Quick question. I am using this plugin for a site in Detroit, MI. It currently will not show the current days events. Only events for the next day on.
I am guessing this is due to the:
gmt_start ?
Here is my code in my sidebar.
<?php ICalEvents::display_events('url=https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/d9psbbihu1h9rhgi4t9ogiikok%40group.calendar.google.com/private-ba147c71b61a2401a9cb6480b7366578/basic.ics&limit=100&gmt_start=' . time()); ?>
I have a feeling this is a simple fix, just getting a little confused. Any help would be greatly appreciate.
After activation, plugin shows some event repeating endlessly it seems, or.. for a very long time.
the debug mode says:
Unsupported iCal COUNT value “COUNT=14”
Unsupported iCal COUNT value “COUNT=5”
Unsupported iCal COUNT value “COUNT=1”
I tried to look in the import_ical.php, but, being a complete ignoramus, I left it untouched. ??