It disabled my homepage on first try of gutenberg.
]]>anyone knows a way to import a file with text url links
to preview every link on the list at once ?
In scanning over the tickets that have been submitted here that have NOT been answered, I do hope the developer has not deserted this awesome plugin.
In using this for the first time… I LOVE THIS plugin by the way… I noticed that the links when clicked on, take visitors AWAY from the website they were at.
Am hoping that you can either add an option or make the links default to “Open in a new tab” so that I won’t lose my visitors when trying to share relevant informational links.
Thank you in advance,
Is it possible for me to configure this so it will work in bbpress? Thanks in advance.
I am using the plugin to build an inventory of useful resources. You can’t modify the auto generated header text for example short code will produce a “aka” header which looks a bit odd.
]]>Hi i was wondering if its possible to remove the name of the company that the link comes from in the post as i use deeplinks the name that shows in the top left of post is for my affiliate account where i deep link from and not the actual company i use link from i.e if you look at post on page the name showing is Awin1 but the link originated from icelolly.
Also at bottom where it says Read full article here is it possible to change this wording?
Dear Martin
I have a problem with a URL which won’t show show up, no matter what I do including resetting the cache.
The problem URL is
[urlpreviewbox url=””/%5D
I’d really appreciate your help to solve this. I registered the plugin.
Best wishes
Mark Downing
]]>Hi Mraliende,
This is a really neat and useful plugin. I just wonder if there is a simple way to set the size of the preview box? (If not, it would be a great feature to add).
It’s working when I posted it using ‘url box’ button.
I need to insert it in php file, but shortcode call function “do_shortcode()” is not working.
like here : echo do_shortcode(‘[urlpreviewbox url=””/%5D’);
is there any solution to work it ?
Thanks for the great plugin, just have an isuue with the links from bbc’s site, the preview box is not showing at all. All of the other links working perfectly even the iframes from, for example NY times.
]]>you can change the link:
Read the full article here
in different languages?
thank you
]]>Hello, @mraliende
Please Support BuddyPress & bbPress
Thank you ??
Your plugin looks promising but after installing and activating it does not show the imagebox. Instead it shows the text (clickable) but no image.
Too bad ??