Plugin ini spesial pake pake telor buat Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2015 dan Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2016 siapapun hahaha….
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2. Developer Information
How long does this plugin take before it starts working?
]]>Hello sir,
first thanks for an amazing plugin but sir my thumbnails are also index to google image dont know why but is there any why that this plugin also redirect my thumbnails ?
I’ve had a lot of experience with this plugin and thought I’d offer some feedback. First, here’s the code that I’ve been using in .htaccess:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} wp-content/uploads/.*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^[a-z]{2,4}(.[a-z]{2,4})?/url\?.*$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^\?.*$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !(.*bot.*|slurp) [NC]
RewriteRule ^(wp-content.*)$ /get_posturl?$1 [R=302,L]
This code redirects Google’s “View original image” directly to the page on your site instead of just viewing it at Google. This code also eliminates the “caching” problem which required an intermediate page refresh to get to my page.
Now let me explain what happens on my server when this code is installed and the plugin is enabled:
1. As reported by WP-Useronline, the number of users quickly climbs from my usual average of 50 simultaneous users to 500-800 users.
2. Each of those users is viewing a valid URL.
3. My server stats report shows an increase in visits from my typical 10,000 per day to 50,000 per day.
4. The server load jumps from an average of .5 to 5.00 or higher.
Superficially, this appears to be really great. I ran like this for several days so I could analyze the results.
Now, here’s the bad news. Even with about 40,000 additional visits per day…
1. Google Analytics shows zero increase in traffic during this time.
2. Google AdSense showed zero increase in page views.
3. Google AdSense showed zero increase in revenue. In fact, my revenue dropped by about 80%. I noticed that I was only getting .11 cents per click during that time.
4. After disabling Google Break Dance the clicks and revenue continued at that same low rate for about 5 days before starting to come back. I suspect that my good advertisers bailed out because they weren’t getting any results (even though they probably were but Google AdSense couldn’t report the info).
So clearly Google Break Dance has some very serious issues with Google Analytics and AdSense. The redirect code must be blocking those programs from reading traffic and clicks, thus denying me of correct stats and revenue.
In addition, there were some other possible side issues:
1. My Pinterest plugin failed to generate a confirmation image during a submission.
2. Google News stopped adding my new stories to their site.
3. The images in my Feedburner feed were blocked.
So I’m offering this information in case anyone wants to compare notes or make suggestions. Thanks!
]]>Hi Ewwink,
Plugin does not work, if anything to do with this:
I put my files by default wordpress setting, ie by month and year.
WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Media -> Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders (checked)
Whether dealing with this htaccess code?
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} wp-content/uploads/.*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$ [NC]
By the way I’m Indonesian too ??
Thank you Ewwink.
I removed the Google Break dance plugin completely and i verified the there is nothing pertaining to GBD in my htaccess file but I am receiving gbd_watermark?wp-content nothing found errors. so certain people are viewing my content and getting a nothing found message when i have complete removed this plugin. Can someone please help? Also, I am using WP 3.5.1
]]>I think this is what I want but don’t understand the language.
English version available at all?
]]>Baru aja update WP plus update plugin nya. Htaccess juga sudah di rubah.. Tapi sepertinya emang gak works…
result gambar dengan phrase “” di halaman* tidak redirect ke postingan.. Padahal versi terakhir saya pakai V 0.3 masih jalan…
Pengen upgrade, tapi kayanya koq sayang. Lantaran Changelog nya untuk ignore redirect kalau Bot yang ngecrawl itu emang penting banget..
Mohon bantuannya suhu… Aku gak tau apakah ini crash dengan plugin laen makanya tidak works atau gimana..
]]>halo om.. seperti yg ane PM di FB..
sebelumnya ane make versi yg dulu, semuanya berjalan lancar dan ketika di view image langsung di direct ke post dan otomatis visitor blog ane ikut ngelonjak..
setelah ane update ke versi yg baru V 0.5, view image gak langsung ke post lagi tapi ke gambar seperti biasanya.. dan malah terjadi error om di .htaccess
klo boleh, ane minta versi yg dulu dong om dan tutorial .htaccess yg dulu juga..
]]>I have the code and plugin installed. When you find an image in Google you get the options to “Visit page — View original image — Image details”.
If the first thing you click on is View Original Image, it redirects properly. However, if you then hit your back button and return to the options, clicking on View Original Image won’t work the second time.
Also, if the first thing you click on is Visit Page and then you use the Back button to return to the Google options, clicking on View Original Image will also not redirect then, either.
We all appreciate you working on this! Thanks.
]]>Greets, i tried your Google Break Dance, and it indeed redirects the google users to the specific sites but on the website itself all! images are not viewable anymore, it is like they would not be on the website anymore. After removing the code from the htaccess file again the images were back
Greets from Germany!