Gifts are not automaticallly added to cart when I added the product that grants the gifts is added.
It does work when I manually add the supposed gifts to the cart and it then shows them as gifts.
]]>Hi, I use your plugin in all website when is need. But we have one website where is 5 language and use WPML. I see when I add gift to one product, in slovakia language, in other language is not working. here is url: you can search tz-1300 and when you add to cart in slovak language is working but not working on other language
Thanks for the great plugin!
Please help me with a solution:
1. Is it possible to somehow display next to the name of the gift:
Your gift: *product name* – a thumbnail photo of the gift product?
2. Please tell me how can I transfer the location to a single product page from the meta, for example, under the “Add to cart” button?
Thank you very much!
]]>Hi Mr. Glazunov. Let’s say I’d like gift products cannot be puchased if they are not gifts. Is it possibile? Many thanks. If a customization is required, please give me an email to write to in order toi get it. Many thanks.
]]>1Hi Maxim,
I think this is a great plugin and with great potential.
I have used this for about 3 months and it is very helpful.
However, I have some suggestions which I hope you can consider seriously.
1. The free gift is only added once. When I add a second product, the free gift is not added automatically anymore. In short, the free gift should be added to the cart everytime a product is added.
2. When a product is deleted from the cart, the free gift is still there. I would suggest that the free gift should be automatically removed everytime a product is removed too.
I hope you can consider to make this changes. It will really make a positive impact on our ecommerce.
If this changes require paid work, please let me know because I would love to work with you on the individual revision.
Looking forward to hearing from you the soonest.
I can be contacted via [email protected]
Kind regards,
Hello, when the customer wants to place an order, the following message appears:
PL: “” An error occurred while paying. Please contact shop staff or try again. ”
ENG: “There was an error during payment. Please contact the store staff or try again.”
I don’t know how to fix this, could it be caused by a theme change? Previously I used OCEAN WP, now YITH Proteo.
Dear sir,
Thank you for the wonderful plugin.
There is one issue though. the free gift quantity is set to a variable.
I think it should be set to fixed. Please refer to image link below.
We do not want customer to be able to change the qty of the free gift.
On another nore, are you able to make it automated in this scenario?
Everytime customer increase a quantity, the free gift will increase accordingly?
** you can try on my website
Hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks !
Kind regards,
Hi There,
This is a great plugin.
I want to know is there any way to show free product in mini cart without refreshing the page? Because it is showing the product in mini cart only after refreshing the page otherwise it just show only one product in cart.
Let me expalin, after adding the product in cart which is containing free gift, the cart only show one count and product added to the cart, which is actual product but not with the gift. To see whether the gift is added to the cart or not you need to go to the cart page and only after then cart count increase and the free gift also gets visible in mini cart or side cart.
But what I want is, if I add product in the cart with also contains the free product the cart count should increase and the free product must be visible in mini cart also.
Please check the screenshots.
]]>Hello, do you think it’s possible to make it so that the “remove gift” button shows only when a gift is present? It currently shows when there is a product with no gift, it might confuse users. Other than that I like your plugin very much!
]]>I looking for 2 Things:
1. An Option for add a Gift for the Full Shop or maybee for a full Category. I want to add a Gift for more then 1 Product. And to add it in every Product is much work. So maybee a option to add a gift on all Products and/or on Categorys will be nice.
2. An Option to add a Gift, based on Cart-Value will be nice. Like if Cart >= 100€ then Gift.
Great and easy to use plugin. It adds the free product when the total cart price is above the selected value,but i need it to ALSO remove the product when the total cart price drops below the limit i set.
Can you help me with this?
Thank you
]]>On the Cart page the text under the “free gift” is in Cyrillic. I updated the template to display English text instead, but of course updates will overwrite this.
]]>This seems to work well for Simple Products, but not for Variable Products? The option to to set a free gift product is there in the variable product edit screen, but it is not added to the cart when one of the variable products is chosen on the front end.