How can I set the plugin to sort the grid order by post date?
Using grid product plugin. How do I change the number of products displayed per row? It shows 5 but I only want three per row?
is there a shortcode for this. I have: [product cat=”wm-fm” des=”no”]
Thanks so much…
]]>I am considering downloading this plugin but it hasn’t been updated in a year and it looks like it is guaranteed up to version 4.2.10 and I’m currently at 4.4.1 soon to update to 4.6.1 – will this plugin continue to work?
]]>I have enjoyed using Grid Products to add products for a client’s website. We have 550 products, and 38 categories. I have created pages to display the products using the shortcode. The products display on the page by order in which the product was added. I would like better organization of this page and have the products show up alphabetically by title.
Can this be done with an edit to the shortcode?
Or would one edit, wp-includes/query.php ? This codex article seems helpful, but I am wondering if anyone has solved this question already and can offer some guidance for editing this?
]]>I’ve been using this plug-in for years with no problem. I am not sure if it is because I upgraded WordPress to the latest version… or something to do with the plugin itself. Now all of the products listed with Grid Product are showing 404 errors. I’ve double-checked the page names and it should work. Any help would be appreciated… or I’ll be forced to find a different solution… which I hope is not the case since this has been stable.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Anyone knows, how to redirect you to a custom link, when you click the button “Read More”. The plugin, only redirect to the permalink.
I saw a solution about this (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/custom-links-8/), but i think, it will redirect to the same site, every product inside the same category.
Thank you
]]>I looked through the support but everyone seems to figure out the answer before you get to type it, so I miss it.
I have saved the permalinks, but I can’t get the products to show up in the grid. I updated the category and nothing. Please help.
]]>I am having the same problem that someone else that posted here was having, but there was no answer on it.
Some of my products link to more information: https://www.midamericatruck.com/product/791-2003-ihc-8600/
Others don’t link to more information but show a Page Not Found: https://www.midamericatruck.com/product/556-1984-amgen-4-x-4/
Both of them link from the main page here: https://www.midamericatruck.com/trucks/
Can you help?
After I have add woocommerce plugin to my wordpess. I had to change the permalinks, direct links for products work fine but whene I set up a new page and put the shortcode [product] I get nothing
page : https://monskateelectrique.com/skates-et-accessoires/
Thanks in advance ??
The “products” command along the left hand side of the page disappeared. Can you give me insight into what happened and how this can be fixed, so that I can add products through grid products again?
I need to position featured images as my wish. In some product top of the image and some are mid, bottom (tried cropping and resizing also). By default it takes only middle I guess. Further are there any possibility to have two or three images on thumbnail view ? Thanks in advance !
]]>Hi Folks,
Is it possible to import a CSV of products?
I am trying to use the shortcode to display the latest product in the relevant category of the page. When I use a shortcode it shows that exact text and not the product. Is there anywyay of displaying products in a widget area?
Thanks in advance
]]>Can you help me figure out how to get my images to show up? The don’t show up in grid format or list format.
Maybe it’s because this plug-in hasn’t been tested with my version of wordpress yet? (At least that’s what the app tells me).
When I’m adding a new product, where do add the image of that specific product?
website: https://k-ksystems.com/trafficparts/wordpress/message-board/american-signal/led-panel/
I have installed this plugin.
I’d like to add products in grid with “image”, brand product, name, price and external link to other site. Can I do this ?
I don’t understand how can I add products ?
Thank you in advance
]]>I am using Smart Business theme that was created by another developer. We are trying to add the search feature back into the web site. I added the search as a widget and it is searching blog posts but it is not searching products which are input through Grid Product. How can I add a search function to search products?
]]>Hello, Does anyone know how to creates boxes around the product thumbs? I’m having problems getting the product thumbs mainly the view product buttons to line up, so I figured at least if they were in boxes it would look cleaner. If anyone knows how to do this or make them line up it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
i have a small issue with the permalinks of Gris Products.
