I’m using Geotag plugin to read the Exif data from my photos and show it as a google map. It runs perfectly.
But I want to show the coordinates too like a link or simly text.
How can I do this?
thanks a lot
]]>I have used the WordPress app for iPhone to add posts to my blog. I have also enabled the ‘Geographical location’ in the app and this geotagging works fine.
What I wonder about is where in the database this ‘geotag’ is stored.
Kind regards,
]]>I hope this plugin will return
When it does, I’d like it to add some additional metadata. For example, if the coordinates in question are 52.686001,-2.193002, then
* An option to have the tags:
– geo:lat=52.686001
– geo:lon=-2.193002
– geotagged
added to the post (see example at https://pigsonthewing.org.uk/mysterious-case-birmingham-missing-victorian-cast-iron-urinal/ )
* Dublin core:
– <meta name=”DC.Coverage.Spatial.Lat” content=”52.686001″>
– <meta name=”DC.Coverage.Spatial.Long” content=”-2.193002″>
* Expose the coordinates on the page, as text, using a geo microformat ( https://microformats.org/wiki/geo ):
– <span class=”geo”><span class=”latitude”>52.686001</span>,<span class=”longitude”>-2.193002</span></span>
– <meta name=”ICBM” content=”52.686001, -2.193002″>
still have a bug with autosave, data are deleted ??
Can’t u update your plugin with this hook please ??
Is there any way to create the ability to search locations by zipcode on the front end? I want people to be able to search the map via zip codes.
]]>Looking in the database the co-ords are in the table wp_postmeta the meta key is geo_latitude and geo_longitude however the map simply shows the default location each time.
Any ideas?
]]>problem with decimal part of lat and long numbers when working with coordinates in db and javascript, so the position shown is e.g. (50; 13) instead of (50.1545;13.934) etc.
Maybe problem with locale (I’m using czech version of WP) or there is an error in coordinates computing.
In database the coords are saved with decimal points but some are with decimal point as “,” and some with “.” – I don’t know what changed this, happend in the process of theming site (some content with positions was already created – the old posts were saved in db with “.” as decimal point – when shown, these were translated in geotag for JS to “,” which google js cannot recognize – position lost)
While new posts are saved in db with decimal point as “,” and then when edited the decimal part of nuber is lost as well when handed over to google js – just whole part of nuber is sent as coords – so the position is lost again..
Probably problem with locale setting.
I have installed the plugin, but can’t get the photos in a post to show up on a map.
– Photos are uploaded using normal WP upload function. The EXIF contains GPS Info, check eg: https://blog.mipi.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/IMG_51105.jpg
– Plugin is set up to display exif info
– I tried with YAPB and YAPB-geotag plugin, for a single YAPB-Photo it worked. For a normal post it does not work: https://blog.mipi.de/2011/08/27/tittmoning-2/
Any ideas where to check and what to do?
WP is the most current release (3.2.1), hosted on Strato.
]]>Hello there
I’ve been using the Geotag plugin for quite a long time and have used it with great success in this time.
However, a recent project has thrown up a conundrum that I need some help on: displaying SEARCH results on a map.
I know that using [gmap marker_query="numberposts=5&offset=1&category=1"]
we can display multiple posts, plotted on a Google map wherever we like, and that the plugin uses the standard WP_Query functionality to select the posts displayed.
What I would like to do is somehow combine the standard WordPress search with the Geotag shortcode and query. I suppose the question really is, how do you create a variable – $searchres, for example – that can be dynamically added to the Geotag query string?
Does this sound possible? Any tips or suggestions much appreciated!
is it possible to display the track and the photos at the same time?
Is the plugin multisite ready?
Instead of showing the photos in the post on a map, would it be possible to get photos from the NextGen Gallery to be displayed? Or is the plugin compatible with the NextGen Gallery already?
I tried XML Google Maps which does all I need but unfortunately it is not multisite ready and does not work properly in my environment.
Any ideas and feedback?
Many many thanks! If I had time enough I would have tried out the things myself.
Thank you again!
Nice weekend!
I’ve noticed that with large maps, the map tiles seem to get resized during the render, making the map look a little wonky. An example can be seen here: https://www.wildbcsalmon.org/2011-journey
I thought it was just a problem with the particular WP theme I’m using (Suffusion), but the same seems to happen with Twenty Eleven, on a completely different install. https://www.cogno.ca/b/temporary/
A friend game me a temporary solution (adding “div.gmap img {max-width:100000px}” to the end of the theme stylesheet), but I’m wondering if there’s a way to change the plugin’s style sheets instead, in a future release. (It might also make the marker pop-ups easier to restyle…)
]]>Is it possible to tag a post with multiple coordinates, i.e. if I write about a trip to Paris, London and Madrid, to be able to tag all those three cities as main coordinates for my post.
