Hey Aryan Duntley,
Your plugin was very helpful. But as you’re not maintaining it for the upgrade versions and AddOns, than for God sake please delete it.
Too bad you stop it ??
You said “WILL NOT SUPPORT GF 1.9+”, ok but doest it mean it won’t work at all?
I need to create a 500 item checkbox form (yes I know! – but it seems the simplest way)
is there a way I can import the wording for each selection in the field?
ie I don’t want to have to put in each field individually
]]>I need to import numerical data on different fields on different forms, for example, import a csv with city code and service of 20 different forms. Thank you
]]>The plugin activated without error. However, when attempting to import entries, once selecting a Form in the dropdown, I get an ‘hourglass’ and nothing ever loads or changes.
]]>Hi I have rechecked and rechecked followed all of your instructions, but am still getting invalid headers error. Help!
Thank you!
]]>Hi, when I try to import your plugin limits to a maximum of 10 fields that can be imported (which is annoying when I have 11!). Is there something I’m missing here?
Thanks for your help and a great little plugin :).
]]>I’m trying to import data to a form, but keep getting errors.
I seems like your plugin has diffucult reading my form. This is the setup I get
4 Email number example: Some Entry
5 F?dselsdato text example: Some Entry
6 K?n text example: Some Entry
12 Medlemsnr name example: (firstname),(lastname). **John,Doe** If no first Name: ,Doe ** If no Last Name: John,
1.8 Suffiks address example: (address 1),(address 2),(city),(state),(zip),(country). IMPORTANT: if you are using the address type, and do not use a filed above, leave an empty space ** 123 fake st,,San Diego,CA,92109, ** (in that example, address2 and country were ommitted.
8.6 Land phone example: Some Entry
9 Tlfnr phone example: Some Entry
10 Mobil date example: Some Entry
But there are a lot of mistakes here.. first ID 4 Email is not a number, ID 12 Medlemsnr is not where the name goes..
ID 8.6 type is not phone, ID 10 is not type date..
What am I doing wrong?
]]>Is there a limit to how many records can be imported? I have 27,000 records and it always says, “8461 rows of data have been imported. Please check Forms->Entries to verify your data was imported correctly.”
I’ve attempted to import entries which were originally submitted using the Survey Add-on and I’m getting the “You have some invalid headers” error.
It looks like the Survey Add-on has multiple headers for each entry. eg. rather than having the header “how did you hear about us” there is “how did you hear about us (option 1)”, “how did you hear about us (option 2)”. “how did you hear about us (option 3)” etc.
Is there any chance that this plugin would work for these entries?
Thanks in advance.
I recently migrated my site, and just exported gravity forms from one site, and trying to import to the next. I am getting an invalid header-I have checked all spacing, comas, and “”. Am I missing anything? I have emailed my csv.
Thank you in advance!
I think that i have tried almost all i can on this to get a csv to import. I have 2 gravity forms with the same labels except the form name. I have exported an entry from one form and wanted to import the entry into another form. I have tried in the headers (via excel csv) “example header”, “example header” (and) example header. Both forms are the same (as one was a copy of the other. Exported as csv and then tried to import the exported csv (from GF) yet still no luck! But it shows ALL headers are invalid even though i have tried what i believe to be most header options as above. I tried to follow the link to a previous .csv that you placed in a different thread but it was a bad link? Anyway, any help would be great. Is there something i can send for you to look at please? I have even copied and pasted the screen import LABEL’s into the csv column headers. Regards scoc
]]>Screen hangs after selecting form to import. Maybe not compatible with WP 4.1?
]]>We’ve currently running an import with three fields and it only imports the last name of the “Name” field. Our CSV is structured as follows:
“Name”, “Email”, “Message”
“John,Doe”,”[email protected]”,”Testing”
Any thoughts on why this would be?
Is it possible to send mass notification upon mass import of entries?
]]>I have a client that I am redoing a website for. I did the first one using Gravity Forms along with the GF plugin “User Registration Add-On v1.9” but we are adding a lot more functionality to the new one, Mainly in GF. I am building the new site on a copy of the old one and making modifications. WE are taking 4 forms from the old site and creating one form. I have taken all the REGISTRAION info from the old site (4 forms) and combined it into one Excel file, making sure to map everything to the new Fields that we want. So all the WP user info is already in the new site. I just need a way to import this csv file to the new site.
So my question is, will this plugin do the trick?
Many thanks,
]]>I’m importing a very simple form
* name
* email
* address
* phone number
And my data import will add last names and that’s it. All other field data is blank.
Any thoughts?
