Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: ‘continue’ not in the ‘loop’ or ‘switch’ context in /srv/www/ on line 1043
]]>Basically just needed a module to make it easier to add and remove images from a gallery and to then display them using jetpack in a mosaic tile display and then use ilightbox for the lightbox effect. Worked seamlessly, installed added images and they display just as expected but no much easier to manage. Great work!
]]>Hi can we change the thumbnail size of the gallery?
]]>Looks like a great plugin. Do you have a guide anywhere that helps explain how to integrate into an existing theme?
]]>Hey All,
I’m using the gallery archive functionality – but I can’t figure out a way to change the page title (and thus, tab title) from “Heroic Gallery” – is there any way to change this so I can keep it consistent with my site?
I use the Focal theme which is mainly based on the Heroic gallery plugin. The plugin’s options do not work. I made several galleries but all (except for the one on the homepage, which you can set in the Theme options) are displayed the same : a three column with image tumbnails.
Can someone explain how i can get the other kind of galleries? (for example full screen slider with horizontal thumbs,etc.)
Kind regards,
]]>Hey There,
Using the latest versions of WP & Heroic Gallery and I’m consistently seeing a bunch of bugs that are making the interface a bit difficult to use, information below:
1) All of the sudden, thumbnails aren’t loading when I add photos from my media library to the heroic gallery photo-organization area (the drag/drop/star/edit/etc functionality), thus making it very difficult to organize my images within a gallery. Oddly enough, older galleries still have thumbnails but when adding new images to them there are no thumbnails.
2) Whenever I update a gallery, it auto-checks the “show image titles” box, 100% of the time I do not use this function, but any change made to a gallery automatically turns this back on.
3) When posting larger galleries for the first time, I get some serious 404 issues and have to wait a while before re-attempting to organize/add my gallery
4) Overall slowness
— I’m using the Focal theme, if this info is of any use. Site is
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>When i put html in the input-fields for Title/Caption/Alternative Text/Description, the post-edit screen breaks as well as the output of the template i use the gallery in.
I use the heroic gallery with Focal them. When i create a slideshow gallery + thumbnail with something like 30 pictures. Picture are in 2048, 72dpi with max size 200Mo when i try to access to my gallery i get something really slow and sometimes browsers never display it…
(i try it on many OS and browser with a really hight speed connection)
Have you got some recommendation on size and/or resolution for best result on a fullscreen slideshow?
]]>Hi I really like your Plugin its great, however I want to add a link to each Image in the Gallery, is it possible ? at the moment when I click on the image only the image opens I want to ad a link to each image so when clicked they could open different pages where they are linked.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hi I really like your Plugin its great, however I want to add a link to each Image in the Gallery, is it possible ? at the moment when I click on the image only the image opens I want to ad a link to each image so when clicked they could open different pages where they are linked.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hello, I’m trying to figure out how to make the slideshow gallery on my homepage auto-play. Is there a built in function for this or do I have to mess with the code? Or would it be easier to just find a different plugin altogether?
Thank you!
]]>Hello – wondering if there is a way to change the carousel background color to something other than black. Thank you in advance for the assistance.
]]>Hello friends,
we’ve been using Heroic Gallery Manager for our website and were wondering now if there’s any way to add a few simple social sharing buttons (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest etc.) to each single image in the gallery.
A compatible plugin, maybe? We tried Simple Share Buttons but it only works on proper pages or posts, not with media in a gallery.
Thanks in advance and keep up the great work with HGM!
]]>Hi Guys,
The slider plug-in you’ve made is great! Just having one problem with it. When on bigger screens the images in the slider comes up but it’s blurry. Normally it would just be like that while it’s loading but sometimes it just stays blurry until I stretch out or shrink the size of my browser. (It’s not because the file is too big because on my 13″ mac it loads fine.) Can you offer any fixes for this?
Each gallery works great on its own site. But when I put in into the post, or into the site – there are just a few thumbnails… no slideshow, no grids…
I got Focal theme.
]]>Nothing has changed, yet the homepage gallery isn’t working. Is this a 4.0 issue? A JS issue?
]]>I deleted a plugin earlier today (Squirrly) and re-activated WordPress SEO. My home page gallery has now disappeared and I’m not sure why.
The Heroic Gallery suddenly is not working, we use it everyday, no major changes today…
Not working??? help…
]]>Translation does not work! edited does not work my language does not work
How to translate this brilliant plugin?
PT-BR (Brasil)
A tradu??o n?o funciona! editado n?o funciona minha linguagem n?o funciona
Como traduzir esse genial plugin?
Client is using ‘Heroic Gallery Manager’ v 1.20 as part of Focal theme v1.1.1.
When setting the ‘gallery slug’ in conjunction with a ‘Heroic Galleries Archive’ menu option, the menu link leads to a 404 error.
If you then remove the slug to revert to the default ‘herogallery’, the 404 error persists, but the previous custom slug works.
For example, under settings if you change the ‘gallery slug’ to portfolio, the Heroic Galleries Archive menu link points to ‘’ but the page lists a 404. Manually viewing loads the archive of galleries.
If you then delete the gallery slug, the menu link points to ‘’ but lists a 404 error, but manually viewing ‘’ works.
Any way to correct this?
]]>Is there a limit as to how many images can be uploaded into a gellery?
]]>Hi, titles and descriptions are not showing up in my gallery images. I can only get the caption to show.
How to I enable the description and the image titles?
When I make a blog post in my theme (Focal) and include a Hero gallery I get the grid of images. When one is clicked on I go to a simple jpg that can’t be clicked on to go to the next image. Not at all good for the viewer.
But when I make a new gallery it has it’s own page with beautiful scrolling slide show and individual images that can be clicked on to go to the next one.
I would like that capability to show up in the blog post, not just in the gallery page.
How may I do that?
]]>I was wondering if it was possible to be able to change the title of the Heroic Gallery.
In the tabs section of a browser, I wanted to change the title that is shown
]]>I like the plugin very much and it works well. Just when I installed it on a different server than my own, I get the message “Item deleted from media gallery”. It differs which images show this whenever I refresh. The images show up fine after I’ve just uploaded them. Also, the WP media manager and the actual website show the images just fine.
It seems to be a problem with the server, but I cannot figure out what. Some parameters I thought might be useful: mysql.connect_timeout = 60; max_execution_time = 30; memory_limit = 64M.
Any clue as to what I should be looking for?
]]>Hello, great plugin, quick question.
In the caption I need to type accents á é í and so on, I managed this by using the javascript codes for this characters but that is not quite efficient. I used the spanish version of wordpress and the char set is UTF-8. Tried several approaches but no luck. How can I do this? I am open to some coding.
Thank you for time, support and amazing plugin
]]>Can this be used with Jetpack Carousel? How would you use a short code for this? I tried using NextGEN but the carousel lightbox only works with “WP images” so the lightbox I want is not working. I assume this would be the case with Heroic too?
]]>Is there some way to add urls to images hosted on a separate server?
]]>I am using the hero theme gallery with the three widgets on the front page. the middle widget is the custom gallery, unfortunately it will load the newest gallery and blog gallery. in the setting for this widget I can select how many galleries to show but where it says I can exclude galleries it will not take more than one number. It will not work with the gallery number or the order of the galleries.
I would like to select which gallery images are showing in the widget and not show any blog post gallery images – that option is in the footer widget.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Melynda Lappin