Maybe this is expected, but it’s confusing me if so.
So I’m confused as to the nature of why sometimes things I create and assign to groups/categories will show in some places but not others, and other times they won’t.
I might be confused as to what is going on, but I would think that the FAQs are all created and independent of Groups or Categories to which they belong. And assigning them to either should show them in either place, every time.
]]>Is there anyway to import FAQs from a CSV file?
I have created various FAQ groups and in the main it works perfectly, thank you.
I have the “FAQ Open By Default” set to “Open First FAQ” in the general settings. This works fine when one FAQ group on a single page. The issue arises when I have more than one FAQ group on a page. On the first FAQ Group, the first FAQ is open but on the second FAQ Group, it is closed.
Who can I translate the plugins front end message for pagination into German?
]]>Version 1.2.6 creates massive Apache Errors in every existing FAQ
This Version generates mixed content: html and \n (sometimes also \r] instead of <br>
] [STDERR] content: <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p>\n<p>Mein gesamtes Flechtmaterial beziehe ich von Materialh..ndler aus Oberfranken und teilweise auch aus Frankreich.</p>\n<p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p>\n<div class="wp-block-media-text is-stacked-on-mobile">\n<figure class="wp-block-media-text__media"><img class="wp-image-13171 " src="" alt="20170121_162611_1280" width="966" height="724" /></figure>\n<div class="wp-block-media-text__content">..</div>\n</div>\n
After Rollback to v1.2.5 the text is always OK
]]>ver. 1.26
nginx error log:
[error] 543042#543042: *1441598 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: content: xxx (faq content)
]]>2 issues with FAQ groups:
This only happens using FAQ groups, when I list the FAQs normally, they look fine.
I believe it’s a duplicate of this topic, but it has been closed already:
]]>Hi, Youtube embeds are not working in the Q&A’s displayed using the Elementor widget. Only the text of the URL is being displayed.
They are being properly embedded on the Single FAQ pages.
Please advise, thank you
On one of our sites using this plugin I’ve been seeing a lot of log entries that are simply –
[06-Jun-2024 13:16:50 UTC] remove_prefix_from_group_archive_page_title
They are firing off a lot at the moment , I can see the error_log call in the code on line 240 in helpie-faq/features/faq-group/actions.php
It doesn’t look like it is particularly necessary to have this logged? If possible could this be commented out/removed please?
Running latest version of plugin 1.24
We are managing a site that is using Helpie FAQ.
The problem is that they must meet all WCAG criteria and currently Helpie FAQ do not meet WCAG 2.1.1
I added tabindex=”0″ to the .accordion__header (via js) witch made it possible to navigate to the list iteams, but it didn’t make it possible to open up them and see the content.
It would be greate if you could look over the plugin and make it WCAG 2 compliant (adding support for tab navigation and expanding via keyboard navigation).
Kind reagards Kim
I encounter a critical error when using helpie FAQ with my theme Uncode (one of the major theme editors : The plugin and wordpress are up to date. Whenever I go to an archive page, whether for my posts types like or my “agencies” post type, I face a critical error with Helpie FAQ.
I checked the error.log file and I see this message repeated over and over : “Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function HelpieFaq\Features\Faq_Group\Actions::remove_prefix_from_group_archive_page_title(), 1 passed in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 324 and exactly 2 expected in /var/www/vhosts/\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/vhosts/ HelpieFaq\Features\Faq_Group\Actions->remove_prefix_from_group_archive_page_title()\n#1 /var/www/vhosts/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()\n#2 /var/www/vhosts/ apply_filters()\n#3 /var/www/vhosts/ uncode_archive_title()\n#4 /var/www/vhosts/ include(‘…’)\n#5 /var/www/vhosts/enjin-…’, referer:
can you help please ? I have no idea on how to fix this without editing your plugin core files and then I won’t be able to update it…
Best regards
]]>how do i create nested FAQs? like i have approximately 50 FAQs which all need to be searchable on the same page, but so it looks more presentable, i was wondering if there was a way to create them nested.
for example, i have some which will come under a subheading of November and some under December.
so when i click on december, those specific FAQs should appear. when i click on December, then those should appear.
but they all need to be on the same page, in the same FAQ group so when i use the search function, all the results appear.
Since the latest update (1.22) the woocommerce product tab is not visible anymore on product pages.
Also an annoying notification in our dashboard which can’t be removed. (In order use this feature you need to purchase and activate the?Helpie FAQ Pro?plugin.)
the field “Limit” in the FAQ-Block behaves strange. Changing the Limit from 10 to 25 in a new block works. But when I edit the Site with the block after updating the site the FAQ-Block chnages the Limit back to 10.
Also strange: the field “Limit ( number of items )” in the Pagination-Tab of the global settings has no influence to that.
We are using Version 1.2.1 on a WP 6.5.2…
Do we make something wrong or maybe a bug?
I have this warning when I switched to php 8.3.6. My WordPress version is 6.5.2
Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on array in plugins/helpie-faq/vendor/pauple/pluginator/src/Library/freemius/includes/managers/class-fs-plugin-manager.php on line 128
Can anything be done to resolve it?
]]>Hello! Thanks for the great plugin, I appreciate that you have the option to include the anchor link in the URL for a particular FAQ to be expanded already on page load.
Question on that though, is there any way to enable functionality that has the page automatically scroll to the anchor link of the expanded FAQ in question?
For example, on this page, if I include the anchor in the URL:
I would like the page to load and scroll down to that question automatically. Possible?
When product page was opened message as ‘PHP message: register_scripts: helpie-faq-bundle’ written to server log.
The reason
error_log( ‘register_scripts: ‘ . $this->plugin_domain . ‘-bundle’ );
code always calling in /wp-content/plugins/helpie-faq/includes/plugin.php in line 368
Can you, please, fix it in next relaese?
I created a FAQ but it is not displayed see image
But on Elementor, I can clearly see that the FAQ is displayed. see the picture
]]>Hello, we would like to purchase the Helpie FAQ module with a lifetime license, is this possible? thank you for your reply
I wasn’t sure where to log this , but we recently had problems with a site that required, on inspecting the log files realised we were getting a large amount of repeated warnings we needed to clear to help reduce the noise.
one of them was the entry like this one –
[07-Dec-2023 10:13:12 UTC] enable_single_faq_page : 1
Checking the plugin code and can see that error_log call in includes/cpt.php on line 92 , which just looks like debugging accidentally left in the code.
Just wanted to flag in case that was left in accidentally, cheers
]]>Hello. I’m using a website with Buddyboss WordPress theme and checking the HTML generated source code I see that HelpieFAQ generates a Javascript with a lot of sensible content related to the current logged in user (even the encrypted password!), like this:
<script type="text/javascript" id="helpie-faq-bundle-js-extra">/* <![CDATA[ */var helpie_faq_object = {"nonce":"46901afba9","ajax_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","current_post_id":"39642","current_user":{"data":{"ID":"456","user_login":"BI002814","user_pass":"$P$BVI2\/yJhKakakak.llxUAQOWDubAew0","user_nicename":"bi002814","user_email":"[email protected]","user_url":"","user_registered":"2023-06-05 13:48:09","user_activation_key":"","user_status":"0","display_name":"MY FULL USER NAME HERE"},"ID":456,"caps":{"subscriber":true,"bbp_participant":true},"cap_key":"wp_capabilities","roles":["subscriber","bbp_participant"],"allcaps":{"read":true,"level_0":true,"spectate":true,"participate":true,"read_private_forums":true,"publish_topics":true,"edit_topics":true,"publish_replies":true,"edit_replies":true,"assign_topic_tags":true,"subscriber":true,"bbp_participant":true},"filter":null},"plan":"free","url":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/helpie-faq\/","enabled_submission":"1","enable_search_highlight":""};var faqStrings = {"hide":"Hide","addFAQ":"Add FAQ","noFaqsFound":"No FAQ found"};/* ]]> */</script>
Is this normal?
I don’t know if this is related to other plugin like W3 Total Cache.
Using the latest WordPress and Helpie FAQ versions.
]]>Why in gods name does the plugin generate all kinds of pages which I did not asked for? They hurt my SEO.
How can I remove them?
is an example of a page that was generated. I want to get rid of them all. Please tell me how.
]]>Hi when will this be PHP 8.1 compatible? We get a lot of depreciation errors currently with this plugin on 8.1
]]>As the title says. In the editor I see paragraphs but when I look at the page all paragraphs are gone and all the text is placed in a single row.
How can I fix this?
]]>There is a wrong list element.
Instead of being ul li /ul, there used div li /div in HTML. Can this be changed?
I have created a new faq group and added 5 FAQs to it using helpie FAQ. The items have been ordered correctly. See screenshot:
However, the items are displaying in a different order on my website. See screenshot:
Can you please help me fix this issue?
]]>I get this error when installing the plugin:
The plugin does not have a valid header.
I just installed 3 new sites and installed Yoast, and then Helpie FAQ.
When wanting to configure settings for FAQ in search results I get the error: e.match is not a function.
Is the problem on the yoast or helpie faq? (all is latest versions).
To be fair I have another old site, where the problem does not exist. (aka – I can configure settings for FAQ in Yoast)
I’m having an issue indexing a page with the Helpie FAQ app installed on it. The landing page is being flagged as having a ‘duplicate field FAQPage’ however, I can’t seem to find where the FAQ is duplicated on the backend of the website?
it seem’s that the same problem as with Version 1.9.15 happend again: no FAQs appear in the frontend any more since the last version-upgrade. The same thing allready happened some weeks ago with version 1.9.15. Block and Shordcodes, both are not working on WP 6.3.1 with Theme Twenty-Twenty-Three.
Best regards