Hello russellpabon,
How can i get the license for the script. Your website is Down.. Please assist
I’m searching for a form, with which I can customize creating a Blog for “wordpress-inexperienced user”, there are not needed to customize their Blogs. This form should can handle standard form fields (Titel, content for e.g.) and additional customized fields also. In my case for recipes (ingredients, cooking time, difficult level for e.g.)
Is this possible with GuiForm?
Thanks for fast answer
Best regards
theme Tienda Basic
I have successfully installed the mail chimp extension and was able to connect to my acct. what do I do next? where is the form on our site or how do I set up the form on our site?
thank you
When I put in a submission on a guifrom it tells me that everything worked fine and then I dont get an email? Could you please assist me
website is https://www.stpp.co.za
]]>[Ticket #69] My form won’t save once saved
1-The form once created and saved, won’t save any more changes, it just goes round and round while the save button shows the revolving logo(check screenshot), the only way is to refresh the whole page after one save before making any changes or the changes will be lost.
2-Please please please add a functionality to edit form data , it is very very essential
3-Once a file upload field is created, if you add any field after that, then after the submission of form, if you want to view form data, the file preview(jpg, png) does not work anymore , only download button is active, not the preview button, and the solution is you have to go to mysql server and change the file upload field order and put it at the end of the column list (which I am sure most people won’t do or know), so please find a solution
4-This query depends on whether the mail notification is dependent on wordpress email SMTP(or POP3) service or not, if not then the notification mail does not go to target mail ID
5-There is no alert function for a duplicate field name, please add one or else a small mistake will result in table not being created and for the fact that there is no notification of error, you spend hours scratching your head why a silly form won’t work
6-The field validation alert for phone number won’t let me give custom alert function , it changes to default “The value is not valid %s phone number” and %s being anything only on the list, and practically 90% countries are not on the list
Hello, I have 2 versions of Guiform, a pro version and a free version. The free version is no longer working. Was working fine up to about a week ago. But, now when someone submits a form, we receive no confirmation email and neither does the submitter. The submit button just spins and does not redirect to the next page the way it was set up to. The form does still save to the database though, so we are getting the information. However, this form is for a registration to a convention for a small non-profit I volunteer for that starts on Sept 11th and we need it to work asap. Please help!
This is the form
I have installed (and uninstalled) over 15 different form plug-ins looking for something that is easy yet presentable. This has the best look and is VERY easy to use but submitting just sits with the loading spinner. I see that others also have this issue. I can use the test email from the settings (PHP) and it works fine but any form created does not work.
I am not a programmer so I don’t know how to correct this or even if it is something that can be corrected. Will this product be developed further or is this the end? I am reluctant to purchase the full version if it will not be fixed.
Thank you for your work ! Great plugin.
Please excuse my English, is not very good.
I have a problem to send notifications on yahoo address (mayby others too). My messages are not distributed (Message not allowed – Headers are not RFC compliant [291 ]) .
I noticed that in emails received on working adress, I have 2 times the same recipient’s name (for example : To : [email protected], [email protected]). No double whith CC or CCI.
Do you have an idea ?
Thanks for your help
]]>Hi, I would like to change “browse” button text as my website is on another language. I found thesese lines in the sourse code:
<div class=”input-group col-sm-12″> <span class=”input-group-btn”> <span class=”btn btn-primary btn-file”>Browse<span class=”fa fa-folder-open”> </span> <input type=”file” name=”field_7112″> </span> </span>
How can I change the “Browse” word there on something else? It is impossible to change the sourse code through plugin admin panel, and I can’t find location of this file on FTP.
Any help would be appreciated.
I clicked “Set the return-path to match the From Email” on the mail setup page and it’s not saving the setting or working when I send a test. Anyone know of troubleshooting steps I can take?
]]>After I added an SSL certificate to my site, the GuiForms will no longer save. I also can not view the source code. Save button basically does nothing. Do I need to set something in GuiForms? Or have I set something wrong in the SSL?
]]>Diamond MultiSite Widgets causes guiform to not save. Just sits there. I hate to do without that one but maybe I can find an alternative.
]]>Upon trying to save a form I get Security check: Invalid token!
I’ll start deactivating other plugins to see if it fixes thing.