For the moment my permalink for any product is :
but i would like it to be :
how can i change “/product/” to the product actual category
for exemple say i have a product named “chicken” created in category “animals”, how can i change the permalink to be :
i have found the rewrite rule on line 93 of grid_products.php
'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'product', 'with_front' => true ),
but i just cant figure out how to change it so does what i want :/
Any Ideas ?
]]>I have created a product category with a number of products varying in price.
I would like them to show up from highest to lowest price.
Any support would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Can you tell me how I might change the standard generated ‘product’ to another word. Ex. 123anysite/item/1
Thanks in advance
]]>Hi, sorry for the dumb question – new to this!
I’ve added some categories and some products but where do I find the short code so that I can get them onto a page?
]]>I love the list view for this plugin but it does not display correctly in ie explorer or firefox. Am I doing something incorrectly?
]]>We are wanting to use Grid Products on our website, but we can’t seem to get any of the products to appear. Products should be on this page: https://www.rphospital.org/?page_id=2287 but as you can see, nothing. We have product categories setup along with products and featured images set.
We have the following shortcode on the backend of the Medela Products page: [product cat=”medela-products” hidetitle=”yes” featured=”no” buttontext=”Product Details” view=”list” des=”no” maxdes=”100″].
I have messed around with the code and that doesn’t seem to do anything either. The only thing we can think of is a theme conflict, but wanted to see if anyone had some insight before we messed with changing the theme.
Does anyone know why products are not displaying?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I have been using Grid Product and like how it works. I now have added Cart66 and want to integrate the Grid Product information with Cart66.
On the Page, I have [product cat=”jewelry”]
When I add the short code for Add Cart66, it creates [add_to_cart item=””]
You’ve said that one needs to add [post_type=”grid_products”] and I suspect that belongs in the cart66 piece and I changed [add_to_cart item=”” post_type=”grid_product”]
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hi Team
I’m looking to try and change the permalink of my products to /%custom_category%/productname – not quite sure of how to insert the additional string in. I found a post which mentioned changing the rewrite array slug to remove ‘product’ (which I’ve done, as below) – but I’m not sure which string / element to edit to insert the category into the permalink instead. Grateful for any help.
register_post_type( 'grid_products',
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'Products' ),
'singular_name' => __( 'Product' ),
'add_new' => _x('Add New Product', 'Product'),
'add_new_item' => __('Add New Product'),
'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Product'),
'view_item' => __('View Product'),
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add Product')
'public' => true,
'menu_position' => 10,
'menu_icon' => plugins_url( 'images/product_edit.png', __FILE__ ),
'show_ui' => true,
'capability_type' => 'post',
'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'post', 'with_front' => false ),
'taxonomies' => array( 'Products '),
'supports' => array(
I’m wanting to add a quote request form to our products page. We are using grid products to display the items. Is there a compatible plugin that can do this?
]]>I have used your grid-product for some time now. Unfortunately the plug-in disappeared. This happened once before and I reinstalled the plug in and everything came back (WHEW). Thinking this would be a no-brainer, I reinstalled the plug in. Some of the pages show fine, others 404, randomly. I can see the products in the admin panel, still there with their text and picture, displaying the permalink which match. I’ve tried to update the permalink or even change it to something else, it still 404s. Any ideas? Crying on the inside ;).
]]>I want to use the ID instead of categories to make it specific, but when I use ID the grid view wont display. The next item will be displayed below. Any solution to make it in grid view?
]]>Hi Developer I am a new user with your A W E S O M E plugin.
Following on those support issues. I managed to take out the permalink in the title and image.
I was able to add the link in the button but my problem is all button had the same link. Is there a way that I can add link in each button with different external link.?
Hope you can drop by with this question and give some explaination. But if your very busy with your clients. Its okay. Have a blessed day.
site here please check the button Free and Bargain Books
This plugin is almost exactly what I’m look for. Thanks!
The one thing that I would like to do is have the content (i.e. thumb and caption) to link to an external site? Is this possible? I have minor knowledge of php, so if this involves going into the php files, I would be able to try that.
Thanks again!