WP 6.1.1; CP 1.5.2
]]>Hello. I’m using WP 6.0.2 and your plugin will not delete. The error message says simply:
Deletion failed:
with no reason.
Please advise.
]]>I tried to add a custom font and succesfully uploaded a fontello zip file.
The archive is extracted to “iconize_fonts” in uploads and as far as I can see Iconize generates some additional files as well.
However the font is not showing up as selectable for my categories. It is showing up in Elementor Icon selection, but the Icon itself is not shown on the page.
The inspected element seems to miss the font-family, and it seems that the font-face isnt’t loaded as well.
]]>Hi and thanks for the detailed doc of this plugin. However, as I’m a designer, not a developer, I can’t figure out how to show the taxonomy icon inside of Elementor.
I used the block “Post Info” to list the custom ACF categories of a post. But the icon does not show up.
I then tried to add a shortcode in the functions.php and added it in place of the “Post Info” block. The code looks like this:
function iconize_icon_shortcode( $atts ) {
echo iconize_get_term_icon_by( 'name', get_queried_object()->name, get_queried_object()->taxonomy );
add_shortcode( 'iconize_icon', 'iconize_icon_shortcode');
Can you help me out? My goal is simply to show an individual icon beside each category name on the frontend. Thanks!
]]>I am trying to use iconize and add icon to menus. When I click on the select icon box, the iconize dialog box with many icon to select doesn’t pop up. I seems video on how it work but that box doesn’t pop up. Why is that?