genesis and translate it from scratch. Or there is some other alternative?
Let me know if additional information is needed.
Thank you!
]]>One of my clients notified me that “Lire plus” is incorrect in locale fr_FR.
This should be: “Lire la suite”
This is translated correctly on translate.www.ads-software.com but not on translate.studiopress.com
]]>Some sources are out of date, so there are certain strings that aren’t being translated. E. g:
String “by” (post author)
#: lib/shortcodes/footer.php:175 lib/structure/post.php:278
#: lib/shortcodes/footer.php:175 lib/structure/post.php:291
#: publish/genesis.2.2.6/lib/shortcodes/footer.php:175
#: publish/genesis.2.2.6/lib/structure/post.php:278
I have installed and activated a plug-in (Genesis Translations) to add the second language to my website. After activating it the banners on the homepage wont show up anymore. Could you please help me to fix this problem?
]]>after latest update I got message on every page:
Warning: require(genesis-framework.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /shared/home/###/domains/###.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/genesis-translations/genesis-translations.php on line 127
]]>Hi i use your plugin on a genesis template ( Foodie Pro )
and all is translatet only the read more button is in english
to day, after update the plugin, an error occurred type: warning.
This error is in : Genesis > Theme Settings after Header Scripts and Footer Scripts.
The message is :
Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in C:\wamp\www\my-site\wp-content\themes\genesis\lib\admin\theme-settings.php on line 1060
Do you have a solution ?