Hi Team,
We just came across the vulnerability in your plugin, reported by wordfence.
When the patch fix will be live, can we get any insights as we are using your prestigious plugin on all of our clients websites and we dont wanna risk anything.
For your reference we are sharing the links for vulnerability discovery:
Looking forward to hearing from you
Thanks & Regards
]]>I am using the google sheet connector plugin with forminator. My form has a repeating field group to enter multiple members for a group. When a form is submitted with multiple group members, only the data for the first group member is getting filled into the google sheet. Is there a known fix for this?
]]>Hi, I keep getting a Page not found error when connecting Google account.
Screenshot attached
]]>The plugin is causing a conflict on our site. WPAdmin Dashboard does not display properly and icons missing from objects and can’t move dashboard items into the 3 columns only stay in one column. Have to disable the plugin for the site to work properly. ;(
]]>Right now the attachment file name is populated into the sheet, instead of a link to the file being uploaded.
File uploaded: afile.png
File actual location: https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/forminator/randomstring/uploads/randomstring-afile.png
It would be incredibly helpful to have the plugin link directly to the actual file instead of the uploaded file name.
When form is submitted data is not saved in the sheets.
Plugin configuration is done as suggested on the KB article.
What could be the issue?
]]>Hi, i’ve got a problem with the data integration between a form and a gsheet spreadsheet.
I set the correct configuration for connecting but when I create the headers in the GSheet, the titles aren’t good, and when I submit a test, the data aren’t the good ones, and sometimes provided from others forms than the choosen one (in the case of multiple choices lists).
Why there is this problem, and can I solve it ?
I have a problem with data not being saved to my sheet. The sheet is connected correctly, I have added manually the headers since the automatic way it didint work.
Here is my sheet https://prnt.sc/5r7QFudJ30n4
Here are my settings https://prnt.sc/NeTnzZEfOeS6
]]>We were having an issue with phone numbers from Forminator being saved in Google Sheets with a ‘+’ before the number, causing Google Sheets so show an error. To fix, I added the following code to the foreach($field_data_array as $key => $value){
loop in the public function send_form_submission_to_google_sheets( $field_data_array, $form_id ) {
// Check if the value starts with "+" or "="
if (isset($field_value) && (strpos($field_value, '+') === 0 || strpos($field_value, '=') === 0)) {
$field_value = "'" . $field_value; // Prepend an apostrophe to the value
The entire function now looks like this:
foreach($field_data_array as $key => $value){
$field_value = "";
//$field_label = isset($value['field_array']['field_label']) ? (($value['field_array']['field_label']!="") ? $value['field_array']['field_label'] : ($value['name'])) : $value['name'];
$field_label = (isset($form_field_label[$value['name']]) && $form_field_label[$value['name']] != "") ? $form_field_label[$value['name']] : $value['name'];
if((isset($value['field_type'])) && ($value['field_type'] == 'time')){
$field_value = implode(':', $value['value']);
}elseif((isset($value['field_type'])) && ($value['field_type'] == 'upload')){
$field_value = $value['value']['file']['name'];
}elseif((isset($value['field_type'])) && ($value['field_type'] == 'address')){
//$field_value = "";
foreach ($value['value'] as $k => $v) {
if(isset($value['field_array'][$k]) && $value['field_array'][$k] == true){
$data[$value['field_array'][$k.'_label']] = $v;
$field_value = isset($value['value']['formatting_result']) ? $value['value']['formatting_result'] : implode(',', $value['value']);
//$field_value = ($value['field_type'] == 'time') ? (implode(':', $value['value'])) : implode(',', $value['value']);
$field_value = $value['value'];
// Check if the value starts with "+" or "="
if (isset($field_value) && (strpos($field_value, '+') === 0 || strpos($field_value, '=') === 0)) {
$field_value = "'" . $field_value; // Prepend an apostrophe to the value
if((isset($value['field_type'])) && ($value['field_type'] != 'address')){
$data[$field_label] = $field_value;
$data[$field_label] = $field_value;
Thank you so much for the plugin! We found a bug in the code that was causing issues for us, as our database schema is a little different than default. On line 113 of class-gs-formntr-services.php, wp_postmeta
is hardcoded into the plugin. This was causing the plugin to error and not post new submissions to the Google Sheet. I replaced with $table_name
which was earlier defined on line 95, and the issue was fixed.
Hello WordPress users,
This Plugin is developed to use with Forminator Forms to send form entries directly to Google Sheet using Forminator Forms Google Sheet Connector
Click here to spinup the Test site with TasteWP while installing Forminator by wpmudev, and Forminator Forms Google Sheet Connector by GSheetConnector
If you have any questions, or any trouble in configuration, feel free to let us know.