[09-Aug-2019 00:48:08 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-to-excel-addon/gf2excel-addon.php on line 164
[09-Aug-2019 00:48:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: ‘break’ not in the ‘loop’ or ‘switch’ context in /wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-to-excel-addon/includes/PHPExcel/Calculation/Functions.php on line 581
just installed your plugin and I noticed several issues.
Saving the settings is not working at all, since a fatal PHP error is thrown:
Notice: Undefined index: gf2excel-addon in /home/ghanac1q/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-to-excel-addon/gf2excel-addon.php on line 245
Fatal error: Cannot declare class PHPExcel, because the name is already in use in /home/ghanac1q/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-to-excel-addon/includes/PHPExcel.php on line 43
In addition there’s an PHP notice:
Notice: An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wpmy_rg_form_meta table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details: https://docs.gravityforms.com/database-storage-structure-reference/#changes-from-gravity-forms-2-2 in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/gravityforms.php on line 5153
Any change the plugin will be updated?
]]>Hi Dieter
I recently installed Gravity Forms to Excel Addon and setup configuration as mentioned in the instructions. However, I am getting error when submitting Gravity form. The page return as blank (white) with no error.
I tried the solution provided in previous post https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/blank-page-after-submit-1/ but the change did not resolve my issue.
The website is on WordPress 4.9.1 with Gravity form 2.2.5
The Excel uploaded is blank and is of format .xlsx
Can you help with this issue?
Thanks in advanced
Mark Huynh
]]>So I get the excel formulas all set, test and the order of the website submitted data has changed. Update to new order test and it changes again.
]]>This is currently breaking the form having the latest WP & GF installed. The form processes but there is no excel file and the form will not get to the confirmation page.
]]>Hi there,
When I go for upload my template, the plugin came up with this error.
Fatal error: Class ‘ZipArchive’ not found in /web/htdocs/www.aiapinerolo.it/home/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-to-excel-addon/includes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel2007.php on line 94
]]>Why the form values are saving vertically in excel sheet? Why not in a row?
And why some system data are showing i.e. form_id, payment_id, source_url is showing?
I want to display only form values in a single row.
Is it doable in your plugin?
My site: https://jimenterprises.net/employment-application/
Please let me know.
]]>Thank you for an excellent plugin! I have some additional sheets set up in my template workbook with table data and calculations based on the submissions and am attempting to use VLOOKUP to draw information from a table in another sheet within the same workbook; that uses data validation based on a table in another sheet… (hope that makes sense) Upon emailing the tables are lost and the vlookup cells have cell reference errors, so no calculating happens.
I assume that either excel formatted Tables are not supported or list selection data validation cells aren’t? Or both? Or something is going wrong?
Thanks for your help/advice!
]]>Hi guys,
My question is very simple, where do I download a viable excel template file in xlsx 2007 format? My current Excel version does not allow to save in this format.
Hi, please note that the plugin is not working with the latest version of WP. When I try to apply the settings, the tab with the plugin’s options just goes white.
]]>Hi, I’m working on the excel documents for Gravity Forms To Excel AddOn which is with your explanation very easy to do. The only thing that I cannot find is the following:
the date format in my WordPress site and in the Gravity Forms is 25-10-2016, but when it is exported it shows in the excel file as 2016-10-25.
Where can I change this date format? Is it in the plugin files? My Excel is set to this 25-10-2016 format.
I hope you can help,
When the PayPal add-on is being used in conjunction with this add-on (either the PayPal Standard Add-On or the PayPal Payments Pro Add-On), and the gravity form has been setup with a confirmation notification, instead of seeing the confirmation page, the user is redirected to a blank page. This blank page has the same URL as the form.
My setup
I’ve deactivated all other plugins and reverted back to the 2016 theme. I’m using the most up to date version of your plugin, version And WordPress is at version 4.5.3.
Hi, I believe I have set this up correctly, but I am not getting the excel file emailed to me.
you can view my form here: https://paraduxmedia.com/brandprinting-system/
]]>Hello There,
I installed your plugin, gravityforms latest version, no apparent error, but the setting for excel attachments are not present on my forms. Nothing happens.
I also have user registration addon installed and mailchimp addon.
]]>Everything is working as expected except that the order of the data keeps changing each time the form is submitted. All of the default form information is consistently displayed in rows 1-19, but my information that comes after that does not always appear in the same order in rows 20-28. Therefore when I use the function to pull the data into Sheet 1, it ends up being mismatched. I have tried sorting the uploaded file alphabetically, as well as formatting all the cells to text, but nothing has helped. What am I doing wrong?
Your plugin is compatible with multi site because when I activate the plugin I have a blank page without PHP error
thank you
]]>Hi there,
We’re using Gravity Forms To Excel AddOn on a webpage and have a Gravity form with 57 fields connected to this addon. Sometimes though all the fields don’t have to be filled and in those cases all our formulas (=e21) etc. are all messed up.. Is there someway to prevent this from happening?
i’ve created a multipage form (https://fernandoalmeida.pt/formulario-inscricao/) in Gravity and i’m getting a blank page after form submission.
If the Gravity Forms To Excel AddOn is deactivated everything works fine.
My WordPress version is 4.4.1 and i′m using Avada theme (v. 3.8.8). Gravity Forms version is 1.9.14 and the Gravity Forms To Excel AddOn version is
Can you help, please.
Thank in advance
Fernando Almeida
]]>When U use an excel spreadsheet with charts in it as my template, the spreadsheet email that GF to Excel sends has the charts stripped out of it. Is it just me?
I’m getting the following PHP notice, “Undefined index: page” on line 70 in file: gravity-forms-to-excel-addon/gf2excel-addon.php
You should add a check to see if $_GET[‘page’] is set before using it.
if( isset($_GET[‘page’]) && $_GET[‘page’] == ‘gf_edit_forms’ && $_GET[‘subview’] == ‘gf2excel-addon’ ){ … }
]]>Hi there! Is it possible to have GF go to Google Sheets? This would be incredibly useful.
Thank you!