Does this plugin require a company to be enrolled and added to some list?
I work with a non-profit art gallery and they have an individual to match donations in a fund drive, but it’s not the gallery itself nor a company doing the matching. It’s just a person.
I simply want to create a form in Give WP that supports doubling donations but don’t have a “company” to enter to do so. Is this individual donor matching possible with the Double the Donation add-on for Give?
The best way to get good support for this GiveWP add-on is to provide as much detail as possible, and steps to be able to replicate a problem on a fresh WordPress installation.
What have you tried? Are you seeing any specific error messages? If so, send along a screenshot, or paste the error message here.
Finally, always update GiveWP and all add-ons to the latest version before reaching out here!
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