we discovered your plugin and would like to use it on our website, but we noticed that your plugin stores all user IPs raw, without any anonymization, that it doesn’t seem to respect the ‘Do not track’ preferences of the clients’ browsers, and that there is no option or API to implement a cookie based opt-out feature for clients. All these aspects would be really important to be able to use your plugin complying with European / German data protection legislation.
Do you plan to add these features in the future?
Thank you very much in advance!
Hello, I am using the plugin and set it all up. It seems to be recording events but when i view the heatmap I do not see any data even though it says 122 clicks there are no dots. I am trying to implement hotspots.js since the normal heatmap doesnt seem to be working, but do i need to do anything other than check the box? its not really clear how to enable it. Any help would be appreciated!
after installing this plugin, the tabs (like Excerpt, Comment, Discussion) on post edit page in dashboard is not working, I mean extract/collapse.
I test it in different sites but same issue.
please help.
For anyone only getting the ha_user table and not the other 3 tables the problem is probably your MySQL Engine is set to engine=MyIsam. 3 of the 4 Tables created during Activation use Index Keys which require ENGINE=InnoDB. Add ENGINE=InnoDB; to each of the last 3 tables.
in file: wp-content/plugins/hotspots/php/controllers/admin-controller.php
deactivate/activate plugin – everything should work fine
// Create database tables
$query = ‘CREATE TABLE ‘.$wpdb->prefix.HA_Common::USER_TBL_NAME.’ (
‘.HA_Common::IP_ADDRESS_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::SESSION_ID_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::USER_ROLE_COLUMN.’ varchar(255) DEFAULT “”,
‘.HA_Common::USERNAME_COLUMN.’ varchar(255) DEFAULT “”,
) ‘ . $charset_collate;
dbDelta( $query );
$query = ‘CREATE TABLE ‘.$wpdb->prefix.ha_user_environment.’ (
‘.HA_Common::USER_ID_COLUMN.’ int(11) NOT NULL,
‘.HA_Common::BROWSER_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::OS_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::DEVICE_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
KEY ix_user_env (‘.HA_Common::USER_ID_COLUMN.’,’.HA_Common::BROWSER_COLUMN.’,’.HA_Common::OS_COLUMN.’,’.HA_Common::DEVICE_COLUMN.’)
) ENGINE=InnoDB;‘ . $charset_collate;
dbDelta( $query );
// User event table
$query = ‘CREATE TABLE ‘.$wpdb->prefix.HA_Common::USER_EVENT_TBL_NAME.’ (
‘.HA_Common::USER_ID_COLUMN.’ int(11) NOT NULL,
‘.HA_Common::USER_ENV_ID_COLUMN.’ int(11) NOT NULL,
‘.HA_Common::EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN.’ varchar(50) NOT NULL,
‘.HA_Common::URL_COLUMN.’ varchar(255) NOT NULL,
‘.HA_Common::X_COORD_COLUMN.’ int(11),
‘.HA_Common::Y_COORD_COLUMN.’ int(11),
‘.HA_Common::PAGE_WIDTH_COLUMN.’ int(11),
‘.HA_Common::DATA_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::DESCRIPTION_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
KEY ix_event (‘ . HA_Common::X_COORD_COLUMN . ‘,’. HA_Common::Y_COORD_COLUMN . ‘,’
. HA_Common::EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN . ‘,’ . HA_Common::PAGE_WIDTH_COLUMN . ‘,’
. HA_Common::URL_COLUMN . ‘,’ . HA_Common::USER_ENV_ID_COLUMN . ‘)
) ENGINE=InnoDB;‘ . $charset_collate;
dbDelta( $query );
// Custom event table
$query = ‘CREATE TABLE ‘.$wpdb->prefix.HA_Common::CUSTOM_EVENT_TBL_NAME.’ (
‘.HA_Common::EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::DESCRIPTION_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::CUSTOM_EVENT_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::URL_COLUMN.’ varchar(255),
‘.HA_Common::IS_FORM_SUBMIT_COLUMN. ‘ tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
‘.HA_Common::IS_MOUSE_CLICK_COLUMN. ‘ tinyint(1) DEFAULT 1,
KEY ix_custom_event (‘ . HA_Common::URL_COLUMN . ‘,’. HA_Common::EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN . ‘)
) ENGINE=InnoDB;‘ . $charset_collate;
dbDelta( $query );
System wont recognize logged in users on Chrome. If I log in from different user names from my broswer results will only show actions that come from my browser instead of showing actions coming from different users.
Is there a premium version that might solve this issue?
Would really appreciate a quick response,
Kind Regards,
]]>From another thread (‘View Heatmap’ Button Not Working) it seems there should be a table “wordpress_ha_user_event”. I have only one single table “wordpressha_user”. Data is recorded in there, but in the interface there are no heatmaps, no data, nothing.
]]>I can’t find any explanation for this setting and if and when it should be checked.
it looks that system track one URL https://www.example.com with parameters separatelly. It is not the same https://www.example.com with https://www.example.com/?gclid=blablabla or /?utm_source=blablabla I must cut all parametrs from database to get only valid pages. Is there a workarround?
I am on wp-admin/admin.php?page=ha_heatmaps_page
Then when I click view heatmap, nothing shows, so I decided to check the console and foundout that you have too many 404 errors.
the correct url should be
I found six of them? Any solution?
]]>Line 318 of admin-controller.php has
$root_relative_path = '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.. ' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
Note the space after the second ..
