Howdy! I’m working on a large migration from PHP 7.x to PHP 8.x and an issue with Geo Mashup’s use of mktime()
popped up. I haven’t actually gone through steps to trigger the error, but it does seem like a clear issue when reading the code.
In geo_mashup_edit_form()
, when no location object is available, the location date time is set to mktime()
. Since PHP 5.1, the use of mktime()
without an hour parameter has been deprecated. In PHP 8.0, it has been removed and will cause a fatal error.
I think the correct replacement here is just time()
to get the current Unix timestamp.
]]>Does anyone know how to update the leaflet map layers from the 2012 versions? I have been stuck on this for a while.
]]>Hivepress has a Geolocation plugin.
This works only with Google and Mapbox. Could you help it to work with Leaflet and also show mashup maps with yours, and also enable the Search Filters for the results.
One more issue is that Regular users will be uploading their listings, but I want them to get access to enter their data to save their Listing in the Map. Can this be done ?
Or we can ask people to enter Longitude and Latitude data in Attributes and would be nice if this could be saved and put into the Geodata for the map.
Please advise and help.
]]>Hello and thanks for your plugin, I love it!
I have a feature request, is it possible to implement marker colors choice for custom post types (not only categories) in a future version of the plugin?
i.e. I’d like to have blue markers for posts, red for pages, orange for products, green for portfolios, yellow for events… so that in a global map, they could be recognized in an easy way.
I am using Geo Mashup in a website which uses different custom post types and no categories: I know this is not a common scenario, but since the plugin already supports custom post types, this would be a great addition!
Great plugin btw
Been using this for a few years but started mapping more posts over the last few days. However I am getting an intermittant error.
INSERT command denied to user ‘o1372841’@’’ for table ‘wp_geo_mashup_locations’
Any ideas?
]]>After updating the wp site to wpMU, the Geo MashUp plugin does not display the map, so I decided to reinstall it completely and add the data again, as if I was installing it for the first time.
But deactivation did not delete the data from the database.
How to reinstall the plugin totally?
I deleted data in tables
and deleted geo_mashup_options from wp_options
And again activate plugin, configure all the options and add new place for test, but i have the same problem, geomashup doesnt show map and instead loads the site like in iframe
]]>Customize and install multiple post types.
I changed the post type setting in “Collect Location For” in “Geo Mashup Options”, but the post of the previously set post type is displayed in the “Global Maps” pin and cannot be reset.
Hi, I’m using jetengine to create a Custom Post Type and Elementor to build a layout.
I don’t undestand how to put the Geo Mashup Map in the template to show it in front end layout (in the back end it shows).
Hello dear developers,
I am writing as we are receiving a lot of warning on deprecated calls for the plugin. We use the plugin on our single posts.
Sample of alert: “Return type of FS_Key_Value_Storage::offsetExists($k) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice:”
Do not hesitate to get in touch for additional information.
Thank you,
–see next post–
]]>Given that it the call to collect ol.js specifies a version available at github, and that this call represents a privacy leak and GDPR compliance issue, would it be possible to bundle ol.js or download it once on plugin registration/update then call it sameDomain going forward?
This would also prevent serial dependency bugs like
In the same vein, it would be awfully nice to support a self-hosted tile server like OpenLayers/TileCache/Mapnik.
]]>The GEO Mashup Settings page indicates that GEO-indexing based on taxonomies may affect performance relative to indexing on posts.
If several posts share a single geo-address (i.e. location) is it preferred to:
Any feedback would be appreciated?
Thanks a lot for your work. The plugin has always worked well, one time it might have done the same think but I’m not sure.
Maybe since the last update, the map is stuck on one post but it’s not the last one posted. There is three new posts since.
I have the automatic selection checked in the settings. I tried to uncheck and recheck but same.
Thanks in advance for any help!
]]>Hi, I’m trying to use Templating per :
I installed the Geo Mashup Custom plugin which created a new folder /wp-content/plugins/geo-mashup-custom-1.0.1
I copied search-results.php from the “/default-templates” folder into “/wp-content/plugins/geo-mashup-custom-1.0.1” and renamed the file to geo-mashup-search-results.php
I then made a small test change to geo-mashup-search-results.php and expected to see the change on my site but am not. Could someone let me know what step(s) I am missing or not understanding?
]]>the plugin uses this url for openlayers library, however the library is not present there…
]]>Greetings hopefully someone can point in the right direction. I’ve updated my Geo Mashup info window pop-up to be more customized, but I can’t get the image (post thumbnail) to display. Has anyone had this issue and been able to resolve it? You can click on any of the markers on the page referenced to see the issue. Thank you!
i don’t understand why in my map created with shortcode
some markers has “plus” icon inside event if there is only one post (in my case one event) with that location.
You can see this behaviour here
Great plugin!
Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get consistent results with the Zip code search, for some reason. For example: Zip code 55337 produces no results at any radius, but 55423 does. 55337 has locations directly within it, so I’m not really sure what the issue could be.
Please advise.
is that possible
to add more than location for the single post as ex. USA and Canada
and in search if we search for USA then the post will appear and if we search for Canada the post also will appear
is that possible ?
is it possible to add multiple locations for one post and these location can be sort or filter by a to z or by nearest to the viewer user location
]]>Hi there,
don’t exactly know if its a map issue or a slider one, so I’ll wrtite to both.
As you can see on this page I inserted a map inside a slide of slider revolution and it is completely passive: I cannot click, zoom or whatever.
Is that something I can do?
]]>For future reference – We got this error due to a conflict with Async JS plugin
Resolved now
Hi there,
first of all I wanna thank you for this exceptional plugin.
I’m looking for an information but I couldn’t find it: can I customize the [geo_mashup_full_post] shortcode?
I would like to be able to diplay only some information (e.g. post title and featured image, no text).
Is that possible?
Many thanks!
]]>Hi Dylan,
Thank you again for your amazing work and the best geo mapping plugin ??
My Question:
I would like to get more than just a list of titles of the posts with the <?php echo GeoMashup::visible_posts_list() ?>
and instead display little cards with title, author, feat. img and excerpt.
Is it possible to create a template for the list items similar to the info-window and full-post template that would allow me to style the list?
I had a look at the plugin but can’t figure out where or how the visible post list is generated.
Rob ??
I would like to be able to pull data from our WooCommerce checkout area and update my Geo Mashup data for a user’s location.
Specifically I would like to utilise the data from WooCommerce’s ‘billing_city’, ‘billing_state’ and ‘billing_country’ fields to update the following Geo Mashup fields: ‘geo_latitude’, ‘geo_longitude’, ‘geo_address’ and ‘geo_date’.
So that a user will automatically appear on our map after they signup.
Any help/advice with this would be much appreciated.
Can someone telle me how i can change the style of the markers?
Can i insert a marker that i design by myself?
Been using Geo Mashup for years and love using it. Recently I’ve noticed that on my global mashup page that Markers do not load the Info Window. Instead it just shows the yellow/orange colored loading wheel. Haven’t made any recent changes so I don’t think I caused this to happen.
Additionally on the wp-admin dashboard’s Site Health Status I’m seeing a warning about “The scheduled event, fs_install_sync_geo-mashup, is late to run.” Did some searching and I can’t find any reference to this online. Some people have said it could be a cron issue but everything else on my site seems to work so I’m lost.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, cheers!
]]>This is such a great plugin. The map works fine, but I can’t seem to get the zip code/city search to work. I’m using the same Google API key for both server and API key fields within GEO Mashup settings.
I have Geocoding and Geolocation APIs enabled in my Google account. No restrictions currently set on my API. Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong? Thank you!
I wanted to leave my experience here, in case the developer is interested in feedback.
I am working since 6 months with WP and only using page builders.
I need two color map, to show where the customer has his offices.
If I click on the plugin, I can’t see how the final product will look like.
There is no video about the plugin and the used Google Map on the documentation page is very old.
You can compare this to Interactive Geo Maps, on the plugin page you can see how the final product will look like. The plugin is nice, but €80 is too expensive.
Best wishes.
]]>What is best way to customize layout of the search results page?
Thank you!
]]>hi there dear Dylan
first of all: many thanks for bringing Geo Mashub to the world: this is just outstanding and great!
i like the features and the options that we have with it. At the moment i am in the early planning stages of a new project.
i work for an organization that contributes to volunteering opportunities especially in the field of education and medicine (hospital, clinic etc. etx). At the moment we re thinking about doing some first steps with the great dataset of
Or – with the dataset of openstreetmap itself.
– regarding healthsites this is the most important link:
Means there is an API to get the data from with a personal API key …: note: with this – i should be able to put the data on a website
what is wanted: e.g. i want to export a map from to a mapping plugins of wordpress.
(eg. here )and want to show it in a wordpress-plugin.
In addition to single or multiple locations, interactive map plugins provide:
– were able to add – Custom icons and markers
– Animations
– Filter and search options
– Clusterization
– Zooming and panning
– pinning the map to a block
– using the data that comes shipped with the map.
question: can we run and apply the data from the Open data collaboration in wordpress
look forward to hear from you
above all: keep up the great project – it rocks.
again – the approaches:
well i want to export the maps in kml or geojson.
u want to have the dataset of the hospitals of
a. southamerica or
b. europe
for a overview or for retrival …
for example a: … showing a map that i have gathered – from
/* more areas..*/
/* other queries... */
out center;
for example b:
[out:csv(::id,::type,"name","addr:postcode","addr:city","addr:street","addr:housenumber","website"," contact:email=*")][timeout:600];
/* more areas..*/
out center;
and besides showing some maps i want to offer a retrival: eg with a plugin like
wp-jobmanager or wp-participants database ( cf; )
812380089 way Clínica Tarapacá Iquique Barros Arana 1550
812714508 way Hospital Clínico Vi?a del Mar Vi?a del Mar Limache 1741
817842590 way Hospital de Fresia San José 301
819315869 way Nueva Clínica Madre e Hijo Avenida Santa Rosa 1503
822509761 way SurMédica
828332217 way Consalud
829563034 way Hospital de Ni?os Dr. Roberto del Río
831654714 way Clínica Re?aca
832118050 way Clínica Alemana Beauchef 765
832203189 way Clínica Curicó Curicó Villota
840220768 way Hospital Angol General óscar Bonilla 750
840359494 way
844876695 way SOS RESCATE ANIMAL 100000 La Huaica Bernardo O'Higgins S/N
4587756 relation Clínica Portada Antofagasta Avenida José Manuel Balmaceda 2648
6066032 relation Complejo Asistencial Doctor Víctor Ríos Ruiz Avenida Ricardo Vicu?a 0147
6634378 relation Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia Lo Barnechea Avenida José Alcalde Délano 10581
7133551 relation
well Dylan do you think that i can do some thing – eg the import of data that is derived eg .from or openstreetmap (the GeoJSON or KML data )?
look forward to hear from you