Multiple articles exist within a single page. Is it possible to place a survey at all the places where each article ends?
First of all, thanks for your useful plugin.
All working well but the texts on pro and contra buttons are ltr by default and there is no option to set them as centered or rtl. Can you please add it in in options or let me know if I can put a CSS code in the plugin design section or theme CSS editor section? I already tried something but nothing happened.
Thanks and regards.
Helpful was my baby, a baby I wanted, but no longer had time for. Unfortunately, the baby is very frequently sick. Currently, it seems that there are security holes and certain things are no longer allowed on
These points are currently problematic with Helpful:
1. Update the version that Helpful was tested with.
2. Load all scripts that WordPress already has, via WordPress (jQuery UI).
3. Load all external content (CDN) locally, so include it directly in Helpful.
This doesn’t look like the hardest things to do, but I just don’t have the time. The question is, in the connection, whether something is not criticized again.
Since I do Helpful alone and get hardly any help despite open source, I have to stop the plugin because I don’t have the time to resolve the problems.
]]>WPScan also has a warning: `This plugin has been closed as of August 26, 2022 and is not available for download.
This plugin has been closed as of August 26, 2022 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.
Every time there is an update to your plugin, the Helpful theme resets to Base. This has been happening for a long time, just didn’t bother to let you know, assuming someone else would. I am using the Divi Theme if that matters.
]]>Any chance you will add an option to display a bigger stats board or widget like the one in this pic? I really like this so I can look over what is doing good and what is doing bad.
How should we use this ‘count_pro_percent’ => Helpful\Core\Helpers\Stats::get_pro($post_id, true), in shortcode?
I tried many formats but can’t seem to get any to work.
I just want to display the percentage of upvotes for the specific post.
Hello. When someone downvotes my article, “Why Didn’t You Like Our Article?” I want to get a question and an answer to it. Is this possible?
]]>After installing Helpful, our caching provider Ezoic can no longer cache the site. I found that the Helpful plugin is preventing Ezoic from caching through a disallowed cache control header.
Caching when Helpful is disabled:
Caching when Helpful is enabled:
Any thoughts on this? Helpful is currently disabled from the site but affects all pages (zero cache hits with Helpful activated). We’d rather not overrule cache control headers as that could cause other issues.
Site is up to date.
Thank you,
Hello, activating Helpful breaks our Customizer. Here’s what it looks like with Helpful activated:
Screen one:
Screen 2, when clicking on Widgets:
With Helpful deactivated:
I have a suggestion. How about having an option in the menu to enable only the positive reviews to be shown to the visitor.
Example: “87 people found this post useful.”
Another suggestion:
It would be good if you could mark the feedback in the admin area. As an admin, I could mark feedback that has already been processed as done.
I updated yesterday and had another fatal error episode. This happened on a previous update for me. I have disabled the login now because it’s fatal it means it puts my site down.
Is there any chance you could link me to the previous version so I can go back again until the error is fixed.
Love the plugin.
]]>We’ve been seeing this fatal error, possibly since updating to PHP 8 when using th helpful plugin. Perhaps it does not have permissions to write?
TypeError: Caught TypeError (500): fwrite(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given in /plugins/helpful/core/solutions/class-wpml.php:76
I believe the error this thrown from:
Thank you for the wonderful plugin.
Since I am not an English-speaking person, I have translated it into English using Google Translate.
It may be difficult to read, but please forgive me.
By the way,I would appreciate it if you could give me guidance on how to deal with the subject of the title.
I could specify post_id by referring to the following explanation page provided by you above, so I created the following shortcode and inserted the shortcode into multiple posts.
[helpful post_id=’xxx’]
As a result, in the statistical information on the management screen side, the number of votes is added up, and feedback is also linked to the post ID.
(I judge that it is the correct usage from the records in the database).
However, only the voting button on the front end does not reflect the numbers.
Can you tell me a good way to get rid of this?
Thank you.
]]>Hi there, thanks for the work put into the plugin!
