I was looking forward to use this plugin on a new webiste but it’s not in the WP store and the support webiste does not exists anymore, what appened? it was the best cookie plugin out there…
]]>Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Before then, they always return false. Please see <a href="https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/">Debugging in WordPress</a> for more information. (This message was added in version 3.1.0.) in ./wp-includes/functions.php on line 5167
in plain words the is_single, and is_feed is called too soon and breaks the head script to be correctly injected, therefore breaking the whole page head.
./wp-content/plugins/ginger/front/gingerfront.core.php: if (is_feed()) return;
I would like to change banner text: “THIS WEBSITE USES COOKIES”. I tried to replace this text with different one in plugin editor (I found 3 places and put text in my language) but nothing changes.
How can I edit this text and where?
I will be grateful for help.
I saved & delete the logs, but now the plugin doesnt seem to log anything anymore.
I am quite happy with ginger cookie, but it screws up the code of my AMP pages. I use wp amp and this works usually well, but with ginger cookie enabled, I get errors in the Google search console regarding a missing value of the iframes:
<div class="ik_youtube">
<amp-iframe width="600" height="500" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/o-3LA61Vy2M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" layout="intrinsic" class="amp-wp-enforced-sizes"><span placeholder="" class="amp-wp-iframe-placeholder"></span><noscript><iframe width="100%" height="500px" frameborder="0" data-ce-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/o-3LA61Vy2M" class="ginger-iframe "></iframe></noscript></amp-iframe></div>
I am afraid, the string
data-ce-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/o-3LA61Vy2M" class="ginger-iframe
is what causes Google AMP the hickup as it expects an iframe to have a src-attribute.
How can I prevent ginger-cookie to run on AMP? It can’t be displayed anyway due to the restrictions on javascript, afaik.
The users of ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin reported an incompatibility with Ginger EU Cookie Law, particularly with the setting “Cookie Confirmation Type” Opt-in.
ShortPixel Adaptive Images relies on an ob_start callback to do its job. When this Ginger setting is on, the Output Buffer that is received by the callback is empty. Do you know what could be the cause and how can we fix it so the users of both plugins can use them together?
Best regards,
The ShortPixel team.
for them who have the issue in the subject i found the function that breaks the wordpress layout removing the body classes.
The function is
function ginger_parse_dom($output)
line 140 of gingerfront.core.php inside “front” folder
The solution i found is to add these lines at the end of function
+ $body_element = $doc->getElementsByTagName(‘body’);
+ $body_element[0]->setAttribute(“class”,join( ‘ ‘, get_body_class( $class ) ));
$output = $doc->saveHTML();
I hope this will be improved by developers and add to the new version of this plugin.
ho inserito nel mio sito lo script AddThis per inserire i pulsanti di condivisione social. Quando apro il sito non avendo ancora accettato i cookie e avendo cancellato quelli salvati dal browser, i pulsanti social non mi vengono mostrati perchè giustamente lo script viene bloccato da Ginger preventivamente.
Dopo aver accettato il banner dei cookie, lo script viene attivato e i pulsanti vengono mostrati. Andando però su un’altra pagina dove ci sono gli stessi pulsanti social, quest’ultimi non vengono più mostrati, come se Ginger stesse ancora bloccando lo script.
Bisogna ogni volta cancellare i cookie del browser e accettare nuovamente il banner per mostrare i pulsanti social temporaneamente.
Inoltre segnalo 2 bug:
– Inserendo un URL nella sezione Custom JS e cliccando su ADD URL, quest’ultima non viene aggiunta, come se il pulsante non funzionasse.
– Quando Ginger viene configurato per la prima volta nella sezione Banner Setup, il blocco “Testo banner” e “Testo iFrame” non vengono mostrati se non andando prima nella sezione “Privacy Policy” e cliccando su Aggiorna.
Priorità per la questione script di AddThis, grazie.
will it be possible to export ginger log files?
Hi Team,
Without EU Cookie Law, our website display an A 91% with GTMetrix and 90% with Google Pagespeed
By adding your plugin, i got D (69%) with GTmetrix and 41% with Pagespeed
I can reproduce the problem by just activating/deactivating your plugin.
Is there any fix on this ?
For your record, i’m using WP Rocket cache and don’t want to change anything in the cache setup due to very fine tuned configuration.
Any help would be greatly appreciated…
Thanks in advance.
After the latest WordPress update i get the warning:
Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in …/wp-content/plugins/ginger/front/gingerfront.core.php on line 258
So i have to deactivate che plugin… what should i do?
