I am unable to download the plugin as it says it is closed.
Have you any timescales to when it will open and why did it close in the first place?
]]>Hi, just wondering whether this plugin is still being developed and supported. It’s been over a year since it was updated. Thanks.
]]>Plugin throws an error when viewing a WooCoommerce order (WP Admin -> WooCommerce -> Orders) when “Use the WooCommerce orders tables” feature is used (HPOS) :
2023/08/04 15:28:04 [error] 618287#618287: *956 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Warning:? Attempt to read property “post_status” on null in <…>/plugins/gravitec-net-web-push-notifications/admin/class-gravitecnet-admin.php on line 524″
Current version of the plugin executes gravitecnet_abandoned_cart_table() that in turn attempts to create a database table on every request. A better approach would be to implement a database versioning as described here.
In addition to that once the table is created, each subsequent call to the function generates a ‘DESCRIBE?IF;’ SQL error. It seems that dbDelta() does not handle CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statements well when there is no actual changes to be made to the database schema. This issue should be resolved once the database versioning is implemented.
]]>Please add the possibility to segment subscriber in terms of wordpress categories. When they subscribe, check the main category of the post page and assign this category to him. Then we can shoot push notification of posts of this category to him.
]]>You really need to allow users to customize the position of the Bell more (either via this plugin or the main Gravitec dashboard). Many of us need to modify the position from your predefined “bottom left” or “bottom right” to better match our site’s style, prevent blocking other widgets or UI elements, etc.
Placing it in a shadow DOM (without a part attribute included; see https://css-tricks.com/styling-in-the-shadow-dom-with-css-shadow-parts/ for why this would help) prevents us from targeting it with our site’s CSS. Any workarounds on how this can be achieved with the current version of the plugin would be welcomed.
]]>Hi, adding this plugin stops a contact form form working, Ive noticed that when the plugin is activated, it removes Postmark (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/postmark-approved-wordpress-plugin/) from the settings menu. Please try replicating this issue and confirm if you can create a fix.
How can send notifications and see statistics in the dashbord?
I think you didn’t apply translations in your code
You can use this document to make your plugin multilanguage:
if you need help I can help you in this case
]]>I have installed plugin and in main admin page when I click “Connect to existing account” nothing happens, in the console I can see the error:
Uncaught TypeError: activationButton.live is not a function
]]>This plugin does the same as adding a script and 2 files to your WordPRess installation. Nothing more.
It would be nice if it had functions like sending a push notification when a new post is published.