I have installed the plugin and activated it.
However, the broken shortcode still appears. This is an example:
The shortcode named [tp] … [/tp] still appears, even though it no longer has a handler. What gives?
(Edit : )
Never mind. I have used a plugin instead, which was written by somebody else. That one works.
I active plugin, but dont find anywhere to setting.
I used shortcode in menu. Test in frontend, work fine
I went to deactive visual composer and shortcode in menu ==> All code appear without hidden here.
What is wrong please?
]]>Since WooCommerce adds shortcodes to pages for their various pages, this plugin when active prevents the update cart function so you can delete cart contents.
]]>Hide Broken Shortcodes removes anything matching WordPress’ shortcode syntax that is left over after parsing shortcodes. Unfortunately this includes false positives such as [world]
<input type="text" name="hello[world]" />
which may have either been added by the user in the post content or added via another shortcode from another plug-in.
There have been previous reports of it breaking MailPoet and WooCommerce (You can add Event Organiser Pro to that list too). As the above shows, the issue is much wider than that.
]]>Thank you, Scott, for another great plugin. I have been using this without any known problem since WP 3.0.1, I think.
I have just now noticed one case where it won’t catch on, though:
FD Footnotes Plugin uses a shortcode whose identifier consists of any ordinal number:
[1. This is a footnote.]
It would be much appreciated if you could come up with a solution for this.
While I’m at it:
Have you ever thought of adding an option to hide whatever is located in between broken shortcodes? I’m seeing so many plugins that assume they will be around forever, and which, when broken, will display the exact thing they were meant never to give away.
[hideaway]My Secret[/hideaway]
This inherent leakiness renders most conditional shortcode plugins I’ve seen essentially unfit for their intended use.
I just discovered that Hide Broken Shortcodes doesn’t hide broken shortcodes found in Woocommerce’s “Product Short Description”.
Here are some screenshots…
Backend – https://take.ms/NWQid
Frontend – https://take.ms/OhKfG
Would you mind adding support for this?
]]>Plugin is working great on Posts/Pages, but I actually need it to be applied to the_excerpt.
Do you think you might want to add this to your plugin?
I’m thinking it’s likely as easy as adding ‘the_excerpt’ to the array of filters in line 71, yes?
I think this is actually the same thing this guy meant a few years ago: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-hide-broken-shortcodes-maybe-its-not-supposed-to-do-what-i-hoped?replies=2
Also – in case you were curious as to another cool use of this plugin – here’s why we need it:
We run a MultiSite installation where our home page aggregates content from all the different blogs in the network, and even though we’re using strip_shortcodes on the excerpts, there’s the quirk that strip_shortcodes only removes actual shortcodes. If a shortcode was generated by a plugin that’s active on a subsite, but not the mainsite, its shortcodes then wouldn’t be stripped out.
]]>Great plugin !
However, there is a problem with MailPoet.
When Hide Broken Shortcodes is active, the registration does not work.
]]>I changed the function to show the broken shortcodes to the admin/developer. Around line 70 I changed the function to the following and it appears to be working fine although I don’t know if it’s the proper place for it.
public static function register_filters() {
$filters = (array) apply_filters( 'hide_broken_shortcodes_filters', array( 'the_content', 'widget_text', ) );
foreach ( $filters as $filter )
if( !current_user_can('administrator') ) {
add_filter( $filter, array( __CLASS__, 'do_shortcode' ), 1001 );
Also is there a bettwer way to do this like a remove_filter
or remove_action
I could use instead so I don’t have to change the plugin itself? I saw on your faq’s how to remove individual shortcodes, but my goal is to hide the shortcodes for select people. I have a hell of a time trying to understand classes. The codex says you have to do something like this when the plugin is in a class:
global $my_class;
remove_filter( 'the_content', array($my_class, 'class_filter_function') );
I can’t figure out what to change $myclass and class_filter_function to and maybe I have to add a priority since this gets called late.
]]>With this plugin active, for whatever reason it made it so you could not change qty on items in the cart (not all items, just certain ones). Very strange, but we tracked it back to this plugin and sure enough once we turned it off we were fine.
]]>It would be a good addition for a plugin!
It would be based off maybe this?
]]>Non-code here, please forgive the dumbness of any questions I ask.
I read your other notes section about the hide_broken_shortcode filter and was wondering if that meant I could use the variable $default to display some text of my choosing when the plugin parsed a broken shortcode?
Love the plugin, I am specifically using it to hide shortcodes on my mobile theme using the WordPress Mobile Pack.
Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to remove nested shortcodes, ie:
In this case [shortcode1] is filtered out, but [shortcode2] remains visible on the page.
Any advice?
]]>I had hoped that hthis would hide shortcodes that renered to incomplete (broke) code ine the preview (blogroll). it did not
]]>This is the plugin I wanted! Sometimes the broken shortcodes bugged me whenever I needed to disable plugins from which I inserted shortcodes in my posts. Otherwise the broken shortcodes appeared in my posts. I definitely clear all the broken shortcodes in my posts though. sometimes I forgot the broken shortcodes. This plugin helps me to hide my mistakes! Thanks for the great plugin ??