Hi and thank you for making this plugin.
When I upload your plugin; I noticed that the WordPress visual editor is not showing up at Customizer as it has shown on your plugin tutorial video. I get the screenshot, you can see it from this link: https://ibb.co/f9qhcd3
Is there any solution to show the WordPress classic visual editor at customizer like you have at your plugin tutorial video.?
Thanks in advance.
Has this plugin no longer been supported?
They have not answered questions for 1 year.
In the latest version of WordPress (6.4.1), the plugin menu does not appear within “Appearance” > “Customize”.
Can I access it another way?
Thank you.
I’ve been using this excellent plugin for a few months, but a few days ago I had to remove it from my site and reinstall it, and when I reactivate it I see that all the customization it had disappeared.
In other words, it was activated and showed me its default banner and texts directly.
Is there a way to save, import and export the data of our custom general configuration?
Thanks and regards.
I have been using HookMeUp for several years with no problems.
But this is happening to me in the backend:
When activating HookMeUp, the ShortPixel Adaptive Images screen becomes completely out of order.
-> https://todolinux.com/.images/02.jpg
This would be the normal screen:
-> https://todolinux.com/.images/01.jpg
And these are the versions of both plugins that I’m using:
-> https://todolinux.com/.images/03.jpg
Could you review that incompatibility in the backend?
Thank you
]]>Hi, I came across your plugin and I need help with a problem, if your plugin could solve it. Is there a possibility to add text on product category pages (different content on different pages)? I read your old topics about 3 to 4 years ago, then the feature wasn’t available. Is it available now, or will it be available? If such functionality isn’t available in your plugin, can you redirect me to some other plugin that may have such functionality?
Thanks, looking forward for a reply.
PS: I tried your plugin, I can’t seem to find such functionality.
]]>Any edits to text on hooks on single product pages are resulting in huge spaces between rows of products on the catalogue pages. Is there a compatibility issue with Word Press 6.1.1 or Woo Commerce 7.2.2? This plugin has been so helpful, but we have had to deactivate it :(.
]]>Is HookMeUp 100% compatible with PHP 8.1 ?
]]>Hi, I would like to use your plugin, however I plan to start using the Woocommerce High-Performance order storage (COT) functionality. From what I see in the woo dashboard, your plugin is not compatible with it yet. Can you please share if or when you plan to support it? https://woocommerce.com/document/high-performance-order-storage/
Is the plugin buggy or is it me? i am using hooks in woocommerce archive from astra theme
1. If I use a shortcode or text in the option (Before Main Content) it appears in the PC version but in mobile it sends it below the content
2. If I use a shortcode or text (After Main Content) it is not seen on the PC but on mobile it is seen at the beginning.
What’s going on?
attached screenshot of (2)
Hello Sir,
I want a Feature which can allow Custom User ID Creation at WooCommerce Registration.
This will be different from the User ID that WordPress or WooCommerce creates at Registration.
This one is something that is Custom Created and Custom determined by Site Admin.
It will have a Prefix already determined by Admin, and the numbering system would also be pre-determined by Admin as well.
This Custom ID Feature will have the following Parameters:
1.) ID TITLE: This is the Name that Admin will call the Custom ID. And Admin should be able to create Multiple Types of Custom IDs according to User Type and User Role.
2.) ID PREFIX: A Prefix that will appear, separated by Comma, Dash, Pipe, or any other separator.
3.) NUMBER FORMAT: This is the Format in which the Numbers are applied. It can be numeric, starting from 1 and upwards. Or Admin can set it to have leading Zeros like “000” before the counting starts.
4.) BATCH NUMBER RANGE: This is the Number of Users that will form a Batch, before they are split into a new batch.
This range can be 1 to 1,000(One Thousand), 10(Ten Thousand) and whatever else the Admin decides.
5.)BATCH ID TYPE: This is the Grouping of Users into Batches, and the Type of Data Type used in this Grouping.
It could be:: A to Z, Alphanumeric, Symbol, or Text.
6.) OUTPUT: When these are now pre-determined by Admin, and a User Registers on the website, a Custom User ID should be automatically generated during User Registration, and should be added to the WooCommerce Account Dashboard as “User ID” or whatever Admin has already prenamed it, as seen here– https://prnt.sc/o07lm-UVtkFa
So in this Case, as seen from the Image above, Admin has called the Custom ID “Tag Number“.
He has used the Prefix “SP“.
He has used Number format with two leading Zeros “00“, and we can see that the current User is Number 19.
The User’s batch Number is 1, where Batch Number is represented by “BN“.
I want to believe that by now, you understand what I am talking about?
And I am now asking if there’s any WooCommerce Extension that can do that for me?
Or, if your plugin can do that for me? —or maybe you have or know of any plugin that can do that for me?
Needing to hear from you soon.
]]>Hello Sir,
You seem to have a good plugin that is able to hook into WooCommerce hooks.
I didn’t know of your plugin earlier, else I would have used your plugin for my needs.
But because I didn’t know about you, I used PHP Code snippets to hook into WooCommerce as you can see here– https://prnt.sc/-u1cwnzr5ycx
I however, still have some small things I want to do, that I still haven’t found the solution.
