Hello, I would like to know how to get rid of the info bubble inside the map frame. The space I have for the map is limited and I would like to minimize it. I looked up online on how to do that, but when I use the Google Maps Embed plugin the iwloc command line is missing. Any suggestions on how to deal with that?
Map shows blank in the plugin preview area, as well as in my page. Bummer.
(Mac OS 10.7.5, Firefox 22.0, WP 3.5.2)
]]>Is there a way for the user to get directions to the place on the map without leaving my site? As soon as I click “Directions”, it takes me to a normal Google Maps page.
I was going through my files and realised I made some small bug fixes to the plugin which I hadn’t reported yet. Would be great if these could make it into the next version of the plugin.
Hope this helps!
P.S.: Line numbers based on the current version of the plugin 1.13
File: cets_EmbedGmaps.php
Find line 325:
function EditorCSS() {
Replace with:
function EditorCSS() {
global $user_id;
File: lib/jquery-ui/cets-jquery-ui.css
Find line 20:
color: 333333;
Replace with:
color: #333333;
]]>The same functionality (if not better) is available with Google Maps and WordPress.
]]>In version 1.5 of the plugin, we needed to edit line 40 of /lib/shortcodes.php so that a map url with https was allowed through:
//if it's not a link to maps.google.com, don't allow it
if (substr_count($src, '//maps.google', 0) == 0) return;
]]>When this plugin is active and I click the anchor link in Editor, the pop-up window does not appear. There is simply no way how to create links when this plugin is active.
Having an issue with this plugin, when it’s enabled the hyperlink button no longer works when writing a blog post.
Can you please update the plugin or provide a fix.
]]>Great plugin (Google Maps Embed) but in the new wp version 3,4 it don’t work properly, when i activate the plugin, it turn off the add a link function in the post/page section.
any suggestion ?
]]>ui.dialog.js issue in tinymce
commenting out
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-dialog', plugins_url('/google-maps-embed/lib/jquery-ui/ui.dialog.js'), array('jquery-ui-core'), '1.5.2' );
seems to fix it
]]>Hi, I insert a map in https://www.pvrtours.com/?page_id=1248 in the maps and directions tab, but it show diferently than the one that I did in google maps, I notice that it only fails when I put the map inside a Tab, cause if I put elsewhere it shows correctly
]]>Hi Deanna,
Still love the plugin, though it would be great if you would release a minor version upgrade with the PHP < 5.1 fix and the following fix:
File options.php, line 4:
add_options_page('Google Maps Embed Options', 'Google Maps', 8, 'cets_embedGmaps_options', 'cets_embedGmaps_options');
Change the line to the below to fix the problem:
add_options_page('Google Maps Embed Options', 'Google Maps', 'manage_options', 'cets_embedGmaps_options', 'cets_embedGmaps_options');
Hope this helps!
]]>Apparently, when a map is inserted in a post/page, the plugin adds a style=”text-align:center” to the div with class “entry-content”.
]]>The plugin workes great, thank your for this! I just have one request: the button in the Tiny MCE-editor is located in a empty row. Just this icon and no way to change this. It would be better to put it on the end of the first or editable by a plugin like Tiny MCE Advanced.
Another issue I ran in to:
When I try to change settings through Settings->Google Maps, I get a
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
message while I’m logged in as admin.
Changed I made *are* however saved correctly.
I’ve read somewhere that WP3 changed how admin priviledges is checked, so may be you could have a look at that.
Additionally, the line underneath the map now always says View larger map. IMHO this should be a language parameter, but as it’s the only public one, I’d suggest making it a setting and allowing admins to change the text.
I love the look and feel of your plugin, but for some reason it wasn’t working for me. I’m using v1.5 with WP 3.0.1.
I used the HTML editor to add the map code and the code looks like:
[cetsEmbedGmap src=https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=nl&geocode=&q=ritmeester+bv+nieuwegein+nederland&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=69.187191,56.513672&ie=UTF8&hq=ritmeester+bv&hnear=Nieuwegein,+Utrecht,+Nederland&z=13&iwloc=A width=350 height=425 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no]
When I set debug to true, I saw the following error message:
Warning: Wrong parameter count for substr_count() in /mywordpressinstall/wp-content/plugins/google-maps-embed/lib/shortcodes.php on line 42
Original line 42 in shortcodes.php:
if (substr_count($src, 'https://maps.google', 0) == 0) return;
substr_count() can only take the third parameter (offset) starting from PHP 5.1 and as it’s 0 anyway, it’s not really needed. To fix the plugin, just replace that line with:
if (substr_count($src, 'https://maps.google') == 0) return;