]]>I saw your post that you are not really supporting this plugin anymore, but I am really hoping that you can help me. This is a great plugin that I wish you would continue to support. I have the most recent version of gravity forms. When I try and upload the file, nothing happens. The browser looks as if it is doing something, but after 5 mins nothing uploads. Do you have any suggestions? This plugin is part of a big project for a client that has an event this weekend.
PS: I tried on the live site and installed it on a test site, and it is still not working. Maybe issue with my document? I saved as csv and tried ms csv.
PS: I am happy to make a donation
I was wondering if anyone new the best way to import your full .csv into Gravity Forms and add a database tag like {omit} or null that would still create the header via the import .csv function.
I am trying to use this as i need to import a large .csv whcih later the fields that cannot be completed on the import, can be edited and updated later etc.
Many thanks for any ideas in advance.
]]>The plugin doesn’t work. I select a form and nothing happens. This is on a fresh install of WordPress as well.
I opened firebug and this error came up.
Error: Permission denied to access object
]]>It appears that if the field name is similar in the beginning it shows only the first field as a valid field and skips the rest.
For example I have the following fields (from the CSV created by Gravity Forms’ Export Entry feature):
“Name (First)”,”Name (Last)”,”Group Name (if applicable)”,”Office Address (Street Address)”,”Office Address (Address Line 2)”,”Office Address (City)”,”Office Address (State / Province)”,”Office Address (Zip / Postal Code)”,”Office Address (Country)”,”Mailing Address (if different than office address) (Street Address)”
But it is showing the following as valid fields:
1 Name
2 Group Name (if applicable)
3 Office Address
4 Mailing Address (if different than office address)
]]>I am creating a directory that will have links to specific files in one of the fields. To do this I use the “HTML” field of Gravity forms. The HTML field doesn’t show as a field I can import to. Any thoughts or workarounds?
]]>I’m trying to import to gravity forms, but the file is only uploading a single field. The field’s headers are ordered as follows:
Salutation, Name, Title, Business, Business Address, Business Phone, Email, Home Address, Spouse, Business Type, and Mobile Phone Number
The thing that’s odd is that only the Name field is imported and only the last name.
For example: John,Doe is only imported as Doe no other fields are filled
This is true for all rows in the .csv.
Any idea what might be wrong?
I use Gravity form coupon addon. And I need to create about 1000 unique coupons. Would it be possible to mass import coupons?
I am working on a site with a friend, trying to fix a few issues that he has on there. Long story, but he has data collected through Gravity Forms and later decided to / found out that he could have users register through GF. His old form data exists, but the users that have currently completed the for (4000+ of them) are not registered as users.
I am wondering if the user information I import with this plugin would also create users based on the data that is imported. If it isn’t, I apologise for this being off topic, but could anybody advise me on what I could do to rectify this?
]]>I know I am missing something simple, but can’t quite figure out what is going on & any assistance would be helpful.
I have a few fields such as
*The “checkbox” has 4 choices (apples),(oranges),(hotdogs),(tacos)
I started with the first row being like:
and it didn’t work…
So I now have this my first row looks like:
Second row looks like this:
"AwesomeCorp","123 main st.","Suite #2","Coolville","NY","12345","United States","apples"
That imports, but the address stuff not at all right, so nothing else is right either.
Any ideas?
]]>I’m having the same problem as the other user, where text fields with apostrophes ‘ would have \’ when imported using the plugin.
I’ve tried searching for the ASCII character and replacing it with a normal apostrophe, but the normal apostrophes are what’s getting escaped.
How can I fix this? With this issue, this plugin is not usable.
]]>Hey Aryan, could you perhaps provide me with an email where I can get a hold of you? I have a specific request that I would like to discuss.
]]>I imported about 20,000 records and all was fine. Then I went to import a few more, and the import just “stopped working”. No errors, nothing, it would just reload the page when I uploaded the file.
Took about 2 hours of debugging to figure out the problem, so posting this here to hopefully save others that time/trouble.
Inside the main PHP file for this plug-in you’ll find a line of code like this:
$lastnum = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare(“SELECT * FROM $entry_tracking_table”,0) );
That does a query of the entire entries table, which can easily cause the script to die with out of memory issues, or even just take a really long time to return. To fix the issue, I changed the line to this so that it will only query for the one row with the highest id value:
$lastnum = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare(“SELECT * FROM $entry_tracking_table order by id desc limit 1”,0) );
]]>For some unknown reason, the “Import Entries” link no longer shows up in the Forms area. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin, but it still doesn’t show up.
Please help!