I am working on a new website. I created some forms a few weeks ago. All was working fine at that time. Now, all my forms (old ones and new ones also) are not working any more. When I press the submit button, it changes to “Loading” and that’s all. The form does not submit.
I checked within the Browser Console (I’m using Firefox) and, when the page loads, there is an error message there: TypeError: jQuery(…).guiform is not a function
Can you please help?
Kind regards,
Created a new form from scratch, but the submit button does not appear to be working. Nothing happens on click, neither in Opera Developer 30.0 or Internet Explorer 11.
Is there a way to change the number the ID’s start on? Instead of starting at 1, I would like the ID numbers to start at 1001 so I can use them as confirmation numbers to send to people who use the form to register for a convention.
Test emails work great, but REAL emails are not being received.
I even added a secondary email and checked in my spam folders. What could the problem be?
When I submit the form, it shows a success message, but didn’t send any email. Also, when I click on Send Test Mail in mail setup, it is shown success message, but didn’t send any email to the email id.
]]>I wan to validate minimum character How can I do this using this from
]]>When I click on add new form all I get is a blank page. No buttons, no links, nothing.
]]>I love your plug-in. Best of it’s type and I now use it regularly.
Is there some way to maintain the filename when downloading the file from the Entry Manager. The upload file name shows on the Information screen. But when you click on the file to download (or hover over the download link) the file now has a hash of the filename rather the original filename.
Am I missing something here? A setting to retain Upload File Name, rather than the computed name?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi, I have created a large contact form in one of my sites and it works fine. Now that I have tested it I want to roll it out onto my other sites however the ‘import’ feature doesnt seem to want to work.
I have exported the from using each possible configuration and also tried to import using each possible configuration.
The export appears to work fine, I get a file, but when I click ‘upload file’ the ‘uploading/busy’ icon appears for a few seconds then nothing. The file name still displays in the upload field just as if you hadnt clicked upload.
Anys suggestions? I really dont want to have to do this manually for each website as this would take forever. thanks
]]>After creating my form, i called the form id in a separate page, but it is showing 404 page not found error.
]]>Any chance you have had time to fix the error that is causing compatibility problems with other plugins?
guiform 1.7.0
Hi Ravi,
nice find! I had a brief look at the GUIForm plugin code and can confirm that the message is coming from there. There error seems to be in the GuiForm_Module_Post class. It seems that the plugin is simply replying to all requests instead of only those that are intended for GUIForm.
I suggest to keep the plugin deactivated temporarily. You could then also report this to the GUIForm developer, so that they can add a fix in a future version maybe.
I have a security plugin named Restricted Site Access and when I activate it and use the shortcode for the form [GuiForm id=”1″] it displays the site home page where the form should be. When I use the embed script in lieu of the short code – <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://www.immunizationsandhealthit.org/form/js/1″></script> – then nothing displays on the page where the form should be.
If I deactivate Restricted Site Access both of these code methods work perfectly on the page.
Any ideas?
]]>Mobile users are having problems with one of my forms. It will not load all the way so they can see the submit button. My theme is responsive and I am using the jetpack mobile feature also. Form is located at: https://thenewrivertribe.com/?page_id=235
]]>Hey! Thank you for your plugin, nice work.
Here what i want to make with this plugin:
I need to build something like ticket system ( we have few fields [username] [title] …. [file 1] and etc. ).
So, i need documentation and tips for how can i make custom validation ( i mean after data passed standard form validation, i can check file size, … and insert data into tables i need).
I visited your site with hope to find some documentation ( documentation section and other ), but it seems to be deleted or not created yet.
Help me please.
P.S: Sorry for my English
Is there any way to track the referring URL using GUI forms? In the past I’ve used hidden fields or email notifications to let me know the exact URL the form was filled out on.
Any such functionality with GUI Forms or is it in the works for future dev?
Thanks a bunch, love your plugin by the way, bought the pro and mailchimp extensions (not currently using pro though bc of theme conflicts)
is there a way where we can add the list of things that we need to add in the drop down menu from code or excel since we need to add around 50+ options in one drop down adding them one by one is too much time consuming so can i get it through code or excel.
Thanks for such a great plugin, but there is one small problem. When I am filling out a form and submitting it, it says Thank You, We will get back to you shortly. Then I go to the email to see the form and the mail isn’t sent.
Could you please help me resolve this issue