1.) If you go here— https://shoptimizerdemo.commercegurus.com/
You will not see “Add to Cart” Button on the Product Archives.
But when you Hover the mouse over the Product Image, the “Add to Cart” Button then appears– as can be seen here— https://prnt.sc/YMjWMYxIj7Mk
Please, do you have, or know of any PHP Code Snippet that I can use to achieve something like that?
Or, can your plugin do something like that?
2.) BOX SHADOW AND BORDER RADIUS AROUND PRODUCT CARDS: I will like to add Box Shadow and Border Radius around Product Archives. How do I do that?
Needing to hear from you soon.
Hi! I used the shopkeeper theme, and it shows on my dashboard that this plugin is required with the theme. However, I tried installing it a few months ago and it wasn’t WPML compatible.
I used it to add custom text below the add to cart button, and was not able to find any way to translate that text to the 2nd language of my website using WPML.
Is Hookmeup WPML compatible? If so, how do I translate custom content from the below the cart hook? Thanks!
]]>When enable the plugin Version 1.3.5 On my Check out page it have some yellow box with kind of the script name in the yellow box?
woocommerce_before_checkout_billing_form ;
woocommerce_checkout_before_order_review ;
woocommerce_review_order_before_payment ;
woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form ;
woocommerce_before_checkout_shipping_form ;
How to fix this ?
Thx J
Good evening, I have problems with the wordpress editor. It does not appear in the Hook fields, nor does the drop-down or the hook selection work. It only lets me enter Html code.
It happened to me when updating to the latest version 3.1.2 of oceanwp, in before version worked fine.
This posted solution doesn’t work for me.
Any solution?
Thank you very much and I await your response.
]]>I was excited to try this out, but it’s missing the one hook I was looking for, which is the ‘woocommerce_before_cart_collaterals’ hook, which really should be included.
Can it be added?
Hi there!
I installed your plugin and had a chance to try it out. But a few hours later I got 500 – Internal Server Error on my Woocommerce (the rest of the website works fine). Everything works if I deactivate your plugin. Any ideas how I can fix it?
When are you updating compatibility with Woocommerce 5.0 ? (Read message below)
The following active plugin(s) have not declared compatibility with WooCommerce 5.0 yet and should be updated and examined further before you proceed:
– Plugin Tested up to WooCommerce version:
WooCommerce 4.9.1
[Moderator note: Please, No bumping.]
I have seen a video of the plugin from June 2018. In this video a classic editor appears when displaying each of the hooks that you want to use.
I have downloaded and installed the plugin on October 2020 and I have bought that, in my case, that editor no longer appears in the hooks, only an empty box appears where we can enter the content we want. This greatly limits its use, I do not know if you have removed the editor or it is some incompatibility with my site.
Can you give me any indication please?
I use a theme from ThemREX and the visual builder W Bakery,
Thanks a lot,
Best regards
I want to translate the content that I write in the fields, in two languages. Is it currently possible using WPML or similar?
Thank you.
in storefront theme, first column and second column in checkout page is in same row. but when activated the plugin second column drops to the next row. how to fix that? @getbowtied
]]>Just wondering if this plugin will allow me to add an alert/notification under the “in stock” message and above the “add to cart” button a message that says how long the shipping time is? ie: “please allow 30-60 days for shipping”
]]>Hello, does HookMeUp support adding breadcrumbs to the shop/category pages (archives)? I’m using the Merchandiser theme which hides the breadcrumbs here. I’d like to know if I can add those back using this plugin and some of my own code.
first of all – great plugin.
I have noticed today, that it prevents the CUSTOMIZER on front-end from loading. When I click the “Customize” button, it opens the container on the left side of the screen, but it’s just empty and keeps loading forever (never loads) Can you please check for compatibility? Let me know if you need any further details – happy to help.
]]>Hi, Thanks for creating this awesome plugin. Is it possible to add different content (text/image) for each product in single product page?
]]>I sell bags and backpaks, so in my website I add a “after add to cart” hook with an image of the size of the product.
Since te products sizes are different, I need to use a diferent image for each product page.
How can I achive this?
thank you
]]>I have tried several times to include something – but nothing appears.
Unfortunately my build came after the supported version. When do you think you will have an update?
Is it possible to make different text in different languages? I’m using Shopkeeper theme with WPML and wanted to insert a sentence with a link, but the sentence and link has to be different when the language is changed. This
Is it doable?
I am using your amazing plugin on a Woocommerce in catalogue mode. I would like to add custom text to the category pages, each category with a different text. Is this possible? I don’t seem to be able to…
I am editing my Shopping Bag page, however the custom settings I made using HookMeUp (with Customize) are only visible when the WooCommerce Cart element is placed in the Shopping Bag ‘edit page’ in dashboard.
How can I customize the ‘Shopping Bag’ page without using the WooCommerce Cart element in the page?
Your plug-in is very neat!
Can you add the ability to render shortcode content when you place them on these specifics hooks?
Thank you.