This plugin dont work when i installed SSL certificate on my site. I only see black screen and loader. Can you fix this?
This is the massige from Google Chrome Console:
Mixed Content: The page at was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame ‘,%20%D0%A1%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F&ll=42.657447,23.315552&layer=t&hq=Mall%20Paradise%20Center&t=m&z=15&’.
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
It does not work for me.
I guess it’s because it’s missing the Google API Key, but I can not find any place to indicate it
Can i use maps in fancybox with a https site..
When i use the plugin, it only works when i accept less security on my site
]]>This plugin does not display in Lightbox. It displays the map on a full NEW PAGE!!
]]>Is this plugin can display on index and posts both?
Map on index appear every posts locations and map on posts appear each location?
Yes or no?
Is it possible to have a logo as the link? I have a client that has a few more business and we would like the four to be as logos, a click on one should than have a pop-up with the Map.
]]>I was wondering how to add a position marker? When I click on a map, map opens correctly but there is no position marker?
I got an error while using this plugin.
The Google Maps Embed API must be used in an iframe.
Can anyone help me with this.
]]>The plugin works well but generates the following W3C error:
Error: Bad value,city, country&ll=42.6097408,2.58321&layer=t&hq=LOCALISATION&t=m&z=15& for attribute href on element a: Illegal character in query: not a URL code point.
…..;</script><a?href=”, city, …mp;t=m&z=15&” title=”TITLE” class=”google-map-fb-popup5 iframe”>LOCALI……….
Syntax of URL:
Any URL. For example: /hello, #canvas, or Characters should be represented in NFC and spaces should be escaped as %20.
Thank you for your response
]]>Is there a way to make the popup appear from a button click – not a text link?