Hi, I’m trying to find a plugin/player that will play audio files with a playback speed control (1.25x, 1.5x, 2.0x) so slow-speaking podcast files can play faster. They are hard to find for audio, but easier for video files. Just wondering if you have considered this feature for this plugin. Thank you.
]]>Warning: base64_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/jlinform/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/html5-mp3-player-with-playlist/playlist.php on line 29
Warning: base64_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/jlinform/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/html5-mp3-player-with-playlist/playlist.php on line 30
Warning: base64_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/jlinform/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/html5-mp3-player-with-playlist/playlist.php on line 31
Warning: base64_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/jlinform/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/html5-mp3-player-with-playlist/playlist.php on line 32
]]>I just bought the paid version and it won’t save a playlist. The message says it was added successfully but no playlists are in the list.
]]>I installed and activated the plugin ,the song list is showing in the player. but not playing the songs. Please help
]]>Does the free version not show the name of the playlist?!? If not, why is it in the settings of a playlist?
]]>I have a poetry web site with a narrow sidebar (218 px), and I cannot find a WordPress plugin for a VERTICAL audio player, preferably with the “album” image capability.
Would be nice if someone would think of web sites other than music. Poems require a long, narrow page, not a wide page. I ended up narrowing my whole theme in order to enhance the readability of the poems. Can’t find a nice vertical BLACK player anywhere for my narrower sidebar.
]]>Currently player properties is added to all the audio tags in webpage. How to exclude any AUDIO tag on page
]]>Can we use multiple player on a single page?
]]>How to remove playlist and only show player for single mp3
]]>By trying to save a new playlist, the plugin not save this!?
]]>How to make Track list thumbnail ?
]]>I test for a free hosting and it works, in pay hosting does not work!
Screenshot: https://prntscr.com/3kyhwp
Help me please.. thanks
Nice plugin. Thank you for sharing it.
My .mp3’s are located in a directory with an XML file that updates without my intervention. Is there a way to point your player to my alternate XML so I don’t have to manually edit the playlist (html5mp3_items) through the admin form every time I upload a new .mp3 file?
]]>I need this big player plugin and will not appear on the option settings. I think you need the xml file. Can anyone help me?
How do i set the default audio volume to maximum.
]]>how can i use this as a widget in side bar . shortcode dont work in widget areas
]]>mp3 files are not listed in the feed reader (google reader). It shows a blank where the player would be. How can I have the mp3 files show up in the rss feed?
]]>Because on your website it says it does and it didnt say only for the paid version but ofc the html5full.php file isnt to be found anywhere.
So if this is not possible please let me know.
]]>Shortcode isnt working.
]]>Hello. I have an XML file with various albums in it. Each has an image. Clicking on the song title updates the thumbnail, but when the player goes to the next song automatically, the thumbnail doesn’t update. Can you give some insight in to how to update the code to make the thumbnail update automatically?
]]>The generated shortcode is not working in any text widgets, I’ve tested other default short codes and they work in text widgets on my custom sidebars (I’ve edited functions.php to make it work), but the one generated by this plugin I’ve bought does not work.
Any advice? It only works in regular posts.
Thanks in advance.
]]>song is continuously looping
how to stop it after playing once?
playlist loop is working fine..i am talking about single song loop..
any fix?
]]>This plugin works great for me. I watched the video and bulit a bunch of playlists with no problem.
Only issue i am having is when i thy to use the short code for the vertical playlist.
No player or playlist shows up just the shortcode [html5mp3big:3023].
any ideas?
]]><img src=”https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/c0.0.403.403/p403x403/536066_343750419031676_1423552014_n.jpg”>
]]>so I see the settings page that has the xml stuff and the Add New, but nothing is clear. What are we supposed to do??
Copy the xml code and paste into the content of a page or post??
]]>Love this plugin, great job but it’s not showing up in IE8. No playlist, no button showing but can see all in other browsers.
Any advice please? Thank you.
I got sometime to update plugin…
Please check now we have plugin setting page where users can set XML based playlist for Title, Artist, Song, Photo…
Keep me posted ??
]]>The description needs to say somewhere that it’s just a demo and you have to pay to actually customize the playlist. Looks like a great plugin but wasted time trying to get a demo to work.
]]>Integrate HTML5 MP3 Player with XML based Playlist
]]>Plugin is no good. No “list.xml” file included so plugin is just a crippled demo.