Should be:
$root_relative_path = '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
Hello , I am on the backend and when I go to the heatmap and click ‘View Heatmap’
The button does not redirect to any action.
Everything else on the plugin seems to work.
There is a space in the code that builds the root_relative_path on line 318 of .\wp-content\plugins\hotspots\php\controllers\admin-controller.php
$root_relative_path = '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.. ' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
should be
$root_relative_path = '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
This is causing errors. I thought you might like to know. ??
Bud Manz
Can this plugin is set to track mouse position, for example every certain seconds?
I think this way, people can predict the eye movement on site. Since I think we usually move mouse cursor to where our eyes is seeing.
BTW nice plugin.
]]>Using WP 4.3.1 and theme Twenty Fourteen. Heat maps are not showing. Need help.
I tested your demo link https://danielpowney.com/hotspots-analytics/?drawHeatmap=true
and I can’t see any heatmaps under Chrome 45 (Mac OS X), it works under Firefox.
Best regards,
Hi – This is the first time I am using this plugin. After activating I went straight to the settings, and after setting start and end time and went through all the other tabs, I found several SQL error statements in the log:
WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘ix_event’ for query ALTER TABLE wp_ha_user_event ADD KEY ix_event (x_coord, y_coord, event_type, page_width, url, user_env_id) made by activate_plugin, do_action(‘activate_hotspots/hotspots.php’), call_user_func_array, ha_activate_plugin, HA_Admin_Controller::activate_plugin, dbDelta
WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘ix_user_env’ for query ALTER TABLE wp_ha_user_environment ADD KEY ix_user_env (user_id, browser, os, device) made by activate_plugin, do_action(‘activate_hotspots/hotspots.php’), call_user_func_array, ha_activate_plugin, HA_Admin_Controller::activate_plugin, dbDelta
WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘ix_custom_event’ for query ALTER TABLE wp_ha_custom_event ADD KEY ix_custom_event (url, event_type) made by activate_plugin, do_action(‘activate_hotspots/hotspots.php’), call_user_func_array, ha_activate_plugin, HA_Admin_Controller::activate_plugin, dbDelta
The plugin has been recommended big style, but this does not look very trustworthy … and I hope I am wrong ?? seriously.
]]>Hi, I saw this error in the footer section whenever I view the heatmaps
Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively in
I was wondering if there was a way to easily capture the URL of a mouse click on a page view. I am trying to capture a user’s path in the raw data without having to convert XY coordinates to URLs. Although hotspots captures the XY coordinates of a mouse click, I don’t get the URL that was visited from this mouse click unless it is another wordpress page on the same domain (thus creating a new page view).
The main example of what I am trying to capture is if someone clicks on a link to a pdf, I would like the URL of that pdf to be captured as well as the XY coordinates. This would allow for easy interpretation of the log data instead of having to determine where all the XY coordinates are on a page by viewing the heat map.
I have a few pages that have a variety of resources for visitors. These are predominantly pdfs. When viewing a user report in hotspots, all I get is a list of XY coordinates. This makes it difficult to determine what people are clicking on at a glance, and XY coordinates still need to be converted to URLs by a human if I were to do any kind of advanced statistical or frequency counting.
I am hoping there may be a simple answer? Is there is a quick snippet of code that can be added to the plugin to capture this in a new field in mysql to come up on user reports? Where would I go about looking to do this in the plugin’s code if I wanted to try writing this functionality on my own and what elements should I consider?
Thank you for your consideration,
Jeremy RIel
Hi Daniel,
The plugin is installed, and I can see clicks etc data on the backend. But I can’t see heatmaps: https://motibili.in?drawHeatmap=true
I’ve disabled the caching plugin I’m using. Thoughts?
]]>I am getting the following error when activating the plugin:
WordPress database error: [Table 'username_wp.wp_ha_custom_event' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_ha_custom_event WHERE url = "https://domain.co.uk/" OR url = ""
Looking via phpMyAdmin, sure enough it’s not creating the table on install.
]]>Heatmaps are available for anyone if they type in browser url with query parameters. How can I make them viewable only for users logged in WP dashboard?
]]>When I enable Hotspots Analytics I can’t open drop down menus in WordPress (in page edit view). After disabling the plugin menus work fine.
]]>How do I remove heatmaps I no longer want?
]]>I suggest removing http:
from https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/hotspots/trunk/php/controllers/admin-controller.php#L322 so that clients on https don’t have the script blocked.
Hi there – Love the plugin, but I can seem to get any stats for logged in subscribers. I run a password-protected site where subscribers must log in to access the content, and I’d like to track where they’re going after the log in, but this isn’t working. Is there anything I can do to activate this?
]]>Hi there,
I was wondering if it was still possible to get the remote package to try this out as I clicked on your link and it goes to a dead page on your website.
Thanks in advance
]]>Hey, i just wanted to buy you a beer for this great plugin, but the donation button (www.ads-software.com redirects to your page and that button just links to paypal..) is not working ??
unter the editor on the edit page site there are several more options like wordpress seo, custom fields and so on. if the plugin is active i cant expand those ?? a fix would be nice! ??
besides of that great plugin!
I installed the plugin and I can see it records points correctly, in addition, it records the screen sizes. However, when I try to view heatmaps in smaller screens, the heatmaps do not show up.
Can you please explain how the plugin is supposed to work with smaller screens?
Also, would be nice if you refer us to any documentation or explanation, if any, of how the plugin work so we can contribute to its development.
Thanks, you did a good job!
]]>For example:
The following are consider distinct pages therefore have different heatmaps: