Change line 59 in html-javascript-adder.php
parent::WP_Widget('html_javascript_adder', __('HTML Javascript Adder', 'hja'), $widget_ops, $control_ops);
parent::__construct('html_javascript_adder', __('HTML Javascript Adder', 'hja'), $widget_ops, $control_ops);
With that to the help in this post.
]]>I notice that there hasn’t been an update in quite a while.
According to the changes being implemented and the information here then it looks like the plugin may not function correctly if updating to 4.3 (from 18th August).
Is this likely to happen? What will the consequences be? Will there be an update ready in time?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m new to using Javascript and love the potential of this app.
I want to use Facebook’s plug-in from their site with this app instead of Jetpack’s Facebook plug-in which I was previously using. The Facebook plug-in offers two scripts with the following directions:
“1. Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening <body> tag.”
“2. Place the code for your plugin wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.”
Using the HTML Javascript Adder widget, I put in the code for #2 and it worked while the Jetpack Facebook plug-in was also running, but when I removed the Jetpack Facebook plug-in the HTML Javascript Adder widget changes from the full Facebook plug-in to just my name in small type.
I’m guessing I need to add the first code (1.) from the Facebook Plug-In somewhere on my site for the Javascript Adder widget to work on its own, but where do I add that script ot my page?
I add this script and nothign appear
<script data-pkey="9ezoy7kx5u" data-rpmplayer type="text/javascript">var d=document,a=window.__Ananas__,n=d.createElement("script"),s=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];if(!d.getElementById("rpm_")){n.type="text/javascript";"rpm_"; n.async=true;n.src="";s.parentNode.insertBefore(n,s)};if(a){if(a.reInit){a.reInit()}}</script>
My blog is A sponsor only wants the text links to appear on the home page only. I love this widget but the text link is appearing on all of my pages. The sponsor is making my life miserable. I can only get it to show up if I select show on all pages.
Is there anything I am doing wrong that I can fix to get it to only appear on the homepage? I am not very savvy with anything tech or code.
Thank you for any help, Tammie
]]>Hi everyone!
I’m using this cool plugin in order to embed an iframe for a banner. This links to an external website. It’s ok this banner to be visible in the homepage for everyone however I want that only certain types of user can reach the destination link…could you help me with this??
Thank you!
I love this plugin lot but the plugin has suddenly stopped showing up any ad on my site
While, you won’t be able to see the ads on the site, you can still view the ad on a 404 error page. example,
Can’t figure out the issue. I tried deactivating the plugin and then reactivate but it still is a big issue for me to show ads. so far no success.. please help..
I want to add the JS into my page in the about page. How do I do that?
]]>Trying to Save changes on some new code i added in the Widget and its not saving it just keeps loading.
Thanks for your help
]]>Show widget only on specific pages doesn’t work on ver 3.9 it shows on all pages and posts.
]]>Hello, I am trying to use this plugin to display a random string of text by using a snip of javascript. The code,
<script language="JavaScript">
// ==============================================
// Copyright 2004 by
// Free for all; but please leave in this header.
// ==============================================
var Quotation=new Array() // do not change this!
// Set up the quotations to be shown, below.
// To add more quotations, continue with the
// pattern, adding to the array. Remember
// to increment the Quotation[x] index!
Quotation[0] = "Time is of the essence! Comb your hair.";
Quotation[1] = "Sanity is a golden apple with no shoelaces.";
Quotation[2] = "Repent! The end is coming, $9.95 at Amazon.";
Quotation[3] = "Honesty blurts where deception sneezes.";
Quotation[4] = "Pastry satisfies where art is unavailable.";
Quotation[5] = "Delete not, lest you, too, be deleted.";
Quotation[6] = "O! Youth! What a pain in the backside.";
Quotation[7] = "Wishes are like goldfish with propellors.";
Quotation[8] = "Love the river's \"beauty\", but live on a hill.";
Quotation[9] = "Invention is the mother of too many useless toys.";
// ======================================
// Do not change anything below this line
// ======================================
var Q = Quotation.length;
var whichQuotation=Math.round(Math.random()*(Q-1));
function showQuotation(){document.write(Quotation[whichQuotation]);}
Its obviously an external script, and Im not sure if that is the reason it is not working or because something I am doing is wrong. Any input would be appreciated.
