Wordfence has identified this plugin as having a security vulnerability. Any chance of an update?
Its anyway to show reviews on scroll?
]]>I am using this for quotes. I would like to have 1 quote show and stop. Then when the user goes to a different page another quote would show. It would be good to show random quotes I have entered. Possible? Thank you!
]]>Hi there,
I’ve come across a small glitch, if I add a link that has %20 (spaces) in, the plugin removes the space which then leads to a 404. Any way to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Two issues on mobile:
When I disabled your plugin, it is fine, so your plugin is doing something strange.
Please advise urgently.
]]>I used the plugin on a site we are developing and I had to add the same scrolling text after each product in a category view, so I had from 3 to more than ten occurrences of the scrolling text in a page.
I noticed that randomly (and randomly is the key, see below) some scrolling text was broken: instead of a single line of text I had three in the same scrolling text, and once all of them scrolled out the three lines remained empty.
After some digging we noticed that the issue came from the fact that sometimes the “marquee-hsas-shortcode-<random number>” class had more occurrences, hence the jQuery code creating the dom elements duplicated them… the fact that random number was just two digits long resulted in a increment of the probability of the generation of two equal numbers growing with the number of texts…
Our solution was to generate the random number and add a microtime.
Not yet 100% safe, but good enough to no longer have malfunctioning scrolling texts in out tests.
We added at line 354 of hsas-register.php the following code:
$utime = sprintf(‘%.4f’, microtime(true)); //microtime(TRUE) does NOT always return a float! The fix is to format the microtime output to force it to always be a float
$currDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat(‘U.u’, $utime)->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(‘Europe/Berlin’));
$randnumber = $currDate->format(“dmY”) . $currDate->format(“hisu”) . sprintf(“%02d”, rand(0, 99));
There is probably a better and more elegant solution, but this is what we came out with in the limited time we had.
]]>The marquee scroll from the center of the page to the left and not from the right to the left. so half the width of the area is not being used. Any way to change that?
]]>in short code how can I show all regardless of group? group=”” ?
]]>My theme defers javascript until the footer, so your plugin breaks since it inlines JS right in the content, and assumes Jquery is loaded. Is there a way to force the JS into footer? Or better yet, use WP best practices and set the dependency and use the wp_add_inline_script function?
]]>Hi, I’ve just started using your plugin. I have 2 areas where I’m using scrolling text, one at the top and one under FAQ. Both have an error that occurs when loading the page maybe every 10th time. I can’t screenshot it fast enough, but it will display 3 lines stacked above one another of the same scrolling text but extremely fast, then it will go blank. If I refresh the page, it goes back to the 1 line as it should be. Can you fix this?
If I don’t hear back before Friday, the new url will be https://www.thehouseest.com/
Thank you.
I had to disable Version 9.2 today after spending a very long time reactivating each plugin one by one to find which one was causing my site to run extremely slow when trying to edit a page/post or even use the client dashboard of a wordpress site.
Horizontal scrolling announcement Version 9.2 was the problem now its disabled all is running fine.
Please can you try and fix so i can enable it again
Many thanks and great plugin until now
I see you are one of the original Horizontal scrolling announcements plugin developers. The old plugin was shut down, and in doing so, it left our site very slow as your JS file was called from your server. The next problem is that I can’t deactivate the plugin without the whole site disappearing due to an issue in the header where the old plugin was displayed.
Can you let me know how I can safely update to this new plugin version without causing issues if I simply just download the new version and try and run both at the same time to try and rectify the old version.
How am I able to deactivate the old plugin?
Please let em know as this is causing a lot of problems.
How to add css class for the shotcode?
]]>The Horizontal Scrolling Announcement pops up in the middle of the screen and only scrolls the left half of the screen. How do I get the text to scroll the full width of the screen?
The plugin really save my life, but have a little issue.
I don’t know how desactivate the “pause on mouse over” feature.
It’s possible?
How to Filter Group at admin dashboard. at all announcements news
]]>Hi Author,
It’s a nice and useful plugin. But how can we give access to Editors and or Authors roles for adding or editing announcements?
Thanks in advance.
How can i give access to editors so they can add or edit new scrolling announcements?
how can i increase the font size…. can you help me?
The scrolling spend on desktops is set to 20 which is perfect for our users.
However, on mobile devices the scrolling speed is much slower.
Is there some way to increase the speed for mobiles without affecting the speed on desktops?
Andrew Brett
Development Manager
One Golf Network
Great plugin. Wondering if there is a way in which to Hyper-linking scrolling content such a locations, to link to their individual pages?
If not, it would be a great feature to have.
The following query :
SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = ‘wp_hsa_plugin’ AND column_name = ‘hsa_options’\G
Used in Horizontal scrolling announcements plugin,
Could be changed as :
SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() and table_name = ‘wp_hsa_plugin’ AND column_name = ‘hsa_options’\G
As you can sed, i added table_schema=DATABASE() condition in the WHERE clause. It is very important to specify the table_schema when querying informtation_schema DB.
The modified versinon is fast than the previous one.
]]>thanks for this awesome plugin!
I don’t know why now, but the scrolling has glitch on the images.
could you help with this?
How can i give access to editors so they can add or edit new scrolling announcements?
I tried with “Menu editor” but it didnt work
Thank you
Still loving using this plugin. Thanks.
Is it possible to have “Fixed Position Announcement” for this version too?
]]>Hi There,
Just to suggest a modification in the following query for better performance :
WHERE table_name = ‘wp534_hsa_plugin’ AND column_name = ‘hsa_options’
by adding table_schema= DATABASE() in the where clause :
The final version should be :
SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() and table_name = ‘wp534_hsa_plugin’ AND column_name = ‘hsa_options’;
This is because, quering against information_schema when there are a lot of databases and tables could be a heavy operation when table_schema is missing.
]]>Hi There ,
Can u please tell me where to paste in header.php below syntax
3. Add directly in the theme using given PHP code
echo do_shortcode( ‘[hsas-shortcode group=”” speed=”10″ direction=”left” gap=”50″]’ );
I want to display text either below default Search bar or on top of shop page.
Pl advice.
Please add a duplication option. I have the previous outdated plugin, just like this newer one, but neither have the option to duplicate/make a copy of the same event. I am part of a car club, and we use this scrolling to display our monthly meetings. It is a hassle to have to copy and paste all of the information again, just to only change the date in the message. I can’t keep one long recurring event because each event has to expire at a particular date.
]]>Hi, is there any way if I have just one announcement, I can stop it from repeating. See https://kmdesign.website/ecs/ as you can see it is displaying it twice.
Hope you can help