***** edit
For the moment i’ll just disable the warnings from my config file, but it’s surely not a solution…
I have Flatsome Theme installed on multisite, when any site activate Ginger the UX Builder stops working and keep loading forever some elements.
Any idea how can I clean Ginger from the DB after deactivation, or any other solution for the issue?
Many thanks.
Hi, I’ve just noticed a new version (4.2.1) has just been released. Have anyone checked if the new version gets rid of the problem with Google AMP’s head/body which causes AMP pages not validating in GSC?
]]>Hi guys,
I installed Ginger plugin in this site, but I am not able to block NID cookie, I have a google map in the home page (I’m using Elementor).
How canI block this cookie?
thank you
I ran the PHP Compatibility Checker(by WPEngine) for PHP 7.0 Compatibility and received the following warning. You may want to update your plugin regarding the “double underscore prefix”. I’m assuming that since this is a “warning” that your plugin will continue to work properly for now…? Please let me know. Thank you!
115 | WARNING | Function name “__shutdown” is discouraged; PHP has reserved all method names with a double underscore prefix for future use.
Hello! Could you help me if there is any possibility that your extension is compatible with WP Rocket? If I active your extension, WP Rocket does not work… ??
thank you in advance!
]]>I am having a plugin conflict. This plugin is affecting my autoptimize plugin. It conflicts with the autptimize.css from every getting to my index.html
]]>This plugin reverts the encoding that the Email Address Encoder does.
The issue is that the ginger_parse_dom()
function uses PHP’s DOMDocument
This causes issues with many other plugins as well from what I gathered in the support forum.
Can you please switch to regex parsing? That should avoid all these issues.
]]>Thanks for this straightforward and easy to use plugin!
I have some suggestions to give admins more choices:
1) Add option to allow iframes globally without consent.
2) Add option to not show any Banner if you just want to block cookies in general.
3) Add option to move the Dashboard menu item to “Settings”
4) Add option to remove all traces of the plugin (including database) in case of uninstall.
Also while the plugin seems to be in English, some translations are Italian, perhaps you could add a link to the translation page to the plugin page. I noticed some “Original strings” are Italian, while most are English? You might want to clean that up.
quando attivo GINGER con Really Simple SSl il correttore di mixed data non funziona.
Quando accetto i cookies tutto a posto.
Quale potrebbe essere il problema?
Un saluto
I have a problem with the plugin + Avada theme (last version).
If i click on accept (with force reloading), in firefox the page remains blank.
Thank you in advance.
]]>Hi, congratulations on your plugin.
Ginger causes me an error in the browser console. The error is as follows:
Uncaught ReferenceError: gingeranalytics is not defined at (index): 134.
What can depend on
Thank you
where can i get the WPML addon? i did a a checkout on your website, i recieved a license key but not the addon itself
I’ve a website available in two different languages. I’ve filled in both “Banner text” fields in the WPML to allow for the translation. However, and regardless how many times I switch to HTML, the banner only appears in the preferential set language, i.e., when I select the second language on the website the banner disappears.
How can I display the banner in both languages?
Thanks in advance,
Hi guys,
I have a question for you: why youtube video, when I accept cookies on my web site, says me “For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy. I ACCEPT”.
They should not already be accepted?
I’ve installed Ginger and CF7 in a network, and for this specific site CF7 ajax function can’t get the form->ID if Ginger is active.
This seem strange but when i disable it all works again.
Strange fact, this problem come out after an update of cf7.
I will test a few option to see if something change.
I translated the text “This website uses cookies” from English into Italian that appears in the cookie bar, but the Italian version does not appear and the text remains in English.
How can I do?
thank you
]]>Hi, there is maybe a conflict with something else?
I have these issues:
I cannot change the banner text!
It keeps deleting the text I add in the settings of the banner text. Also tried the iframe, but same problem!
And more importantly:
I have the settings set to: opt-in, so cookies should not be placed untill accepted.
But if I check with the Cookiebot site it still sees the cookies from Youtube and Google maps, which I think you should be able to block without additional coding by me right?
It seems that this plugin blocks mfunc parsing before accepting cookies for not (yet) cached pages or pages that are excluded from cache.
It causes issues also with JS minify as reported here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/log-full-of-script-not-found-errors/
I realized that when using Ginger Cookies, LScache plugin can not provide the cached version of the files, the page and so on… even when the user accepts the cookies. In the URL of the link LScache and Ginger cookies are enabled, but I disabled them in this url: https://feriasaragon.com/quienes-somos/
As you can see in the sources, the page in which ginger cookies is deactivated LScache works perfectly.