if(!defined('WP_CONTENT_URL')) {
$hja_url = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/' . plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'/';
$hja_url = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/';
you should use
$hja_url = plugins_url() . '/' .plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/';
Version 3.7 of HTML Javascript Adder works great with WP 3.7.1. Unfortunately, the new version of this plugin does not let me show only in specific pages.
The old version is excellent, though!
]]>Hi Guys,
If I try to save the widget, it keeps loading.
Happens on all my websites..
Any input would be great.
using socialreviewtheme and wpsocial plugins
]]>Mysitemyway shortcodes are working with this plugin. Can someone help?
]]>I can’t get the javascript image to work at all. The title appears, but no image below.
I’m currently using the Socrates them version 2.3, but I’ve also tried several other themes and got the same result.
The code is from an affiliate program and no one else seems to be having any trouble installing it. I’m stumped!
I’d really appreciate any suggestions.
]]>the function suddenly not working. I don’t know what happen. It was working before
Can you tell me what to do? I re-install it still gives me the same problem?
Also How can I only want to hide in certain categories? is this possible?
]]>Version 3.8 disables my “Show only in specific pages” filters and all my widgets appear on all my pages. then the server goes down because of the size of the pages. can i download 3.7? or can u fix this on 3.8 or 3.9?
]]>This plugin when i activated it it conflicts with wordpress js and frozen all my widgets .
]]>There is no way to deal with any widget, neither drag them while this plugin is active.
Sadly, I can’t even retrieve codes which were placed into this plugin’s fields earlier, widgets become operational only after this plugin is deactivated so codes are gone.
]]>Hi there,
I love this plugin, but I can only seem to get my affiliate images to show in posts when I’d like them to appear on pages as well. I need support in allowing me to place this widget on my pages.
]]>I tried the plug in with HTML and it works fine on the sidebar. THanks!
I want to now stop hard coding the scrolling text with a list of names from the database? Can I use an include type feature and it runs the PHP that contains the SQL to extract the names and build the new list of names dynamically.
Can this be done or I need to look else where?
Thanks again
the plugin works fine but it adds a hashtag to the end of all the urls and when i click on pages it moves halfway down the page can you help?
]]>WordPress 3.5.1
HTML Javascript Adder 3.7
When enabling this plugin cannot drag and drop widgets, opening widget options or opening Screen Options on Widgets page !
Any idea ? Thanks
]]>The previous version worked absolutely fine. The new version whited out my javascript widgets and screwed up all the other java on the site. I tried reverting back to the previous version but the damage was done…what is going on???
]]>I uninstalled all my plugins to see which one was blocking the widget area. After turning them on one by one, I found this one would not work with the widget area.
As far as I know this plugin works other than this major hiccup.
]]>No error message is given, but the icon just does not show on my site. As a matter of fact, it does not even preview on the Widgets page during the process of installing the widget.
]]>Hi, My widgets admin page broke, specifically when I clicked onto the widgets page, it was just a blank white page.
I started to deactivate plugins and it ended up being this plugin that caused the issue.
I just update wordpress and all plugins with no new luck. Any suggestions would be great.
Installed this plugin which works perfectly – except some images are hard coded in the php?
For the images in the toolbar, lines 243, 270, 276.
example line 270:
<img src=”https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/html-javascript-adder/images/help-icon.png”
should be:
<img src=”<?php echo HJA_URL . ‘images/help-icon.png’; ?>”
I am very new to wordpress, like 5 days new. I have my website up, but now I would like some help so that I can place ads and banners. I am not sure where to start in going about adding the HTML or codes that I have. Can I personalize it all all?