When I have this plug enabled I sometimes have an issue expanding gravity forms field options. As soon as I deactivate this plugin I’m again able to expand the field options again. Chrome console shows this error when you try to expand the options:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of null
]]>Two items.
and this notice appeared after installing
Notice: GF_Field:GF_Field::get_conditional_logic_event is deprecated since version 2.4 with no alternative available. intext:”Plugin: Date Picker in List Fields for Gravity Forms”
the conditional logic does not appear to work on the settings page (that is I want to disable the submit button until a date is selected.
]]>Hi i have installed this plugin and made some of the list column field to date picker after when i open the form its not opening.
]]>Hi Adrian – You have a nice number of plugins for Gravity Forms, but some of them are not tested/updated with the current WP version like this one. I know these are for free and usually work well without updates, but still it would be great if you could just confirm that they work fine with the current WP and Gravity Forms version, once in a while.
Thanks for your nice plugins. Great job!
]]>Hi, great plugin, Gravity Ltd really need to incorporate your code!
I have one problem on mobile view of the date-picker, it doesn’t use the phone’s native (list scroll) picker, on other date-selectors from (non Gravity) form plugins, you can use the phone’s scrolling list which appears at the foot of the screen.
I’ve seen the other support thread about the picker reverting to the ‘default date’ – your reply mentioned the user wasn’t using your plugin. I can see why you thought that, because after installing your plugin the java-style calendar appears as a style option in Gravity’s Date field editor.
I can add the @media (screensize) CSS class to the field to show or hide different versions of the date-picker if I need to use alternative settings for each screen size. Or is there a code-patch which would override the calendar graphic-popup for mobile?
]]>When activating your Date Picker in List Fields and Date Field Conditional Logic for Gravity Forms, I am unable to use the “Filter by choice” checkbox in the Gravity Pro Forms Dynamic Population Pro plugin. When I click on the “Filter by Choice” checkbox, the options do not appear below the checkbox. If I deactivate both your plugins, this option works. I am not sure about how to debug this and find out the problem.
]]>Using date picker, but want to set default date to display mm/dd/yyyy. We set the default date field as mm/dd/yyyy. But on the front end, it shows today’s date. We really need it to just display the text mm/dd/yyyy
]]>I’ve been having trouble getting the default date to work with your plugin. I set a default date using the field settings, but it had no effect. I then tried my preferred method, which is to set the default to the first day of the following year for form 14, field 19 by adding the following (from your faq) to my functions.php:
add_filter( 'itsg_datepicker_fields', function ( $datepicker_fields, $form_id ) {
if ( 14 == $form_id ) {
$datepicker_fields['19'] = array( '1' => date( 'm/d/Y', strtotime( 'first day of January next year' ) ) );
return $datepicker_fields;
}, 10, 2);
This also had no effect. Can you help?
The form is at:
(page 3 of form) —?you’ll need to create a login to view the form.
I would like to know if it’s possible to change the month displayed (“Date drop down” mode) option to letters? es: jan, feb, mar, etc
it’s possible to filter selectables data? es: in the past: today, in the future: two months from now
last but not least: it’s possible to set “today” as default date? how ?
Thanks in advance
We have a password protected page that is essentially a time tracker for doctors, the first row datepicker works but any other row after the first will not display the datepicker. If you would like I can send you an email with a link to the page/site. We are also using your dropdown plugin in the same list items.
]]>Hi Ovann,
Great plug-in. I was just wondering if it is possible to use it as a time selector only.
Is there a way to do this with only javascript or does it require changing the plug-in?
Good Day,
Activating this plugin messes up the jquery calendar on woocommerce pages. Is there any way to disable this plugin’s css on woocommerce admin pages or generally in admin?
]]>Hey there,
Just wanted to make a suggestion for the new updates made today, in relation to a previous post: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/get-fields-calculated-type-rather-than-direct-access/.
As of the new version and the changeover to GF Addon structure, the field type is once again accessed directly from the property, rather than the calculated method. Just wanted to make the suggestion that it be reverted to the method in the following locations:
Also, I noticed the following line (gravity-forms-list-field-datepicker-addon.php:133):
if ( true == array( $this, 'requires_scripts' ) ) {
which looks like it might be a typo from copy pasting the callback reference of this method – should this instead be:
if ( true == $this->requires_scripts ) {
]]>Great plug-in and good to have validation on the field but is there a way to override the validation?
I changed the output of the datepicker to return a weeknumber in the field but now it won’t validate as it is looking for dd-mm-yyyy.
Is there a way so set a default date for specific fields? The example in the FAQ sets a default date for all fields, which is not useful in my case.
]]>How do I override/change the language of the date picker ?
We have a site which is managed by wpml and in the Dutch version the language of the date pickers is still English.
Our locales are set as follows:
setlocale(LC_TIME, array('Dutch_Netherlands', 'Dutch', 'nl_NL', 'nl', 'nl_NL.ISO8859-1', 'nld_NLD'));
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, array('Dutch_Netherlands', 'Dutch', 'nl_NL', 'nl', 'nl_NL.ISO8859-1', 'nld_NLD'));
]]>Hi, Thanks for this awesome update.
On my site calendar icon is showing under the the date input box.
Please have a look
Please suggest me a fix
Just upgraded to 1.5 from the previous version and found some issue, which I hope that you can help with…
You can see the form here – https://www.emigrationonline.com/assessment-form and look for the “List of Dependant children” in this form where the date column is implemented.
– In the front end, the new date icon appears twice below the input. Also, having an icon here and not on the other regular date fields in the form (such as “Date of Birth” in my form) is not consistent. If I have the option (on a regular date field in GF) to configure whether the date icon is shown or not, this option should be available for date field column as well.
– In the admin area, in the specific form editor screen, where the date column is configured, I have noticed that the format field (on the selected date column) is not shown. Only when I un-check the date column and re-check it, the date format appears. I un-checked it and rechecked it in order to set the format to dd/mm/yyyy, saved, but I can’t tell if the desired format was saved because the format is not shown…
Please advice, and of course if you need additional information or help from my side, just let me know.
]]>Great plugin!
In mobile, after choosing the date, the field goes back to the placeholder text (ie.choose a date)
Thanks for a great plugin, we have been using it for months but suddenly last week we started receiving warning error below, please advise if there is an update needed..Thank you.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-list-field-date-picker/gravity-forms-list-field-datepicker-plugin.php on line 87
]]>Hi there, great plugin.
I’m able to add a date picker as part of my list field, and it works great if users enter their date by selecting with the date picker. But if they manually type in their date, there doesn’t seem to be any validation making sure they entered a valid date.
I have a “normal” date picker field elsewhere in the form and if you enter a random number instead of a date, it does not accept that as valid and gives an error message: “Please enter a valid date in the format (mm/dd/yyyy).” This is exactly what I want to have happen with the list field date pickers… can you enforce normal “date” validation on the added date pickers?
]]>Hi there,
I’ve just updated from version 1.0 directly to the latest recently, and the plugin has stopped working for me. It’s 100% to do with the way that I am using it/other plugins I am using, and not due to a coding error on your part – I use another GF plugin which also makes modifications to list fields, and unfortunately changes the type
(but not the inputType
) property as part of this.
It’s totally not your responsibility to be compatible with every (/any) gf plugin out there, I get that, but basically the only place this currently presents a problem is in gravity-forms-list-field-date-plugin.php:338
in the list_has_datepicker_field()
if ( 'list' == $field['type'] ) {
By removing the direct access to the type property and replacing with the built in GForms function get_input_type()
this is immediately resolved, like so:
if ( 'list' == $field->get_input_type() ) {
It would also make the PHP code more consistent with the client side code, as the inline javascript used by the list date field plugin currently determines type using the equivalent GetInputType()
I was wondering if you would consider making this change as part of the core plugin? If you’d prefer not to that’s totally your own prerogative, and I’ll just branch it on Github, but it would be nice if I could stay on the core branch and benefit from your hard work doing updates and maintenance.
Thanks very much in any case for your work on this plugin ??
]]>Great little Plugin but I can’t seem to get the multi-column to function.
I have it set on the General Tabs for the column I want. It works on the first row but not the second. I have made sure there is nothing in the appearance tab.
Any suggestions?
This helped out a lot! Thanks. I hate to ask, but is it possible to have the time included (optionally) with the date?
]]>Great plugin – thanks so much!
I would like to remove the selection of weekends from the date picker.
I can see the jquery datepicker has this option:
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends
But i do not know how to apply to my list fields with this plugin.
I have tried adding to html head section, but to no avail. (used $( “.datepicker” ).datepicker ). Maybe my targeting is wrong?
I have also tried this code below, but it seems to break the list field – https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/article/gform_datepicker_options_pre_init/#2-no-weekends
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I only tick 1 column but when I test all columns becomes datepicker. I intend to make the first column to be the datepicker and leave the rest as plain text. It must be a bug.
Can you help with increasing width of the datpicker field to the standard list width like there would not be datapicker active?
Thanks for this plugin. Super handy.
I’m running:
WP 4.2.2
Date Picker in List Fields 1.2
The check for is_gravityforms_installed in the constructor isn’t passing for some reason, even though GF is definitely installed and active. If I comment out the if statement, everything runs fine. What’s strange is that swapping that if statement for if ( class_exists( ‘GFAPI’ ) ) { also fails, but works fine if I run that check on the front end like so:
if ( class_exists('GFAPI') ) {
echo "<h1>I EXIST</h1>";
Is this plugin loading before GF?
]]>Hi, the plugin working fine now. Its on its best position now.
But still I’m facing some problem on all of my 5 sites.
I have multi-page form, both 1st & 2nd page has list field with datepicker.
In 1st page when i add rows, datepicker working.
In 2nd page datepicker rendered for default row (1st row), but if I add new rows on that list, datepicker does not work/render.
Plz fix this…
Some how i have edited gravityforms core file, and added js function name on adding row code. Its temporarily works but after every update of gf i have to add the function name manually.
]]>If I add a list field, but do not check the box to “Enable multiple columns”, only the plus/minus signs appear on the front end. I have to click on the checkbox and remove the second and third columns. I am using the latest version of WordPress and Gravity Forms (v1.9.10)