Great plugin, but I (like others, apparently) needed support for the {all_fields} merge tag. Add this code to your theme’s functions.php file to have the Description field appended with what GF would normally put in that merge tag. (Note, this doesn’t add support for {all_fields}, since that appears to be stripped out before this filter fires… it just appends it to the end of the description field, which is the most likely use case)
add_filter('crmperks_gf_zendesk_post', 'support_all_fields', 10, 3);
function support_all_fields($temp, $feed, $entry)
$form = GFAPI::get_form($entry['form_id']);
$retval = GFCommon::replace_variables('{all_fields}', $form, $entry, $url_encode = false, $esc_html = true, $nl2br = true, $format = 'html', $aux_data = array());
$retval = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $retval);
$val = $temp['comment']['value'];
$val .= $retval;
$temp['comment'] = array(
'value' => $val,
'label' => 'Description'
return $temp;
I’m using this plugin to connect my Gravity Form to a Zendesk account. I have the account connected, and a feed setup for my form. However, when I get to the step of mapping the form fields to Zendesk, the only Zendesk fields available for mapping are the standard fields. I’ve added several custom ticket fields in my Zendesk account, and I need to be able to map those from my Gravity Form as well. Any advice is appreciated!
]]>Does your pro version allow the form to send support requests to zendesk support desk and then leads to zendek sell crm?
]]>I would like to have the ZenDesk ticket created using the {all_fields} merge tag from Gravity Forms. I have tried to manually add this field to “Description” but it does not transmit the required data.
]]>Seems that every time I try to add in a Zendesk account I get the following issue upon saving:
“Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 4 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /wp-content/plugins/gf-zendesk/gf-zendesk.php on line 1062”
Not sure if this is something on my end or not but any insights would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi CRM Perks team,
We are using the plugin Gravity Forms Zendesk; however, in the last few months we experienced an issue with the plugin settings where our Zendesk feeds & settings were auto removed (including the API keys and the “Notify by email on errors” field.)
It looks like the settings will be auto removed after a week or two.
This has happened twice, we are going to re-set up the Zendesk-GravityForm connection, but can you help check and advise what’s going on?
Thank you very much for your kind support!
Best regards,