We want to get certain tweets from our history and have them in several places. SO not a feed of the latest 20 or so.
Great plugin, but there is a problem with when the ‘count’ config is set if you have retweets turned off. Let’s say you have the count set to 3. It seems that the plugin performs the count first, an then if you hide retweets, it might only show 1 or 2 tweets, depending on how many retweets were in the initial 3 that were grabbed.
So the no retweets config should be performed first, THEN the count I think. Let me know if this makes sense or if I’m doing something wrong.
]]>Getting the following error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in D:\Projects\kathleenmholmes\wp-content\plugins\get-tweets-in-php\Netgloo\GetTweetsInPhp.php on line 102
Not sure how to debug the error. I have the latest version of the plugin installed. Any direction or advice is greatly appreciated.
]]>Why not change to fetch media urls with https?
$tweet->n_media_photo_urls[] = $media->media_url;
$tweet->n_media_photo_urls[] = $media->media_url_https;
Don’t know where to drop the patch instead..
--- a/get-tweets-in-php/Netgloo/GetTweetsInPhp.php
+++ b/get-tweets-in-php/Netgloo/GetTweetsInPhp.php
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class GetTweetsInPhp {
$twitter_api_exchange = new \TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
// Set the cache transient name
- $transient_name = CACHE_TRANSIENT . '__' . $api_opts['screen_name'];
+ $transient_name = self::CACHE_TRANSIENT . '__' . $api_opts['screen_name'];
// Retrive the $user_timeline
$user_timeline = null;
I was just looking at this plugin for the first time. It looks useful, however I would not want to use it for an open source project, due to the Twitter keys being present in the code. I wondered if you have considered setting the config options via the WordPress admin.