Hey, I know this plugin is pretty much abandoned, but I figure I’ll ask my question anyway because I can’t figure out a solution on my own!
I dig this plugin — it integrates better with my sidebar than any other recent comments plugin. But there’s one issue with it (that I assume is a plugin-specific issue because it doesn’t happen with any others)…
…there’s a linebreak underneath the “Recent Comments” title that adds some space before the widget pulls the most recent comments: https://www.audioshocker.com/ (see about 1/4 of the way down the page)
I’d like to get rid of it. I went through the plugin code and tried to find what might be causing it, but no luck. Can anyone recommend an easy fix? Thx!!
]]>Hi. I’ve used your plugin for some time — thank you!
The reason I write is I *think* I found a bug in your code. I could very well be mistaken, as I am by no means a WordPress expert.
At any rate, I was having a problem where the comments from the most recently added categories in my blog where not being displayed, even though I had the categories selected on the “Categories” configuration page. I troubleshooted the problem down to a block of code in get-recent-comments.php (starting line is 1121):
The original code:
if ($missing_post != NULL)
$comma_separated = implode(",", array_keys($missing_post));
if (empty($wpdb->term_relationships)) {
$query = "SELECT * from $wpdb->posts JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ID = post_id WHERE ID IN ($comma_separated);";
} else {
$query = "SELECT * from $wpdb->posts JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships ON ($wpdb->term_relationships.object_id=ID) WHERE ID IN ($comma_separated);";
// echo "$query<br>";
$posts = $wpdb->get_results($query);
foreach ($posts as $post) {
// echo "p: $post->ID ";
$post_cache[$post->ID] = $post;
if (empty($wpdb->term_relationships)) {
$cat_cache[$post->ID][$post->category_id] = 1;
} else {
$cat_cache[$post->ID][$post->term_taxonomy_id] = 1;
I think the problem was that the category id(s) of each post were being determined (incorrectly) by grabbing the term_taxonomy_ids from the above query. Unless I am mistaken (which is always a fair bet :-), in the terms_taxonomy table, when taxonomy=”category”, the term_id and not the term_taxonomy_id is the correct number to use for the category id.
However, rather than test my theory by changing the SQL, I refactored the code as follows:
if ($missing_post != NULL)
$comma_separated = implode(",", array_keys($missing_post));
// Some code refactoring. See get-recent-comments.org for original. --DR
$posts = get_posts('include=' . $comma_separated);
foreach ($posts as $p) {
$post_cache[$p->ID] = $p;
$cats = get_the_category($p->ID);
foreach ($cats as $c) {
$cat_cache[$p->ID][$c->cat_ID] = 1;
This way I didn’t need to get my hands dirty with the any SQL. The selected categories are displaying recent comments and if I uncheck a category in the config interface, the comments stop showing up, as expected. I didn’t test the reverse (skip selected categories), as I don’t use that option.
I hope this helps and again, thanks for the plugin, it’s come in very handy.
]]>Hi all.
I didn’t have any comments/trackback.
But my widget have blank output, it only output the widget title.
I wanna make custom output when no comments/trackbacks.
e.g. message like “No comments/pingbacks yet”.
Any suggestion?
Thanks before
this is a fine plugin, but has slow queries on one of sites we maintain. The site has 300,000 comments and the basic queries in this plugin take 3 seconds. That’s too much even if the plugin is caching the output – the new comments just keep on coming and the cache has to be refreshed quite often.
These queries are sorting by comment_date and that takes a lot of time. If I change the sort from comment_date to comment_ID, it takes only 0.01 seconds. That’s a huge improvement. When you look at WordPress tables, comment_date is not indexed, but comment_date_gmt is. So sorting by comment_date_gmt also increased performance a lot, queries take 0.01 seconds.
Other problematic query is the one which checks for comment_type to equal trackback or pingback. Comparing these string values is slow, adds 1 extra second on our big DB.
Is this plugin still maintained?
]]>The recent comments wizard in the sidebar works just fantastic. But i can’t get any of the comments displayed that have been posted under my pages instead of blog posts. I was expecting the plugin to just merge all comments posted anywhere on the blog into the recent comments view. Can anyone please help me out?
]]>When you enable gravatar in this plugin to display in the sidebar, the gravatar pics are acting weird when viewing on a Mac. There are times the pictures are bigger than the next in the list, and many times the gravatar is totally different.
This is happening on a Mac, may it be in Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. But all is well when viewing my blog in Windows.
]]>I have been using this plugin for a few years and it has always performed very well.
2 weeks ago I noticed a problem on my blog and then it disappeared. Today it re-appeared. All the links to the comments are now “https” rather than http: I am using the shortcode and this code in the plugin:
<b><a href="%comment_link" rel="nofollow">%comment_author</a></b> has stated: <a href="%comment_link" title="%post_title" rel="nofollow"><i>%comment_excerpt</i></a><br>
I cleared my cache on the WP Super Cache, but it still appears as https links. Any idea why? No other site links are being rendered as secure http……
]]>Please, I can’t find where to copy the %comment_date macro, to display the date on recent comments.
Thank you in advance.
]]>I love this plugin and it works great in Chrome and Firefox, but it doesn’t work AT ALL in IE 8. I don’t know if it’s the theme I’m using (Branford Magazine) or a glitz in IE 8 or what.
To save space in the sidebar I want to use it as a tab above my lead article which, again, works fine in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE 8 all I get is the title and a big nothing where the comments should be. (It does the same thing in the sidebar– NOTHING but the title and empty space.) Does anyone have an idea about what the problem might be?
I’m currently using the basic WordPress “Recent Comments” boring widget in the sidebar, which takes up too much real estate and is ugly besides. But at least it works in the dreaded IE 8. Ugh. The website is https://insidethegate.com
If I select “exclude” blog author, then not only does it exclude my replies, but it also excludes many others. As far as I can tell it is not just comments that i have replied to that it leaves – it is some other problem, as there are ‘standalone’ comments being left out.
I have not excluded any categories. I have tried enableing and disabling cache – it is not that.
I even tried deleting the cache option just in case – not that either.
I have noticed this for a while that it seems a bit sporadic about which comments it shows – assumed it was the cache, but no it is not that.
]]>Love the plugin, great work. When calling the function to insert recent comments it inserts a title ‘Recent Comments:’ wrapped in an h2 tag. How do I remove this? Can’t seem to figure it out, don’t see it anywhere in the plugin code.
I love your plugin and use it on both of my sites/blogs. It works fine in WordPress 3.0 with the Thesis 1.7 theme.
I’d like to make a feature request though. I recently used a custom php function to separate trackbacks from the comment counts on posts, but I notice it didn’t have any effect on the comment counts for your plugin. I’m hoping you might modify the code below and include it in the next version of your plugin somehow. I’d like the number of comments displayed to match the actual number of comments that a post has.
add_filter('get_comments_number', 'comment_count', 0);
function comment_count( $count ) {
if ( is_home() || is_single() || is_page() ) {
global $id;
$comments_by_type = &separate_comments(get_comments('status=approve&post_id=' . $id));
return count($comments_by_type['comment']);
} else {
return $count;
]]>Is there anyway possible to not have any trackbacks? I put in 0 and it defualts to 1. Is there a code I can use to disable trackbacks