I am looking for a pluggin that can translate the wordpress pages .
If the site is opened in Russia, it shows Russian language. If in Germany, then in German Language, and so on.
Please suggest.
]]>I have a video site and the plugin seems to works fine. Unfortunatly posts only contain embeded video using WP shortcode. Translated pages don’t show thoses videos.
Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!
]]>Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in
SITE\wp-content\plugins\global-translator\admin.php on line 348
WordPres Ver: 4.3.4
]]>Tried activating network wide and site wide but was unsuccessful….get the following error
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
/wp-content/plugins/global-translator/admin.php on line 348
]]>I am experimenting with 2.0 version.
currently I have Enqueued translations: 13301
It now translates https://www.dallastelegraph.com/uk/40535 from 2011…
I do not know how it works, but I need CURRENT pages, ASAP.
Also, I do not need indeed Hungarian, Estonian, etc.
Please suggest.
Creation date Last translation date Total API calls Total translated chars Current status
2016-02-04 15:07:40 2016-03-11 15:49:47 2764 20244423
]]>I use Bens Translator before knowing that it was a copy of Global Translator.
I installed yours on a new blog, I got a Yandex key, I activated yours and it presented on the status line: 2 pages queued (the total of my blog so far) in the status, plus a green checkmark
After several hours, it shows:
API key, creation date (yesterday), translation date 0, api calls 0, translated chars 0, and a Yellow attention sign
4 pages enqueued
nothing more
]]>The most needed (and may be the only one needed) translation ourdays is from any language to English.
My site is in Russian. But I can not see the British or USA flag in the setup page…
]]>This is working really well for me!
Does anyone know if there is a shortcode to add the flags to the content area instead of using a widget?
I updated global translator from 1 1.3.1 > last version 2.0.2. No problem.
But all flags disapered on my website, so I tried to connect to the “configuration page” from le plugin page of the back-office.
Impossible : I get a message “You dont’t have right to go here” (in french !)
– I am administrator.
– I tried to change all change HMOD > 777 (not very secure) of Global Translator folder and files : nothing different.
What can I do please ?
Thank You
It is total irresponcibilty to update from Version 1.xx to vesion 2.xx, inroduce new A NEW translation engine and not to test it on latest WP.
“Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.”
]]>Dear Developer!
Thank you for the plugin. It was working fine up to the update.
I have latest updated version of your plugin installed, latest WP. API key activated. Translations are limited to 5 flags.
One of the languages is selected as website language.
Only this flag is displayed.
None of our previous translations work:
Mysteriously, one of the pages has flags, and it works:
Kindly provide step-by-step configuration.
Thank you!
P.S. It is critical to have our old pages /en/ ‘ed.
]]>Hi, none of the unique keys that I generated on the Yandex site are working on either of my www.ads-software.com blogs, wolfbritain.com and wolfbritain.com/formlegal, even though I have the translation plugin installed, activated, updated (version 2.0.2) and supposedly operating correctly. What is going on? Do I have too many keys? I installed twelve on each site, with none of them the same as on the other site. The new keys haven’t done anything (translated ANY pages), yet they are suspended. Please let me know why I am having these problems and how I correct the issue.
It started working initially with only a couple of keys, though they maxed out and were suspended; but now, since I installed more keys to try and overcome the maxing-out issue, none of the new keys have done anything at all but were immediately suspended. The keys were all generated properly on the Yandex site after registering with them, and they were all successfully installed into the plugin.
I am using the Twenty Ten theme, which is completely updated to version 2.0; yet, though the same plugin used to work just fine in that theme before the plugin was updated, the plugin no longer works; or, at least the keys are not working. (I have a completely, uniquely, “child-ed” redesigned theme, so I cannot change the theme because it would be far too much work to redesign it to be like I have it now and want it to continue to be designed.)
Do I need to go back to the older version of the plugin like one other person in these support threads had to do to get it to work, and then just not update it, or will that create security issues and/or not work in my particular theme in WP version 4.4.1?
Please let me know what is going on. Thank you for all of your assistance.
]]>The plugin global-translator/translator.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.
was the error I just got updating. Is there a quick fix for this you recommend? Translation options are no longer loading now.
