We encountered an error we cannot fix, I hope you can help.
We have set up 7 different types of voucher templates, and added them to the corresponding products. It had worked well before, but we just discovered that now we cannot add all the voucher templates to the products, but it only allows to select from the latest 5 voucher templates.
If I copy the first voucher and add it as a new one, then the new one becomes the fifth that appears in the selection, so obviously it is always the 5 latest created voucher templates we choose from.
Is it limited for any reason, or is this a bug? Can you help us fix this?
Thank you in advance,
Descubrí su plugin y me pareció genial. Pero sucede que cuando se genera el pdf del voucher queda todo desconfigurado. La imagen de fondo queda en la esquina superior izquierda de un fondo blanco cuatro veces mayor. Y los datos parecen querer adaptarse a ese tama?o pero igualmente quedan desparramados. Usé una imagen personalizada de mismo tama?o de las que vienen cargadas.
Ojalá pudieran ayudarme con esto.
Desde ya muchas gracias!
Homero Paz
Good afternoon, tell me I need hooks in the order of the buyer and the recipient of the voucher to redefine templates and output, how can I check the buyer and recipient of the voucher of the product, as well as deduce who the buyer is the recipient, and
give the recipient a hook or a hook to the buyer how can I make a check
I`ve made 1 voucher for the sum 4000$ and the order is completed. OK</p> <p>I`ve issued pdf via back-end. Ok
But on checkout process there is no way to apply this code. I`ve tried to use default coupon field, but there is no actions for this code.
My ideas are : 1. the sum of Voucher 4000$ is bigger than product price 400$.
2. There should be additional shortcode to use Voucher codes and PIN codes for that.
Can you give your ideas ?
Thank you in advance.
Is there a way to add possibility to check balance of each voucher for any user via widget?
If so It would be great to add Pin code?(protection code) to redeem each voucher, to use it more secure.
So user can check balance with voucher`s code.
But only If he have pin (protection) code he can redeem it.