I was wondering if the below is possible, please:
I have a client who uses a headless WordPress installation to manage the blog posts on their React App. They fetch the post content via WordPress’ API, with some new fields added to the JSON payload (Metadata, linked YouTube videos, etc – all managed within the WP CMS).
We need users of the React app to mark an article as helpful/not helpful and then have that data reflect back to the CMS.
We’ve been able to include the markup, styling and the JS (via includes) of the Helpful widget in our post content that gets pulled through to the React app (it gets compiled to an asset.js file that is then loaded by the React app), and we’ve been able to pull the pro/contra counts in the JSON output.
However, upon clicking on the pro/contra buttons on the react app, the widget doesn’t do anything – the “thank you” text doesn’t display and the post’s pro/contra counts don’t get updated on the WordPress CMS.
Do you have any insight for how we may incorporate this plugin on a React app via a WordPress headless install?
]]>“Fatal error: ob_start(): Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in wp-content/plugins/helpful/core/helpers/class-feedback.php on line 644”
Hope this help
I like this plugin.
If:after post-feedback updates, a feedbacker wants to re-vote, how can they if my cookie setting choice is only between 1 feedback/voter (my ideal choice) or infinite feedbacks/feedbacker?
Would sessions/cookie solve this? I saw your documentation about installing number of days/cookie, but iam not technical…
Popups mostly have a session limitation cookie option.
What do you suggest?
]]>Hi, I’ve realized that Helpful plugin conflicts with Google Web Stories Plugin. Web Stories displays just the black screen when the conflict happens. I tried deactivating and activating back every single plugin and found out helpful is the one that conflicted with. Can we please check on this issue?
Example URL:
Hi, @pixelbart.
Today, my website was down intermittently.
I contacted WordPress support, and the website turned active after they deactivated Helpful plugin.
While the website was down, error massage “429 Too Many Requests” appered.
Do you have any guesses about this situation?
Thank you.
Such an amazing plugin, thanks for that!
I would like to display a text once a user has given feedback but also when a user has given feedback, navigated away from that page and back to it.
In this case or after refreshing the page, the container is empty and the text, that is supposed to be displayed after somebody has already voted, is not visible.
Can you please help me what I’m missing here?
Dear @pixelbart,
I noticed some duplicated votes on our website, one second or two apart. I tested and it seems that sometimes when I click to vote there is a delay till the server responds. If I click again while I wait, the site sends another request and the vote gets stored twice.
Would it be possible to have the button disabled (perhaps by adding the disabled attribute?) once the user clicks, to avoid this issue?
Many thanks,
Hi there, I just updated the plugin and my site is down, I went to cPanel and change the folder name of the plugin and now its is working. the last update is causing and issue.
]]>It happens second time -all my style settings reset. Very bad
There are a couple of issues that happened after I deactivated and reactivated the plugin on the website (I did this in order to test):
– the Helpful theme was reset from ‘blank’ to ‘main’.
– the translations were removed completely and now all texts are displayed in english on the non-english pages.
The first one was easy to reset but I can’t seem to find a way to re-add the translations. I’m using Polylang and I set the translations in the String translations admin area.
Any idea how I could resolve this?
Many thanks,
How to integrate or enable the feedback form and feedback overview Please<
Thank you
]]>Hi there,
these setting do not seem work at the moment:
Feedback -> Form -> Show name field below the form
Feedback -> Form -> Show email field below the form
Or is there anything else I need to set to make this work?
I’m using the latest version of the plugin.
Hi there,
when I use the shortcode helpful will always display regardless if the post type is activated in the admin or not.
Could this be fixed?
]]>Hi, my CSS changes were lost since the latest update. Were any element names changed?
Please advise, thank you
]]>After the latest update my site had a fatal error and wouldn’t load. I’m sure it was on line 638 (but I forgot to screenshot it and just disabled the plugin).
How can I roll back to yesterdays version until this is fixed?
Is it possible to export the plugin settings?