Hai! I am new with this plug-in, download it on advice of Vik WP.
Want to change ‘your cart’ to ‘cart’ but not sure how to to this. Could you please explain?
Thank you so much.
]]>are the translations saved in the database?
The plugin isn’t working at all text.. Sentences like ‘HAVE A COUPON? CLICK HERE TO ENTER YOUR CODE’ (and more sentences) are not translated.
How do I fix this?
Maartje van der Zwet
]]>Hi there,
Just wondering whether this plugin is being maintained anymore as there’s been no updates for a long time and is not being kept compatible with the latest versions of WordPress
Otherwise will need to look for alternative plugins.
]]>When I change the text is it suppose to show in the section on top so I can know what had been changed?
I changed some text and not I do not know what I changed for future references.
Original, translated text includes “& hellip ;” html tag. When insert it for the first time, it’s ok.
When i try to edit one of translation, the hellip translation is destroyed and no longer works. It is replaced by “…” in edit window.
It results in a need of correcting … to & hellip ; every time i do anything. Can the plugin not-interprett &-tags in edit?
]]>Hi Ramon,
Can you please update the plugin with a minor update to show that it’s still working with the latest WP versions. In some security checks it shows up as “possibly abandoned”. It would also assure new users that the plugin is still okay to install.
Ik heb niet veel verstand van dit soort dingen, maar is het mogelijk de ‘SALE’ buttontext te vertalen naar een NL woord naar keuze? Hopelijk kan dat op de een of andere manier :)…
I used this plugin to translate Woocommerce strings form English to Dutch.
No results at all.
In which files are these translations be done ?
wp-content/languages/plugins/woocommerce-nl_NL.po (because the shop and site already are in Dutch ….nl_NL)
or in
/bon/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages/woocommeerce.pot ?
why isn′t it working ?
Look at my testsite, https://bon.webzo4all.nl/product/kawasaki-wielsets/