Hi, useful ?? thank you to share it
I encounter the following php notices, when visiting WP settings page
Redirect Home Page To Profile On Login?
Notice: Undefined index: settings in /home/…/public_html/…/wp-content/plugins/home-page-to-bp-profile-plus-privacy/home-page-to-bp-profile-plus-privacy.php on line 33
Add Sitewide Privacy?
Notice: Undefined index: myprivacy in /home/…/public_html/…/wp-content/plugins/home-page-to-bp-profile-plus-privacy/home-page-to-bp-profile-plus-privacy.php on line 46
Please, do you know if we can use this plugin for now ?? without any trouble?
Many thank in advance
I’ve installed this on a BP test site but with the profile redirect box ticked only it had no effect, with the site-wide privacy box ticked the whole site fails with the notice “This webpage has a redirect loop”. I’ve had to delete the plugin in FTP to get back into my site.
Can you please advise?
]]>Options appear in /Settings/Reading but does not work at https://icecast.pro
Is there a possible conflict with Picatcha?
Let me know when you can look and I will activate.
]]>Hi. I really want the functionality of this plugin but when I install it my whole site dissappears and I get an error message.
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function bbp_is_single_forum() in /clientdata/apache-www/m/o/mobile-dj-network.com.au/www/wp-content/plugins/private-bp-pages/private-bp-pages.php on line 8”