]]>I’ve upgrade it, created an account in Yandex, generated a new key, chosen 30 languages and put the new widget in the sidebar of my blog.
It has displayed only my country’s flag (only one flag) unnecessarily and also has not displayed the “credit link” to Yandex.
So, it’s broken.
I’ve downgraded to previous version 1.3.2 and everything is OK now, for while…
All the options that should be deleted:
// Delete All Global Options
Hello community
I have a multisite with two languages. Greek (the main) and English (/en).
At the english version flags are corrent.
click on greek flag, you get the greek translation
click on italian flag, you get the italian translation
click on arabic flag, you get the arabic translation
At the greek version
When you go over the english flag, the title is italian and when you click on it you get the italian translation and not the english.
It’s really weird cause at my english version of the site works like a shurm.
Any idea please?
]]>hi, I’m having issues with the flags. I installed the plugin on one of my wordpress, it worked fine. then I’m working on a new wordpress but when I installed the widget, only the flag for english is showing and the second language is not visible. still when you hover the mouse next to english, a tooltip indicates that’s where the other language flag is supposed to be. my feeling is that it doesn’t have anything to do with the plugin but rather with the theme. anything that you can do to help will be appreciated. thanks.
]]>Notice: Undefined index: tm in /home/www/heart-tribe.com/wp-content/plugins/global-translator/header.php on line 250
Notice: get_settings is deprecated since version 2.1! Use get_option() instead. in /home/www/heart-tribe.com/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2839
Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/www/heart-tribe.com/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2839
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /home/www/heart-tribe.com/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2923
The creator should fix this.
]]>Dear developer.
I see you didn’t upgrade the plugin since two years. Is it still working fine?
When I click a flag in one of my posts I am taken to a blank page, nothing in it.
Also, how can I actually make sure that the plugin is working?
Inside, it gives statistics that look fine, and connection is established fine with the translation server, but how can I see actual translated pages that real internet users might see if they search for something found in my translated posts?
]]>Thank you for a great work!
I need to have this feature on the top of the front page.
I have found a short-code:
if(function_exists(“gltr_build_flags_bar”)) {
Which file to edit to have it next to RSS and Twitter icons here:
Thank you!
]]>Because the widget can only be placed in one sidebar It would be very useful to be able to put a short code on pages or posts.
If there is already a short code could someone pleases let me know here
]]>hello, i am using the translator plugin and when clicked upon the logo (must return home) i get this bad request link.
www2.cmtraining.nl is the website, could you please take a look and hopefully tell me how to resolve this bug?
(middle footer has 5 flags, english and german are the problems.)
thank you in advance for your reply
karin groen
]]>I have found this plugin makes the nav-menus.php not work.
]]>Hi there, I am using sidebar on 1 page and Global Translator works correctly. But I want to add it to the header
When I add the code below to the header, it functions on the ONE sidebar page – on other pages, the flags appear but there’s NO HYPERLINK on any of the flags – any ideas?
if(function_exists(“gltr_build_flags_bar”)) {
]]>and if so what’s the fix? not comfortable editing my .htacess files. thanks.
How do I add a new language ?
Adds the language of Azerbaijan
Emergency aid
]]>Hi folks,
I am a beginner and I am just trying to add entries in mu main menu.
Unfortunately, it gets struck with the wheel rolling for ever.
I have tried different server installations on Mac OS snow leopard :
MAMP – issue
ZEND – issue
local mysql + apacche + php embedded on MAC OS – issue
All the following browsers have the same issue : firefox 12, Chrome (latest) and Safari.
I have removed all the possible plugins in WordPress but this did not help.
Any hints ?
]]>Bad or unhandled response from the ‘GOOGLE’ translation engine. This could mean that:
Your blog has been temporarily banned: increase the time interval between the translation requests and wait for some days or switch to another translation engine
The translation engine is currently not responding/working: wait for some days or switch to another translation engine
You haven’t added the flags widget on your pages: adding the flags bar is mandatory in order to make Global Translator able to work correctly
]]>Global translator is not working properly..
Is it possible to change the flag icons to graphics I have created? I did try but I keep getting errors.
Hope someone can help me on this.