Not working – Crashes site on activation – 500 error
Great plugin, really needs to be updated / maintained.
Please message when working again.
]]>I ran the PHP Compatibility Checker plugin
checking for PHP 7 compatibility and got this result for this plugin:
FILE: wp-content/plugins/gys-themed-categories-2/gys-themed-categories.php
12 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
This plugin is exactly what I want, and it is the only plugin I know of that allows choosing a unique theme for an entire category. But I’m having a few problems.
First, I had a problem with a Fatal error when I installed the plugin, but I was able to fix it by following the suggestions in this thread:
Now, I am having a smaller problem, but I’m not sure how to fix it. The problem is that when the plugin is activated, the theme’s JS and CSS are using the wrong path on every page (not just the categories with customized themes), and therefore returning a 404.
I think the problem might be one of two things.
First, the main theme for the site is a child theme of Roots. Roots uses a non-traditional structure for themes, so perhaps GYS relies on a more traditional theme structure. When I try using a different theme, the issue is resolved, but I need to use the Roots based theme that site already has.
Second, my wp-config is a little untraditional in the sense that I have the following variables set;
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-content');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/wp-content');
This is because my plugin and theme files are in a sibling directory of the wordpress install, rather than in the default child directory. Some themes seem to be working fine from this directory, but the Roots based themes seem to default to looking in the default location for CSS and JS once GYS is activated rather than using the paths defined in wp-config.
I’m kicking myself now for using Roots and setting up a non-traditional directory structure, but it’s too late to change those decisions. It should theoretically be pretty simple to tweak this plugin to get it working, but I just don’t know where to start. Any help would be appreciated!
I recently stumbled upon this plugin and I think it’s a great idea.
I’ve installed it and got it working except when I try to click into the category I get a 404 error.
Can someone help with this?
]]>The plugin allowed me to select the correct theme for the category but now the header nav menus are wrong.
It appears that the plugin is not using the menus that I have specified in wordpress. Instead it is adding links to all pages into the header menu. This is happening only on the custom category theme page.
You can see what i mean here:
I can leave the page like that for a few hours but will have to change it back as there is an event this afternoon and many people will be visiting the site after that.
]]>Does this work for 3.5.1 has anyone tested ?
]]>Hi, I’m looking forward such a nice great plugin, so very thank you!
But, in my case, after enable this plugin then all of screen will be white-out..
I made ??sure that can be avoided by removing or a plugin “WP Multibyte Patch” or “gys-themed-categories-2”.
So there are any problem with a plugin “WP Multibyte Patch”.
I’m a Japanese (used multibyte characters), so this plug-in is very important…
Someone help me, Regards!!
]]> is correctly using the theme associated with the category, however, when you go to the comments page: it reverts back to the sites default theme.
Any idea why that would be?
]]>Hi, I create new posts and categories in menu by using “Content Types” plugin. The problem is when I enter the categories part there is not any theme selection menu. Please help me..
Category Image:
]]>Can i use the GYS Themed Category in commercial projects?
]]>when I go to active podpress and/or GYS Themed Categories I get “Fatal error: Call to a member function wp_rewrite_rules() on a non-object in /opt/lampp/htdocs/wp-includes/rewrite.php on line 294”
]]>Love GYS! Nice plugin, Using it on a Multisite: Switiching to different themes depending on castegories works great. My problem: i tried to even use 2011 theme options in different themes.
EG: main theme is 2011. Theme in is a custom theme based on 2011. I changed all the necessary theme names in functions.php to get the custom theme options saved under the new individual theme options tables.
Unfortunately: options are always taken from the main theme activated. Any idea?
]]>breaks entire site by fatal error
]]>the plugin does seem to work as advertised but how do I adjust the theme settings? Right now everything looks out of place and the theme has a bunch of settings I must tweak for it to look right. So my question is, how do I get to the theme settings if it’s not accessible on the dashboard. It is only accessible when I set the theme used for categories as default but then the changes don’t save when I switch back to my default and access the categories. Hope this makes sense. Thanks!
]]>Hello, is there any way to use this plugin (or do you know of another) that will apply themes to pages instead of (or in addition to) categories?
]]>I’ve been trying to get this to work with custom taxonomies…and wonder if anyone has any thoughts:
The original gets the post id and the cat id this way:
// get Post ID from URL
// get Category ID from URL
list($url)=explode('/page/',$url); // <- added for paging compatibility
Since I’m trying to get this with a custom post type I can’t use url_to_postid so now I’m using bwp_url_to_postid
// get Post ID from URL with bwp_url_to_postid
This pulls the Post_ID from the URL even in a custom post type just fine.
So I’ve gotten the post id, and then, based on that trying to get the cat id (on the assumption that there is only 1 category)
Next instead of getting the $cid (category id) with get_category_by_path, I’d like to get it with the Post ID (again, going on the assumption that there will only ever be 1 category) because of how the permalinks are set…wont see the category in the url.
So my first attempt is wp_get_object_terms
$terms = wp_get_object_terms( $pid, 'product_category', array('fields'=>'ids'))
$ids = wp_list_pluck( $terms, 'term_id' );
$cid = array_pop($ids)
Except that $cid isn’t pulling the term_id from the current post this way…which is what I expected.
If I manually set $cid in the plugin…it works fine…so it’s just a matter of getting the correct term_id from the current post to continue.
Any thoughts?
]]>Hi there,
I’m setting up a new site and trying to get the functionality squared away before fully customizing it. One of my requests is to have a different look for each category and I was led to this plugin.
You can see it in action thus far here:
Go to Politics and click it, and you will see a new theme. But, if you click either of the two test posts there (I did one before this plugin, then tried another after in case that was the problem; it wasn’t), it reverts back to the default theme for the actual article page.
What am I doing wrong?
]]>Wilco, another WordPress dev, wrote:
Hi Luke, how’re you doing?
I’m mailing you regarding the GYS Themes Categories plugin you created, and I would like to ask you a favor..
Your plugin makes sure some pages are using another theme (which is also installed), and disregards all elements of the main theme (such as the CSS and JS files in the header). What I’m trying to do sounds a lot more simple, but I can’t figure out how: In a plugin I’m creating, I’m trying to neglect all original theme files (CSS/JS etc) for a specific Custom Post Type.
Do you have any tips on how to start on this? I simply can’t figure it out..
Would be awesome it you could point me in the right direction!
Any idea if this will work with custom post types?
]]>Hi, i love your plugin, i’ve been using for a very long time.
I the recent update (2.4) you’ve added this option:
“Now ignores pages and the home page, so the current theme is applied there”
I don’t want the pages to be ignored, how should i modify the plugin to do that like in the previous version.
Thank you!
]]>I had an interest in using this to display a different number of ads based on the size of the post, so it wouldn’t be based on a true category – so adjusting pages based on the realities of Google’s Panda update. It would be cool to have this set up based on a non visible field so the category format wouldn’t have to be altered. I can’t seem to find any theme flexibility that does something like this except ThemePerPost, which has been orphaned. But otherwise, you could have the regular categories and “short”, “med”, “long”, and show 1 ad for the short posts, 2 for medium and 3 for long for example. This would mostly involve adjusting the look of the sidebar(s).
Great plugin, but it doesn’t seem to recognize child themes, at least not when using Genesis platform with a child theme.
When activated the category will default back to Genesis but won’t recognize the child theme. Also, it forces your main site back to Genesis and won’t allow you to adjust it until you de-activate the plugin. Seems to work great with other themes, however.
Hopefully this can be corrected especially considering the popularity of Genesis and other theme platforms.