Hi, no matter how I space the dates by changing the history date, my date titles end up jumbled together on the timeline
It looks very bad
Please help
Thank you for your time and consideration,
I have a page with the shortcode, but nothing is displayed.
There’s no instructions on how to add items to the timeline.
]]>do not work with wordpress 3.8.1+the theme’twentyeleven’
]]>I added an image together with the description but only display the description. May I know how can I display the images on the timeline? Thank you.
]]>Nice plug in – but it would be great if we could put date ranges in as tags (such as 1939-1945) – and also allow multiple date input formats: eg, both (m-Y) 09-1939 and just Y (1939)
]]>Template gets broken and nothing displays. I have tried specifying a particular category or just letting it run for all posts. Have tried embedding the shortcode in the code tags, etc…not working at all for me.
]]>I have successfully created a very nice timeline on my development site but I need to know how I can remove the tag link from the Date output on the timeline. Can you assist me please as I only want users to click on the description and never the date.
]]>I install successfully. I just know how to tag B.C.?
]]>Tried using it – but page I tried it on spits out this instead of anything intelligible..
1){ list($y, $m, $d) = explode($separator, $string); } else { $d=1; $m=1; $y=$string; } } if(substr($option,0,1)=="d") list($d, $m, $y) = explode($separator, $string); if(substr($option,0,1)=="m"){ $d=1; list($m, $y) = explode($separator, $string); } $date = new DateTime($y.'-'.$m.'-'.$d); return $date; } ?> 'Y-m-d','regex'=>'^([0-9]{2,4})-([0-1][0-9])-([0-3][0-9])$'); $date_formats_list[]=$date_formats; $date_formats=array('date'=>'d-m-Y','regex'=>'^([0-3][0-9])-([0-1][0-9])-([0-9]{2,4})$'); $date_formats_list[]=$date_formats; $date_formats=array('date'=>'m-Y','regex'=>'^([0-1][0-9])-([0-9]{2,4})$'); $date_formats_list[]=$date_formats; $date_formats=array('date'=>'Y','regex'=>'^([0-9]{2,4})$'); $date_formats_list[]=$date_formats; $date_print_formats=array('Y-m-d (1985-08-06)'=> 'Y-m-d', 'd-m-Y (06-08-1985)'=>'d-m-Y', 'm-Y (08-1985)'=>'m-Y', 'D d M Y (Fri 6 Aug 2010)'=>'D d M Y', 'd M Y (6 Aug 2010)'=>'d M Y', 'M Y (Aug 2010)'=>'M Y', 'Y/m/d (1985/08/06)'=> 'Y/m/d', 'd/m/Y (06/08/1985)'=>'d/m/Y', 'm/Y (08/1985)'=>'m/Y',); $default_css=" #history_timeline{ width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; } #history_timeline .timeline_row{ clear: both; display:block; } #history_timeline .timeline_left{ width: 40%; float: left; text-align: right; margin-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px; height: 40px; } #history_timeline .timeline_right{ width: 40%; float: left; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px; border-left: 1px solid #000; height: 40px; } #history_timeline .timeline_tag{ font-weight: bold; } #history_timeline .timeline_tag a{ text-decoration: none; color: #000; } #history_timeline .timeline_clear{ clear: both; display:block; } #history_timeline_widget{ width: 100%; display:block; clear: both; } #history_timeline_widget .timeline_widget_tag{ font-weight: bold; } #history_timeline_widget .timeline_widget_title a{ font-weight: normal; } "; ?>