Is there an option to display multi-word parameters in a certain case? i.e.
[display-get-param name=”param-name” default=”No Parameter Entered” case=”title”]
This Is My Parameter
[display-get-param name=”param-name” default=”No Parameter Entered” case=”sentence”]
This is my parameter
[display-get-param name=”param-name” default=”No Parameter Entered” case=”upper”]
[display-get-param name=”param-name” default=”No Parameter Entered” case=”lower”]
this is my parameter
]]>Hi, Am looking for a solution to display a dynamic image based on a url query. Have used the GET Params to display a text field fine. I can use the same logic to display the image url as necessary but that only shows the text and i need the image to show.
Can someone help me out
]]>Can I use the Short code in a form option value?
I’m trying in this way but it doesn’t works
<option selected=”selected” value=”[display-get-param name=’pr’]”>[display-get-param name=”pr”]</option>
Thanks guys
]]>I got the same problem with @rusworks, would it be possible to pass the param value on a href tag?
Thank you
]]>Hello! Thanks for making this plugin. Here is what I need to do and wonder if this plugin can do this.
Is it possible to grab a string from a referring site like this ( and then attach the string to a button (in wordpress) that when clicked passes the same string to the next site?
Thanks for your time!
]]>Can we use multi GET params?
E.g :¶m2=b
We use param1 and param2 on our shortcode.
]]>I would love to use this plugin but it isn’t working with my current version of WP. Any hopes of an update, or is there an alternative plugin?
]]>Hello, I would like to pass in a variable from the incoming URL string into a click URL on the page in an effort to track where the click originated from. Can your plugin do this?
As an example:
Let’s say the incoming link is:
and I want to pass both ‘offer_ID’ and ‘aff_id’ into a click URL on the page
Is this possible?
]]>I am an entrepreneur from Germany and use GET Params.
Due to the EU general data protection regulation which comes into force in May I am writing you to get the following information.
1. Are you issuing an data/order processing contract?
2. What information of website visitors do you store for what reason?
3. Will the data be transferred to a third country? If so, which ones?
4. What type or designation do you use for the level of data protection?
5. When do you delete this data?
6. Who is responsible for your data protection?
Thank you for your help and your feedback.
Kind regard
Mirko Dahlke
I’m using this plugin to get a value passed in the URL but getting the string in PHP like below but the string length is always 34 instead of the true length of the string data passed. Why is the string length always 34 even after I trim it?
$cn = ‘[display-get-param name=”country”]’;
echo $cn;
$cnTrimmed = trim($cn);
echo strlen($cnTrimmed); // always returns 34
I’m trying to use the [display-if-get option with WordPress 4.3.1.
I’d like to pass a parameter that selects one of a number of options in a SELECT tag.
However, for this input:
<SELECT NAME="recipients" SIZE=1>
<OPTION value="generalinfo"
[display-if-get name="recipient" value="generalinfo"]
>General Information</OPTION>
<OPTION value="volunteer"
[display-if-get name="recipient" value="volunteer"]
>Volunteer Coordinator</OPTION>
<OPTION value="webmaster"
[display-if-get name="recipient" value="webmaster"]
>Website Comments</OPTION>
<OPTION value="mailinglist"
This is the output in View Source. The conditional text is shown in all the lines along with the closing [/display-if-get]. And, since selected is present in all the options, the last one is always chosen.
<SELECT NAME="recipients" SIZE=1>
<OPTION value="generalinfo"
>General Information</OPTION>
<OPTION value="volunteer"
>Volunteer Coordinator</OPTION>
<OPTION value="webmaster"
>Website Comments</OPTION>
<OPTION value="mailinglist"
[display-get-param “recipient”] correctly displays the passed parameter.
Is there some limitation as to the number of [display-if-get..]s? or some other syntactical problem?
]]>Hi Dan,
Great stuff – very useful.
I’m finding that I really need one thing — although admittedly, maybe I’m missing it.
[display-if-get name=”myparam”]
stuff if param has something
[display-if-else] <<<< — missing this.
stuff if param does not exist, or has no value
Not sure what the name should be, but it’s the [display-if-else] that I really need.
Is there a workaround? Any plans to add it (soon)?
awesome plugin that’s exactly what I needed!
Im using [display-get-param name=”kw” default=”example”] to try and get the H1 on my page to be dynamic.
When I am testing my urls, I am using /?kw=Keyword
No matter how I write the url, I always get the default “example” showing up in the H1
WordPress is pretty much ignoring the parameter and redirecting back to the base url.
If this is something you can help me with I would really appreciate it! I’ll also definitely leave you a review because this is a kickass plugin!