Also, could these markers be shown on the merged map of all posts [for a specified category] afterwards?
I see many people would like to have a map including all their posts by a given criteria, so it would be best if you improve this to have more capabitilies and made much easier in the future versions.
Last, but not least: This is a wonderful plugin!
Hey there,
I’m trying to get geo tagged images to show up on the map and for some reason it doesn’t seem to be working.
Info below:
I’m using this code:
[gmap height="700px" type="hybrid" static="false" zoom="2" marker_query="numberposts=10&offset=0&category=20" photo="true" photo_icon="thumbnail"]
To display a map on this page:
This post appears, but the picture does not come with it:
Any ideas? Thanks!
I want to use this plugin to Geotag my pictures.
Most of them come from an iPhone, and i know that exif info is removed.
But when adding a functional picture WITH exif info, there is no map showing.
If i add the [gmap] tag the whole page, exept the header, stays blank.
Only way to display a map is when i manually give gps coordinates when edditing a post.
Have read through the postings here, but can’t find a solution.
Any help would be great !
I don’t get my geotagged images to show up on the map. Could someone link to an image or two which have been verified to work with geotag so I can troubleshoot. Thank you!
]]>Support for iPhone photos seems to be broken again. I have tried both new photo that I have confirmed are geotagged via an EXIF reader. I have also gone back and upload older photos that had previously worked just fine.
The older ones are still showing their map correctly on my site. Just nothing new I upload. No location is picked up at all.
Here is an example image you can download that I have confirmed is geotagged. Can you load this and see what happens for you?
]]>Can someone help me figure out how to add a hyperlink to a map created with this plugin? I want users to be able to click on the map and be taken to the driving directions on google maps.
]]>What are all the options when using the [gmap marker_query=] I am not seeing this in the documentations.
]]>How can I enable when an icon is clicked on the map that the box shows up with a smaller version of the image?
See this example here: https://www.piratevelo.com/2011/05/10/test-gps-photo/
]]>I cannot seem to get the map to display all markers for all posts in each category.
I am using this code:
if (is_category()) {
$category = get_query_var('cat');
if (class_exists('Geotag')) {
Geotag::the_geotag('print_map', array('marker_query' => 'cat='.$category));
The map is just not showing?
The map is showing on individual posts when I include the shortcode [gmap].
Ideally, I want to add:
– one map on my homepage showing all of the tagged posts.
– maps on category archives showing all of the posts tagged in that category
Okay, I think I might have figured out what my problem is that I posted in the v2 discussion. I wanted to post this under its own Subject title to catch the eye of other iPhone and Geotag users.
Has anyone been able to get Geotag to work with iPhone photos?
I think Geotag has an issue with reading the exif data. Using an online tool to read exif data located here https://regex.info/exif.cgi iPhone photos are read just fine. They show a lat and lon and display on a google map without issue. Try this url to the image I am testing with.
That same image in Geotag doesn’t seem to work. It won’t map at all. But I have grabbed other image, not my own, that do show up on the Geotag maps just fine.
So, has anyone been able to get Geotag to work with iPhone photos?
If this is an issue what is different about iPhone exif data that is not working specificly in the Geotag plugin? Can it be fixed to support iPhone photos?
]]>hi there, can you post a functional example of theme integration?
I have 2 problems:
– lost my marker when quick-edit
– lost my marker when waiting a little time with the post edition page open (Problem with WP autosave?)
when I quick-edit my post the geo position will be deleted ??
Is it possible to auto create maps on custom post types based on my custom fields?
]]>Geotag 2.0
WordPress 3.1.1
Get this error on my map page using a .png as one of my post thumbnails:
“Warning: exif_read_data(wizardwars.png) [function.exif-read-data]: File not supported in /home/claursen/public_html/wp-content/plugins/geotag/geotag.php on line 1829”
Does the plugin not support png?
]]>everything has been working fine for a map showing markers of all posts until i switched one of my post thumbnails to a .png from a .jpg:
Warning: exif_read_data(wizardwars.png) [function.exif-read-data]: File not supported in /home/claursen/public_html/wp-content/plugins/geotag/geotag.php on line 1829
just did the upgrade to version V2, after uninstalling and installing the plugin everything works fine now.
But “Create Tag” is not working. If I enter at minimum the Marker Latitude, Longitude and click on Insert – nothing happens.
Any clue on that?
Than ks,
The previous version of the plugin works perfectly. But this long-awaited new version simply doesn’t work at all. And that’s a pity!
]]>I recently upgraded to version 2 of geotag. The install was smooth, but now I cannot get maps to show below my posts. What has happened
Website: Alehouse Photography
Theme: photoblog
Wordpress version 3.1.1
I see it wanting to load in the source but it doesnt. Any and all help is appreciated