Is this plugin abandoned or is there an update planned that fixes the reported security bug?
Is there anyone here who can fix the vulnerability and share it?
Thanks in advance
]]>I’m using Bricks and the compiled CSS file loads first before all the theme files. How can I enqueue it later so it can override the theme defaults?
Thanks again for a great tool, working beautifully on many sites. I’m however having an issue on a fresh WP install on a new server to me. Happy SCSS is the second plugin I installed after Limit login atttempts and no other edits in the install so far, default content, twenty-twentythree theme. So a clean install and I get this warning:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Hm_Wp_Scss_Admin::$plugin_settings_tabs is deprecated in?/XXX/public_html/wp-content/plugins/happy-scss-compiler/admin/class-hm-wp-scss-admin.php?on line?159
Just so that you know. I expect it to work anyway.
A clamp statement with mixed units apparently cannot be compiled. Is there a solution?
font-size: clamp(1.75rem, -0.8614rem + 5.4475vw, 2.625rem);
(clamp generated by:
Error:”WP SCSS Compiling Error — FILE: myStyles — ERROR: Incompatible units vw and rem.: line: 39, column: 2″
How can I make this plugin and ( ) work together?
]]>I sent a Japanese translation file on Facebook this morning.
It’s still not a perfect translation.
I am willing to help translate into Japanese.
Message me on Facebook if you’d like.
thank you.
]]>It looks like the plugin doesn’t import all .scss files, so it won’t recognise linked variables and mixins. This is what I have:
@import “bootstrap”;
@import “fonts”;
@import “variables”;
@import “mixins”;
@import “base”;
@import “form-elements”;
@import “main-navigation”;
@import “print”;
I have updated to WP 6.1.1. No clue why it doesn’t work. Can you help please?
]]>Hi guys, thanks for a really nice plugin!
I’m about to build a theme of my own and would like to include this plugin pre-installed. I don’t want to install the usual way and show it in the plugins list, just do the magic behind the curtain. The way I’ve approached this is to move the plugin files in a different folder and in my functions.php, include_once the main file happy-scss-compiler.php. This brings the settings page where it belongs, but the css and js seem to be lacking. Also I’m not sure if it compiles, without hitting the save settings button. At least it’s slower than when installed in the usual way.
This works for some other plugins, what am I missing here?
My include code is simply:
include_once( get_template_directory() . '/lib/plugins/happy-scss-compiler/happy-scss-compiler.php' );
It works with .scss, but is it possible to support .sass?
]]>nice to meet you.
I’m Japanese, so I’m not good at English, I’m sorry
I want to compile scss in my own plugin, but it is not reflected. Is this not covered by the plugin?
If the css grid area were to be, for instance:
grid-area: 3 / 3 / 5 / 5;
then the compiler will calculate these into the value
grid-area: 0.04;
which will break the grid.
My work-around was to put the grid into a separate css-stylesheet.
]]>Thank you for the plugin. How can I get the plugin to automatically recompile the SCSS when one of the imported files gets updated? For example, my main.scss file has this line:
@import “components/footer”;
If I were to edit the _footer.scss file, is there a way for the plugin to re-compile “main.scss” automatically?
]]>Hi folks! LOVE the plugin. Just reporting an error that we’re logging on our end. Note: we’re using PHP8.1.
The error:
FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "extension" in /www/.../wp-content/plugins/happy-scss-compiler/public/class-hm-wp-scss-public.php on line 427PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "extension" in /www/.../wp-content/plugins/happy-scss-compiler/public/class-hm-wp-scss-public.php on line 427
Let me know if we can be of further help!
]]>Hey guys,
This plugin is great and especially cool that it works with PHP 8.0.
The issue I have is that I always see an annoying notification about “WP SCSS Compiling Error” when there’s actually no compiling error.
Could you please remove it or make it optional to be shown?